#=============================================================================== # # FILE: GET/list.t # # DESCRIPTION: Test Text::Todo::REST::API # # AUTHOR: Andrew Fresh (AAF), andrew@cpan.org # COMPANY: Red River Communications # CREATED: 01/07/10 19:11 # REVISION: $AFresh1: list.t,v 1.1 2010/01/17 19:41:24 andrew Exp $ #=============================================================================== use strict; use warnings; use Test::More tests => 5; my $class; BEGIN { $class = 'Text::Todo::REST::API'; use_ok( $class, "use $class" ); } diag("Testing GET list $class $Text::Todo::REST::API::VERSION"); my $api = new_ok( $class, [ { basedir => 't', path_info => '/lists/todo' } ] ); my $list_should_be = [ { 'text' => '(A) entry 1 @one +uno', 'md5' => '931e0831c31a70928b29de55778dc294', 'line' => 1 }, { 'text' => 'entry 2 @two +dos', 'md5' => 'b38dde8029c047e81379d9de581a6251', 'line' => 2 }, { 'text' => '', 'md5' => 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', 'line' => 3 }, { 'text' => 'x completed entry 4', 'md5' => '8de0a2b65a50d5e30e84ad48af46fa78', 'line' => 4 }, { 'text' => '(B) entry 5 is priority', 'md5' => 'c1692dfbf3b5829b6bce44b1a1614980', 'line' => 5 }, { 'text' => 'entry 6 +delete', 'md5' => 'e1f6bf867f75aa019063782554407d02', 'line' => 6 } ]; my @list; ok( @list = $api->get_list, 'Get List' ); is( scalar @list, 6, 'list is right length' ); is_deeply( \@list, $list_should_be, 'check that we got the right list' );