#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use feature 'say'; use HTTP::Tiny; # This script posts your OpenBSD dmesg to the NYC*BUG dmesg archive. my @sysctls = ( [qw( hw.vendor hw.product hw.version )], [qw( hw.model )], ); my $description = "@ARGV"; while ( @sysctls and not $description ) { my @s = @{ shift @sysctls }; open my $de, '-|', qw( sysctl -n ), @s or die $!; $description = join ' ', split /\s+/s, do { local $/ = undef; readline $de }; close $de or die $!; } open my $dm, '<', '/var/run/dmesg.boot' or die $!; my $dmesg = do { local $/ = undef; readline $dm }; close $dm; # Remove leftover cruft from previous boots $dmesg =~ s/^.*\n(OpenBSD )/$1/s; my $res = HTTP::Tiny->new->post_form( 'http://www.nycbug.org/index.cgi', { action => 'dmesgd', do => 'addd', nickname => 'afresh1', email => 'andrew+dmesgd@afresh1.com', description => $description, dmesg => $dmesg, } ); say $res->{success} ? 'Sent dmesg' : "Unable to send dmesg: $res->{status} $res->{reason}";