#!/usr/bin/perl # $RedRiver: update_trango.pl,v 1.2 2005/11/16 05:26:37 andrew Exp $ ######################################################################## # update_trango.pl *** Updates trango foxes with a new firmware # # 2005.11.15 #*#*# andrew fresh ######################################################################## use strict; use warnings; use Net::Telnet; use Net::TFTP; #use YAML; my $config_file = shift || 'fox53.conf'; my $conf = read_conf($config_file); my $max_tries = 1; foreach my $fox (@{ $conf->{'ips'} }) { print STDERR "Updating: $fox\n"; ## Connect and login. my $host = new Net::Telnet (Timeout => 5, Prompt => '/#> *$/'); print "Connecting to $fox\n"; $host->open($fox); $host->dump_log('dump.log'); ## Login to remote host. $host->waitfor( -match => '/password: ?$/i', -errmode => "return", ) or die "problem connecting to host ($fox): ", $host->lastline; my $login_banner = $host->lastline; my ($type, $version) = $login_banner =~ /Welcome to Trango Broadband Wireless (\w+)-(.+)$/i; if ($type ne $conf->{'type'}) { print STDERR "Wrong type of unit ('$type' should be '$conf->{'type'}')\n"; $host->close; next; } if ($version eq $conf->{'ver'}) { print STDERR "Already up to date with firmware version '$version'\n"; $host->close; next; } print "Logging in\n"; $host->print($conf->{'password'}); $host->waitfor( -match => $host->prompt, -errmode => "return", ) or die "login ($fox) failed: ", $host->lastline; print "Sending commands\n"; ## Send commands if ( upload($host, $fox, $conf->{'file_name'}) ) { print "Rebooting\n"; $host->print("reboot\n"); $host->getline; } else { print "Exiting\n"; $host->print("exit\n"); $host->getline; } $host->close; } sub upload { my $host = shift; my $fox = shift; my $file = shift; print "Getting current version\n"; my $ver = get_ver($host); if ( $ver->{'Firmware Version'} eq $conf->{'ver'} && $ver->{'Firmware Checksum'} eq $conf->{'cksum'} ) { print STDERR "Already updated!"; return 1; } my $try = 0; while (1) { if ($try >= $max_tries) { print STDERR "Couldn't update in $max_tries tries!"; return undef; } $try++; #sysinfo($host); print "Enabling TFTPd\n"; enable_tftpd($host) || die "Couldn't enable tftpd"; print "Uploading file\n"; # use tftp to push the file up my $tftp = Net::TFTP->new($fox, Mode => 'octet'); $tftp->put($file, $file) or die "Error uploading: " . $tftp->error; # waitfor some sort of output # make sure it says 'Success.' otherwise error #print "LAST: " . $host->lastline; #my @lines = $host->getlines; #print Dump \@lines; print "Checking upload\n"; my $results = check_tftpd($host); # check the 'File Length' against ??? if ( $results->{'File Checksum'} ne $conf->{'file_cksum'}) { print STDERR "File checksum does not match config file!"; next; } if ($results->{'File Length'} !~ /^$conf->{'file_size'} bytes/) { print STDERR "File length does not match config file!"; next; } if ( uc($results->{'File Name'}) ne uc($conf->{'file_name'}) ) { print STDERR "File name does not match config file!"; next; } print "Updating flash\n"; $results = updateflash( $host, $ver->{'Firmware Checksum'}, $conf->{'cksum'} ) or die "Couldn't update flash: " . $host->lastline; unless ( defined $results->{'Checksum'} && $results->{'Checksum'} eq $conf->{'cksum'} ) { print STDERR "Saved checksum does not match config file!"; next; } print STDERR "Successfully updated!\n"; return 1; } } sub get_ver { my $host = shift; return cmd($host, 'ver'); } sub enable_tftpd { my $host = shift; my $vals = cmd($host, 'tftpd on', 'Success.'); if ($vals->{'Tftpd'} eq 'listen') { return $vals; } else { return undef; } } sub check_tftpd { my $host = shift; return cmd($host, 'tftpd', 'Success.'); } sub sysinfo { my $host = shift; return cmd($host, 'sysinfo', 'Success.'); } sub updateflash { my $host = shift; my $old = shift; my $new = shift; return undef unless $new; return cmd($host, "updateflash mainimage $old $new", 'Success.', 90); } sub cmd { my $host = shift; my $string = shift; my $expect_last = shift; my $timeout = shift || 5; my @lines = $host->cmd(String => $string, Timeout => $timeout); my $vals = decode_lines(@lines); my $last = $host->lastline; unless ($expect_last) { return $vals; } if ($last =~ /$expect_last$/) { return $vals; } else { warn "Error with command ($string): $last"; return undef; } } sub decode_lines { my @lines = @_; my %conf; my $key = ''; my $val = ''; my $in_key = 0; my $in_val = 0; foreach my $line (@lines) { my @chars = split //, $line; my $last_key = ''; foreach my $c (@chars) { if ($c eq '[' || $c eq "\r" || $c eq "\n") { if ($c eq '[') { $in_key = 1; $in_val = 0; } else { $in_key = 0; $in_val = 0; } if ($key) { $key =~ s/^\s+//; $key =~ s/\s+$//; $val =~ s/^\s+//; $val =~ s/\s+$//; if ($key eq 'Checksum' && $last_key) { # Special case for these bastids. my $new = $last_key; $new =~ s/\s+\S+$//; $key = $new . " " . $key; } $last_key = $key; $conf{$key} = $val; $key = ''; $val = ''; } } elsif ($c eq ']') { $in_val = 1; $in_key = 0; $c = shift @chars; } elsif ($in_key) { $key .= $c; } elsif ($in_val) { $val .= $c; } } } #print Dump \%conf; if (%conf) { return \%conf; } else { return \@lines; } } sub read_conf { my $file = shift; my %conf; my $in_ip_list = 0; open my $fh, $file or die "Couldn't open file $file: $!"; while (<$fh>) { chomp; next if /^#/; next if /^$/; if ($in_ip_list) { push @{ $conf{'ips'} }, $_; } else { my ($key, $val) = split /\s+/, $_, 2; if (lc($key) eq 'ips') { $in_ip_list = 1; next; } $conf{ lc($key) } = $val; } } close $fh; #print Dump \%conf; foreach ( 'password', 'file_name', 'file_size', 'file_cksum', 'ver', 'cksum', 'ips', ) { die "No $_ specified in config file!" if (not exists $conf{$_}); } return \%conf; }