#!/usr/bin/perl # $RedRiver: update_trango.pl,v 1.1 2005/11/16 03:28:42 andrew Exp $ ######################################################################## # update_trango.pl *** Updates trango foxes with a new firmware # # 2005.11.15 #*#*# andrew fresh ######################################################################## use strict; use warnings; use Net::Telnet; use Net::TFTP; use YAML; my @Foxes = ( '', # '', # '', # '', ); my $password = 'password'; my $new_file = 'fsu53_2p0a2H0003D05101403.s19'; my $new_ver = 'FSU 1p06H0003D04111001'; my $new_cksum = 'x1D28DCC4'; my $max_tries = 3; foreach my $fox (@Foxes) { print "getting temp from Fox: $fox\n"; ## Connect and login. my $host = new Net::Telnet (Timeout => 5, Prompt => '/#> *$/'); $host->open($fox); $host->dump_log('dump.log'); ## Login to remote host. $host->waitfor( -match => '/password: ?$/i', -errmode => "return", ) or die "problem connecting to host ($fox): ", $host->lastline; $host->print($password); $host->waitfor( -match => $host->prompt, -errmode => "return", ) or die "login ($fox) failed: ", $host->lastline; ## Send commands if ( upload($host, $new_file) ) { $host->send('reboot'); } else { $host->send('exit'); } $host->close; } sub upload { my $host = shift; my $file = shift; my $ver = get_ver($host); if ( $ver->{'Firmware Version'} eq $new_ver && $ver->{'Checksum'} eq $new_cksum ) { print "Already updated!"; return 1; } my $try = 0; while (1) { $try++; enable_tftpd($host) || die "Couldn't enable tftpd"; # use tftp to push the file up # waitfor some sort of output # make sure it says 'Success.' otherwise error my $results = check_tftpd($host); # check the 'File Length' against ??? # 'updateflash mainimage $old_cksum $new_cksum' # OR # 'save mainimage [current firmware checksum] [new firmware checksum]' # waitfor a prompt, look at the end of the output for 'Success.' otherwise # error. # decode_lines to get 'Checksum' to see if it matches $new_cksum $ver = get_ver($host); # check versions if ($try >= $max_tries) { warn "Couldn't update in $max_tries tries!"; return undef; } } } sub get_ver { my $host = shift; return cmd($host, 'ver'); } sub enable_tftpd { my $host = shift; my $vals = cmd($host, 'tftpd on'); if ($vals->{'Tftpd'} eq 'listen') { return 1; } else { return undef; } } sub check_tftpd { my $host = shift; return cmd($host, 'tftpd'); } sub cmd { my $host = shift; my $string = shift; my @lines = $host->cmd($string); my $vals = decode_lines(@lines); return $vals; } sub decode_lines { ### XXX ver has 2 Checksums. one for FPGA and one for Firmware. DOH! my @lines = @_; my %conf; my $key = ''; my $val = ''; my $in_key = 0; my $in_val = 0; foreach my $line (@lines) { my @chars = split //, $line; foreach my $c (@chars) { next if $c eq "\r"; next if $c eq "\n"; if ($c eq '[') { $in_key = 1; $in_val = 0; if ($key) { $val =~ s/\s+$//; $conf{$key} = $val; $key = ''; $val = ''; } } elsif ($c eq ']') { $in_val = 1; $in_key = 0; $c = shift @chars; } elsif ($in_key) { $key .= $c; } elsif ($in_val) { $val .= $c; } } } print Dump \%conf; if (%conf) { return \%conf; } else { return \@lines; } }