# Palm::Keyring.pm # # Perl class for dealing with Keyring for Palm OS databases. # # Copyright (C) 2004, Andrew Fresh # You may distribute this file under the terms of the Artistic # License, as specified in the README file distributed with the p5-Palm distribution. # # This started as Memo.pm, I just made it work for Keyring. # # $Id: Keyring.pm,v 1.7 2006/11/10 16:45:42 andrew Exp $ # $RedRiver: Keyring.pm,v 1.6 2006/11/10 16:18:59 andrew Exp $ use strict; package Palm::Keyring; use Palm::Raw(); use Palm::StdAppInfo(); use vars qw( $VERSION @ISA ); use Digest::MD5 qw(md5); use Crypt::DES; use constant ENCRYPT => 1; use constant DECRYPT => 0; use constant MD5_CBLOCK => 64; my $kSaltSize = 4; # One liner, to allow MakeMaker to work. $VERSION = do { my @r = (q$Revision: 1.7 $ =~ /\d+/g); sprintf "%d."."%02d" x $#r, @r }; @ISA = qw( Palm::StdAppInfo Palm::Raw ); =head1 NAME Palm::Keyring - Handler for Palm Keyring databases. =head1 SYNOPSIS use Palm::Keyring; $pdb->Decrypt('mypassword'); =head1 DESCRIPTION The Keyring PDB handler is a helper class for the Palm::PDB package. It parses Keyring databases. See L. It is just the standard Palm::Raw with 2 additional public methods. Decrypt and Encrypt. =cut =head2 new $pdb = new Palm::Keyring ('password'); Create a new PDB, initialized with the various Palm::Keyring fields and an empty record list. Use this method if you're creating a Keyring PDB from scratch. =cut #' sub new { my $classname = shift; my $pass = shift; # Create a generic PDB. No need to rebless it, though. my $self = $classname->SUPER::new(@_); $self->{name} = "Keys-Gtkr"; # Default $self->{creator} = "Gtkr"; $self->{type} = "Gkyr"; # The PDB is not a resource database by # default, but it's worth emphasizing, # since MemoDB is explicitly not a PRC. $self->{attributes}{resource} = 0; # Initialize the AppInfo block $self->{appinfo} = {}; # Add the standard AppInfo block stuff &Palm::StdAppInfo::seed_StdAppInfo($self->{appinfo}); # Set the version $self->{version} = 4; # Give the PDB the first record that will hold the encrypted password $self->{records} = [ { 'category' => 0, 'attributes' => { 'private' => 1, 'Secret' => 1, 'Dirty' => 1, 'dirty' => 1, }, }, ]; if ($pass) { $self->Encrypt($pass); } return $self; } sub import { &Palm::PDB::RegisterPDBHandlers(__PACKAGE__, [ "Gtkr", "Gkyr" ], ); } sub Load { my $self = shift; $self->SUPER::Load(@_); foreach my $record (@{ $self->{records} }) { next unless exists $record->{data}; my ($name, $encrypted) = split /\000/, $record->{data}, 2; next unless $encrypted; $record->{plaintext}->{name} = $name; $record->{encrypted} = $encrypted; } 1; } sub Write { my $self = shift; $self->Encrypt() || return undef; return $self->SUPER::Load(@_); } sub Encrypt { my $self = shift; my $pass = shift; if ($pass) { unless ($self->_keyring_verify($pass) ) { # This would encrypt with a new password. # First decrypting everything with the old password of course. $self->_keyring_update($pass) || return undef; $self->_keyring_verify($pass) || return undef; } } $self->{digest} ||= _calc_keys($self->{password}); foreach my $record (@{ $self->{records} }) { next unless defined $record->{plaintext}; my $name = defined $record->{plaintext}->{name} ? $record->{plaintext}->{name} : ''; my $account = defined $record->{plaintext}->{account} ? $record->{plaintext}->{account} : ''; my $password = defined $record->{plaintext}->{password} ? $record->{plaintext}->{password} : ''; my $description = defined $record->{plaintext}->{description} ? $record->{plaintext}->{description} : ''; my $extra = ''; my $plaintext = join("\000", $account, $password, $description, $extra); my $encrypted = _crypt3des($plaintext, $self->{digest}, ENCRYPT); $record->{data} = join("\000", $name, $encrypted); } return 1; } sub Decrypt { my $self = shift; my $pass = shift; if ($pass) { $self->_keyring_verify($pass) || return undef; } $self->{digest} ||= _calc_keys($self->{password}); foreach my $record (@{ $self->{records} }) { next unless defined $record->{data}; my ($name, $encrypted) = split /\000/, $record->{data}, 2; next unless $encrypted; $record->{plaintext}->{name} = $name; my $decrypted = _crypt3des($encrypted, $self->{digest}, DECRYPT); my ($account, $password, $description, $extra) = split /\000/, $decrypted, 4; $record->{plaintext}->{account} = defined $account ? $account : ''; $record->{plaintext}->{password} = defined $password ? $password : ''; $record->{plaintext}->{description} = defined $description ? $description : ''; #print "Name: '$name'\n"; #print "Encrypted: '$encrypted' - Length: " . length($encrypted) . "\n"; #print " Hex: '" . unpack("H*", $encrypted) . "'\n"; #print " Binary:'" . unpack("b*", $encrypted) . "'\n"; #print "Decrypted: '$decrypted' - Length: " . length($decrypted) . "\n"; #print " Hex: '" . unpack("H*", $decrypted) . "'\n"; #print " Binary:'" . unpack("b*", $decrypted) . "'\n"; #print "\n"; #print "Extra: $extra\n"; #exit; #-------------------------------------------------- # print "Account: $account\n"; # print "Password: $password\n"; # print "Description: $description\n"; #-------------------------------------------------- } return 1; } sub _calc_keys { my $pass = shift; die "No password defined!" unless defined $pass; my $digest = md5($pass); my ($key1, $key2) = unpack('a8a8', $digest); #-------------------------------------------------- # print "key1: $key1: ", length $key1, "\n"; # print "key2: $key2: ", length $key2, "\n"; #-------------------------------------------------- $digest = unpack('H*', $key1 . $key2 . $key1); #-------------------------------------------------- # print "Digest: ", $digest, "\n"; # print length $digest, "\n"; #-------------------------------------------------- return $digest; } sub _keyring_verify { my $self = shift; my $pass = shift; die "No password specified!" unless $pass; $self->{password} = $pass; # AFAIK the thing we use to test the password is # always in the first entry my $data = $self->{records}->[1]->{data}; #die "No encrypted password in file!" unless defined $data; return undef unless defined $data; $data =~ s/\0$//; my $salt = substr($data, 0, $kSaltSize); my $msg = $salt . $pass; $msg .= "\0" x (MD5_CBLOCK - length($msg)); my $digest = md5($msg); if ($data eq $salt . $digest) { # May as well generate the keys we need now, since we know the password is right $self->{digest} = _calc_keys($self->{password}); if ($self->{digest}) { return 1; } else { return undef; } } else { return undef; } } sub _keyring_update { # It is very important to Encrypt after calling this # (Although it is generally only called by Encrypt) # because otherwise the data will be out of sync with the # password, and that would suck! my $self = shift; my $pass = shift; die "No password specified!" unless $pass; # if the database already has a password in it if ($self->{records}->[1]->{data}) { # Make sure everything is decrypted before we update the keyring $self->Decrypt() || return undef; } my $salt; for (1..$kSaltSize) { $salt .= chr(int(rand(255))); } my $msg = $salt . $pass; $msg .= "\0" x (MD5_CBLOCK - length($msg)); my $digest = md5($msg); my $data = $salt . $digest;# . "\0"; # AFAIK the thing we use to test the password is # always in the first entry $self->{records}->[1]->{data} = $data; $self->{password} = $pass; $self->{digest} = _calc_keys($self->{password}); return 1; } # XXX Have to make this encrypt as well as decrypting, but w00 h00! # do null padding on the end of a cleartext if we are going to encrypt it sub _crypt3des { my ( $plaintext, $passphrase, $flag ) = @_; $passphrase .= ' ' x (16*3); my $cyphertext = ""; my $size = length ( $plaintext ); #print "STRING: '$plaintext' - Length: " . length($plaintext) . "\n"; # This check should see if it is plaintext first, if it is, # pad it with \000 # if not, then die die "record not 8 byte padded" if (length($plaintext) % 8) && ! $flag; my @C; for ( 0..2 ) { $C[$_] = new Crypt::DES( pack( "H*", substr($passphrase, 16*$_, 16 ))); } for ( 0 .. (($size)/8) - 1) { my $pt = substr( $plaintext, $_*8, 8 ); #print "PT: '$pt' - Length: " . length($pt) . "\n"; if (length($pt) < 8) { my $len = 8 - length($pt); print "LENGTH: $len\n"; print "Binary: '" . unpack("b*", $pt) . "'\n"; $pt .= (chr(0) x $len);# . $pt; print "Binary: '" . unpack("b*", $pt) . "'\n"; #print "PT: '$pt' - Length: " . length($pt) . "\n"; } $pt = $C[0]->decrypt( $pt ); $pt = $C[1]->encrypt( $pt ); $pt = $C[2]->decrypt( $pt ); #print "PT: '$pt' - Length: " . length($pt) . "\n"; $cyphertext .= $pt; } return substr ( $cyphertext, 0, $size ); } 1; __END__ =head1 AUTHOR Andrew Fresh Eandrew@mad-techies.org =head1 SEE ALSO Palm::PDB(3) Palm::StdAppInfo(3) =cut