Nagios Check - check_bioctl

The check_bioctl plugin for Nagios monitors RAID arrays on OpenBSD using bioctl.

The only real caveat with it is that bioctl needs rw permission to /dev/bio. The way I allow for that is by adding an entry to /etc/sudoers and then making the check run sudo check_bioctl.

I wrote this on OpenBSD 3.9 and tested on Dell PERC 3/DC controllers using the ami driver. It should work just fine on other versions of OpenBSD as well as with other cards and drivers. If you do run into trouble, send me the output from bioctl on the system you are having trouble with and I can try to help. Patches to fix problems would be even better.

check_bioctl also uses from the Nagios Plugins package, so that needs to be installed.


Download the current version here

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check_bioctl plugin for Nagios monitors bioctl on OpenBSD
	check_bioctl -d <device> [ -d <device2> [ -d ... ] ]

	-d, --device=DEVICE
		DEVICE to check.  Can be any device that bioctl(8) accepts
	-h, --help       usage help
	-V, --version    version information

check_bioctl (nagios-plugins 1.4.2) 1.4
The nagios plugins come with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You may redistribute
copies of the plugins under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
For more information about these matters, see the file named COPYING.
This is an example of what I have set up for NRPE. For checks on the machine running Nagios, use the _nagios user in /etc/sudoers instead of _nrpe, and of course, no /etc/nrpe.cfg.
$ grep check_bioctl /etc/sudoers /etc/nrpe.cfg
/etc/sudoers:_nrpe   ALL = NOPASSWD:/usr/local/libexec/nagios/check_bioctl -d ami0 -d ami1
/etc/nrpe.cfg:command[check_bioctl]=/usr/bin/sudo /usr/local/libexec/nagios/check_bioctl -d ami0 -d ami1

Andrew Fresh <>

$RedRiver: check_bioctl.html,v 1.2 2006/07/29 00:05:24 andrew Exp $