#!/usr/bin/perl -T #$RedRiver: MakeTorrents.pl,v 1.18 2005/05/20 16:25:35 andrew Exp $ use strict; use warnings; use diagnostics; use lib 'lib'; use BT::MetaInfo::Cached; use OpenBSDTorrents; %ENV = (); chdir($OBT->{DIR_FTP}) || die "Couldn't change dir to " . $OBT->{DIR_FTP} . ": $!"; my $StartDir = ''; if (@ARGV) { foreach (@ARGV) { s#/$##; Process_Dir($_); } } else { $StartDir = $OBT->{BASENAME}; Process_Dir($StartDir); } sub Process_Dir { my $basedir = shift; #return undef if $basedir =~ /packages/; my ($dirs, $files) = Get_Files_and_Dirs($basedir); if (@$files) { my $torrent = Make_Torrent($basedir, $files); } # don't recurse if we were started with a specific directory return 1 if $StartDir ne $OBT->{BASENAME}; foreach my $subdir (@$dirs) { next if $subdir eq '.'; next if $subdir eq '..'; Process_Dir("$basedir/$subdir") } } sub Make_Torrent { my $basedir = shift; my $files = shift; if ($#{ $files } < $OBT->{MIN_FILES}) { print "Too few files in $basedir, skipping . . .\n"; return undef; } if ($basedir !~ /\.\./ && $basedir =~ /^([\w\/\.-]+)$/) { $basedir = $1; } else { die "Invalid characters in dir '$basedir'"; } foreach (@$files) { if (/^([^\/]+)$/) { $_ = "$basedir/$1"; } else { die "Invalid characters in file '$_' in '$basedir'"; } } my $torrent = Name_Torrent($basedir); print "Creating $torrent\n"; my $comment = "Files from $basedir\n" . "Created by andrew fresh (andrew\@mad-techies.org)\n" . "http://OpenBSD.somedomain.net/"; eval { btmake($torrent, $comment, $files); }; if ($@) { print "Error creating $torrent\n$@\n"; } # system($BTMake, # '-C', # '-c', $comment, # '-n', $OBT->{BASENAME}, # '-o', $OBT->{DIR_TORRENT} . "/$torrent", # '-a', $Tracker, # @$files # );# || die "Couldn't system $BTMake $torrent: $!"; return $torrent; } # Stole and modified from btmake to work for this. sub btmake { no locale; my $torrent = shift; my $comment = shift; my $files = shift; my $name = $OBT->{BASENAME}; my $announce = $OBT->{URL_TRACKER}; my $piece_len = 2 << ($OBT->{PIECE_LENGTH} - 1); my $torrent_with_path = $OBT->{DIR_NEW_TORRENT} . "/$torrent"; my $t = BT::MetaInfo::Cached->new( { cache_root => $OBT->{DIR_HOME} . '/FileCache' } ); $t->name($name); $t->announce($announce); unless ($announce =~ m!^http://[^/]+/!i) { warn " [ WARNING: announce URL does not look like: http://hostname/ ]\n"; } $t->comment($comment); #foreach my $pair (split(/;/, $::opt_f)) { # if (my($key, $val) = split(/,/, $pair, 2)) { # $t->set($key, $val); # } #} $t->piece_length($piece_len); $t->creation_date(time); print "Checksumming files. This may take a little while...\n"; $t->set_files(@$files); if ($t->total_size < $OBT->{MIN_SIZE}) { print "Skipping smaller than minimum size\n"; return 0; } my $hash = $t->info_hash; $hash = unpack("H*", $hash); $t->save($torrent_with_path); print "Created: $torrent_with_path\n"; }