#!/usr/bin/perl -T #$Id: NewTorrents.pl,v 1.3 2005/03/25 03:13:45 andrew Exp $ use strict; use warnings; use diagnostics; use lib 'lib'; use OpenBSDTorrents; use POSIX 'setsid'; %ENV = (); use YAML; # *** This requires --log-format="%t [%p] %o %f %l" on the rsync command my $last_dir = ''; while (<>) { chomp; if (my ($year, $mon, $mday, $time, $pid, $oper, $file, $size) = m#^(\d{4})/(\d{2})/(\d{2}) (\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}) \[(\d+)\] (\S+) (.+) (\d+)$# ) { #print "($year, $mon, $mday, $time, $pid, $oper, $file, $size)\n"; my ($dir, $file) = $file =~ m#^(.*)/([^/]+)#; #print "$dir - $file\n"; if ($last_dir && $last_dir ne $dir) { StartTorrent($last_dir); } $last_dir = $dir; } else { #print $_; } } StartTorrent($last_dir); sleep(90); StartTorrent('skip'); sub StartTorrent { my $dir = shift; return undef unless $dir; if ($dir ne 'skip') { $dir = "$BaseName/$dir"; } # This actually needs to be a sub that forks off # the generation of this, and the running of the update script. print "MakeTorrents.pl $BaseName/$dir\n"; defined(my $pid = fork) or die "Can't fork: $!"; return if $pid; chdir $HomeDir or die "Can't chdir to $HomeDir: $!"; setsid or die "Can't start a new session: $!"; #open STDIN, '/dev/null' or die "Can't read /dev/null: $!"; #open STDOUT, '>/dev/null' # or die "Can't write /dev/null: $!"; #open STDERR, '>&STDOUT' or die "Can't dup stdout: $!"; exec('/home/andrew/OpenBSDTorrents/regen.sh', "$dir"); }