#!/usr/bin/perl # $RedRiver: update_trango.pl,v 1.21 2007/02/01 17:08:44 mike Exp $ ######################################################################## # update_trango.pl *** Updates trango foxes with a new firmware # # 2005.11.15 #*#*# andrew fresh ######################################################################## use strict; use warnings; use YAML qw/ Dump LoadFile /; use Net::TFTP; use lib '.'; use Net::Telnet::Trango; my $config_file = shift || 'update_trango.yaml'; my $max_tries = 3; my $l = Mylogger->new( { log_prefix => 'UT' } ); $l->sp("Reading config file '$config_file'"); my $conf = LoadFile($config_file); #$l->sp(" Hardware Type: $conf->{'type'}"); #$l->sp(" File Name: $conf->{'file_name'}"); #$l->sp(" File Size: $conf->{'file_size'}"); #$l->sp(" File Checksum: $conf->{'file_cksum'}"); #$l->sp(" FW Version: $conf->{'ver'}"); #$l->sp(" FW Checksum: $conf->{'cksum'}"); #$l->sp(""); my @foxes = ( '', '', '', '', ); foreach my $fox (@foxes) { $l->sp("Checking: $fox"); my $needs_reboot = 0; ## Connect and login. my $t = new Net::Telnet::Trango ( Timeout => 5, Errmode => 'return', ) or die "Couldn't make new connection: $!"; $l->p("Connecting to $fox"); unless ( $t->open($fox) ) { $l->sp("Error connecting: $!"); next; } foreach my $firmware_type ('Firmware', 'FPGA') { if (! exists $conf->{$firmware_type}) { $l->s("No configs for '$firmware_type'"); $t->close(); next; } my $host_type = $t->host_type; if (uc($conf->{'firmware_type'}) eq 'FPGA') { $host_type =~ s/\s.*$//; } if (! exists $conf->{$firmware_type}->{$host_type}) { $l->sp("No '$firmware_type' config for type $host_type"); $t->close(); next; } unless ($t->logged_in) { $l->p("Logging in"); $t->login($conf->{general}->{'password'}) || die "Couldn't login: $!"; $t->exit(); } foreach my $k (keys %{ $conf->{general} }) { $conf->{$firmware_type}->{$host_type}->{$k} ||= $conf->{general}->{$k}; } $conf->{$firmware_type}->{$host_type}->{firmware_type} ||= $firmware_type; $conf->{$firmware_type}->{$host_type}->{type} ||= $host_type; $l->sp("Updating: $host_type $firmware_type on $fox"); $l->p("Sending commands"); ## Send commands if ( upload($t, $conf->{$firmware_type}->{$host_type}) ) { $l->sp("Successfull!"); $needs_reboot = 1; } else { $l->sp("Failed"); } $l->sp(""); } if ($needs_reboot) { $l->sp("Rebooting $fox"); $t->reboot; } else { $l->sp("Exiting $fox"); $t->exit(); } exit; } sub upload { my $t = shift; my $conf = shift; my $file = $conf->{firmware_path} . '/' . $conf->{file_name}; my $fw_type = $conf->{firmware_type}; my $ver = $t->ver; print Dump $ver; $l->p("Current version '" . $ver->{$fw_type . ' Version'} . "'"); exit; if ( $ver->{$fw_type . ' Version'} eq $conf->{'ver'} && $ver->{$fw_type . ' Checksum'} eq $conf->{'cksum'} ) { $l->sp("Already updated!"); return 0; } my $try = 0; while (1) { if ($try >= $max_tries) { $l->sp("Couldn't update in $max_tries tries!"); return undef; } $try++; #sysinfo($self->{'_host'}); $l->p("Enabling TFTPd"); unless ($t->enable_tftpd) { $l->sp("Couldn't enable tftpd"); next; } $l->p("Uploading file ($file)"); # use tftp to push the file up my $tftp = Net::TFTP->new($t->Host, Mode => 'octet'); unless ($tftp->put($file, $file)) { $l->sp("Error uploading: " . $tftp->error); next; } $l->p("Checking upload ($conf->{'file_cksum'})"); my $results = $t->tftpd; # check the 'File Length' against ??? if ( $results->{'File Checksum'} ne $conf->{'file_cksum'}) { $l->sp( "File checksum '" . $results->{'File Checksum'} . " does not match config file '" . $conf->{'file_cksum'} . "'!" ); next; } $l->p("File checksum matches . . . "); if ($results->{'File Length'} !~ /^$conf->{'file_size'} bytes/) { $l->sp( "File length '" . $results->{'File Length'} . "does not match config file '" . $conf->{'file_size'} . " bytes'!" ); next; } $l->p("File length matches . . . "); if ( uc($results->{'File Name'}) ne uc($conf->{'file_name'}) ) { $l->sp( "File name '" . $results->{'File Name'} . "' does not match config file '" . $conf->{'file_name'} . "'!" ); next; } $l->p("File name matches . . . "); my $image_type = 'mainimage'; if ($fw_type eq 'FPGA') { $image_type = 'fpgaimage'; } $l->p("Updating $image_type (new checksum '$conf->{'cksum'}')"); unless ($results = $t->updateflash( args => $image_type . ' ' . $ver->{$fw_type . ' Checksum'} . ' ' . $conf->{'cksum'}, Timeout => 90, ) ) { $l->sp("Couldn't update flash: $!"); next; } unless ( defined $results->{'Checksum'} && $results->{'Checksum'} eq $conf->{'cksum'} ) { $l->sp("Saved checksum " . $results->{'Checksum'} . " does not match config file " . $conf->{'cksum'} . "!"); next; } $l->p("Uploaded checksum ($results->{'Checksum'}) " . "matches ($conf->{'cksum'})"); $l->sp("Successfully updated!"); return 1; } } package Mylogger; use Fcntl ':flock'; # import LOCK_* constants #use YAML; use constant LOG_PRINT => 128; use constant LOG_SAVE => 64; DESTROY { my $self = shift; if ($self->{'MYLOG'}) { $self->p("Closing log ($self->{'log_path'}/$self->{'log_file'})"); close $self->{'MYLOG'}; } } sub new { my $package = shift; my $self = shift || {}; $self->{'base_path'} ||= '.'; $self->{'log_path'} ||= $self->{'base_path'}; $self->{'log_prefix'} ||= 'LOG'; $self->{'log_file'} ||= GetLogName( $self->{'log_prefix'}, $self->{'log_path'} ); bless $self, $package; } sub s { my $self = shift; my $m = shift; return $self->mylog($m, LOG_SAVE); } sub p { my $self = shift; my $m = shift; return $self->mylog($m, LOG_PRINT); } sub sp { my $self = shift; my $m = shift; return $self->mylog($m, LOG_SAVE | LOG_PRINT); } sub mylog { my $self = shift; my $thing = shift; chomp $thing; my $which = shift; my $MYLOG; if ($which & LOG_PRINT) { print $thing, "\n"; } if ($which & LOG_SAVE) { if ($self->{'MYLOG'}) { $MYLOG = $self->{'MYLOG'}; } else { unless ($MYLOG) { open ($MYLOG, '>>', $self->{'log_path'} . '/' . $self->{'log_file'}) or die "Couldn't open logfile!\n"; my $ofh = select $MYLOG; $|=1; select $ofh; $self->{'MYLOG'} = $MYLOG; $self->p("Opened log ($self->{'log_path'}/$self->{'log_file'})"); } } flock($MYLOG, LOCK_EX); print $MYLOG (scalar gmtime), "\t", $thing, "\n" or die "Couldn't print to MYLOG: $!"; flock($MYLOG, LOCK_UN); } } sub GetLogName { my $prefix = shift || die "Invalid prefix passed for log"; my $logdate = GetLogDate(); my $logver = 0; my $logname; do { $logname = $prefix . $logdate . sprintf("%02d", $logver) . '.log'; $logver++; } until (not -e $logname); return $logname; } sub GetLogDate { my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,,,) = localtime(); $mon++; $year += 1900; if ($min < 10) { $min = "0$min" } if ($sec < 10) { $sec = "0$sec" } if ($hour < 10) { $hour = "0$hour" } if ($mday < 10) { $mday = "0$mday" } if ($mon < 10) { $mon = "0$mon" } my $time = $year . $mon . $mday; return $time; }