#!/usr/bin/perl # $AFresh1: rt_invoices.pl,v 1.43 2011/12/30 03:30:51 andrew Exp $ ######################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2011 Andrew Fresh # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR # ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES # WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF # OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ######################################################################## use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; use Template; use RT::Client::REST; use RT::Client::REST::Ticket; use RT::Client::REST::User; use File::Path; use DateTime; use lib './lib'; # XXX This is fragile, there are better ways use RTI::Config; use RTI::State; my $config = RTI::Config->new(); my $state = RTI::State->new( $config->get('state') ); my $rt_conf = $config->get('rt'); my $rt = RT::Client::REST->new( server => $rt_conf->{server}, timeout => $rt_conf->{timeout}, ); my $tickets = RT::Client::REST::Ticket->new( rt => $rt ); $rt->login( username => $rt_conf->{user}, password => $rt_conf->{pass} ); #use YAML; #print Dump $config, $state; exit; my $customers = $config->get('customers'); my $startdate = set_dates($customers); my @limits = map +{ attribute => 'status', operator => '=', value => $_, aggregator => 'or', }, # XXX This should be a config option qw/ open stalled resolved /; push @limits, { attribute => 'last_updated', operator => '>=', value => $startdate->ymd, }; my $results = $tickets->search( limits => \@limits, orderby => 'id', ); my $count = $results->count; print "There are $count results that matched your query\n"; my $iterator = $results->get_iterator; while ( my $ticket = &$iterator ) { my $cust = find_customer_for_ticket( $ticket, $customers ); if ( !$cust ) { warn "No customer found for ticket " . $ticket->id; next; } next if $cust->{no_invoice}; $cust->{invoice} ||= make_invoice($cust); if ( !$cust->{invoice} ) { $cust->{no_invoice} = 1; say "$cust->{id} has no open invoices [" . $ticket->id . ']'; next; } say 'Ticket ' . $ticket->id . " belongs to $cust->{id}"; my $project = make_project( $ticket, $cust ); next unless @{ $project->{fees} } || @{ $project->{expenses} }; foreach my $fee ( @{ $project->{fees} } ) { my $hours = hours_for_date( $cust->{invoice}, $fee->{date} ); my $type = 'unknown'; my $count = $fee->{count}; while ( $type && $count > 0 && $type ne 'default' ) { $type = exists $hours->{ $fee->{type} } && $hours->{ $fee->{type} } > 0 ? $fee->{type} : 'default'; next unless exists $hours->{$type} && $hours->{$type} > 0; my $discount_time = 0; if ( $hours->{$type} > $count ) { $hours->{$type} -= $count; $discount_time = $count; } else { $discount_time = $hours->{$type}; $hours->{$type} = 0; } if ($discount_time) { $cust->{invoice}->{discount}->{amount} += round( $discount_time * $fee->{rate} ); $cust->{invoice}->{discount}->{hours}{$type} += $discount_time; $type = '' if $type eq 'default'; $count -= $discount_time; $fee->{detail} .= " $discount_time $type Hours Discounted"; } } } push @{ $cust->{invoice}->{projects} }, $project; } foreach my $cust ( @{$customers} ) { my $invoice = $cust->{invoice}; next unless $invoice && $invoice->{projects} && @{ $invoice->{projects} }; $invoice->{custid} = $cust->{id}; $invoice->{transactions} = []; my %transactions; foreach my $project ( @{ $invoice->{projects} } ) { if ( $project->{transactions} ) { %transactions = ( %transactions, %{ $project->{transactions} } ); } my $subtotal = 0; foreach my $fee ( @{ $project->{fees} } ) { my $amount = round( $fee->{count} * $fee->{rate} ); $subtotal += $amount; } foreach my $expense ( @{ $project->{expenses} } ) { $subtotal += round( $expense->{amount} ); } $project->{total} = $subtotal; $invoice->{total} += $subtotal; } @{ $invoice->{transactions} } = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %transactions; if ( $invoice->{discount} ) { my $c = "Included Hours\n"; if ( $invoice->{discount}{hours} ) { foreach my $t ( keys %{ $invoice->{discount}{hours} } ) { my $type = $t eq 'default' ? '' : $t; $c .= "\n$invoice->{discount}{hours}{$t} $type hour"; $c .= 's' if $invoice->{discount}{hours}{$t} != 1; $c .= "\n"; } } $invoice->{discount}{contents} = $c; $invoice->{total} -= round( $invoice->{discount}{amount} ); } if ( my $unpaid_invoices = $state->unpaid_invoices( $cust->{id} ) ) { my %project = ( title => 'Unpaid Invoices', fees => [], ); my $past_due = 0; foreach my $id ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$unpaid_invoices} ) { my $unpaid = $state->get_invoice($id); my $invdate = ymd_to_DateTime( $unpaid->{invdate} ); next if $cust->{duedate} && DateTime->compare( $invdate, $cust->{duedate} ) > 0; $past_due += $unpaid_invoices->{$id}; push @{ $project{fees} }, { id => $id, contents => sprintf( "Invoice %06d from %s", $id, $invdate->ymd ), count => 1, rate => $unpaid_invoices->{$id}, }; } if ($past_due) { $invoice->{past_due} = $past_due; $invoice->{total_due} = $invoice->{total} + $invoice->{past_due}; unshift @{ $invoice->{projects} }, \%project; } } next unless $invoice->{total} > 0 || $invoice->{total_due}; $invoice->{info} = $config->get('info'); my $from = $config->get('from'); $from = get_user($from) if !ref $from; $invoice->{id} = $state->next_invoice_id; $invoice->{file} = sprintf 'invoice_%06d.pdf', $invoice->{id}; $invoice->{organization} = $from->{organization} || $from->{name}; $invoice->{from} = make_address($from); $invoice->{to} = make_address( $cust->{address} || $cust->{id} ); $invoice->{logo} = $config->get('logo'); $state->add_invoice($invoice); foreach my $key (qw/ start end /) { if ( exists $invoice->{$key} ) { $invoice->{$key} = $invoice->{$key}->strftime('%B %d, %Y'); } } my $invoice_dir = $config->get('invoice_dir'); File::Path::make_path($invoice_dir); my $file = join '/', $invoice_dir, $invoice->{file}; my $tt = Template->new( INCLUDE_PATH => $config->get('template_dir'), ) || die $Template::ERROR, "\n"; $tt->process( $config->get('invoice_template'), $invoice, $file ) or die $tt->error . "\n"; printf "Generated %s for %s: \$%.02f\n", $invoice->{file}, $cust->{id}, $invoice->{total}; } $state->save; sub round { my ($amount) = @_; #$amount =~ s/\.\d\d\K.*$//; #return $amount; return sprintf "%.02f", $amount; } sub find_customer_for_ticket { my ( $ticket, $customers ) = @_; foreach my $cust ( @{$customers} ) { next unless $cust->{match}; foreach my $m ( @{ $cust->{match} } ) { my $type = $m->{type}; my $match = exists $m->{$type} ? lc( $m->{$type} ) : qr/\Q$m->{regex}\E/; my $thing = [ map {lc} $ticket->$type ]; if ( !$match ) { warn "Invalid match!"; next; } return $cust if ( $match ~~ $thing ); } } # Fake customer if we didn't find one my $cust = $config->new_customer; ( $cust->{id} ) = $ticket->requestors; return unless $cust->{id}; push @{$customers}, $cust; $cust->{match} = [ { type => 'requestors', regex => $cust->{id}, } ]; set_cust_dates($cust); return $cust; } sub get_user { my ($id) = @_; state %users; return $users{$id} if $users{$id}; my %map = ( address_one => 'addr1', address_two => 'addr2', email_address => 'email', real_name => 'name', name => 'username', ); my $users = RT::Client::REST::User->new( rt => $rt, id => $id ); $users->retrieve; my %user; foreach my $m ( keys %{ $users->_attributes } ) { next unless $users->can($m); my $v = $users->$m; next unless $v; $m = $map{$m} if exists $map{$m}; $user{$m} = $v; } $users{$id} = \%user; return \%user; } sub make_invoice { my ($cust) = @_; return if $cust->{no_invoice}; return unless $cust->{billstart}; my %invoice = ( end => $cust->{billend}->clone->subtract( seconds => 1 ) ); $invoice{start} = $cust->{startinvoicedate}->clone if $cust->{startinvoicedate}; return if $invoice{start} && $invoice{start} > $invoice{end}; if ( $cust->{base_rate} ) { my ( $project, $hours ) = make_base_project($cust); if ( @{ $project->{fees} } ) { $invoice{end} = $project->{end}; $invoice{hours} = $hours; push @{ $invoice{projects} }, $project; } } elsif ( $cust->{hours} ) { $invoice{hours} = [ { end => $invoice{end}->clone, hours => $cust->{hours}, } ]; } return \%invoice; } sub make_base_project { my ($cust) = @_; my $date = $cust->{billstart}->clone; my $billend = $cust->{billend}->clone; my ($freq) = get_billing_frequency($cust); my $title = $cust->{frequency} == 1 ? ucfirst( $cust->{per} . 'ly' ) : $freq . ' ' . ucfirst( $cust->{per} ); $title .= ' Retainer'; my %project = ( title => $title, start => $date->clone, fees => [], ); my @hours; while ( $date < $billend ) { my $start = $date->clone; $date->add($freq); my $end = $date > $billend ? $billend->clone : $date->clone; $end->subtract( seconds => 1 ); $project{end} = $end->clone; push @{ $project{fees} }, { count => 1, rate => $cust->{base_rate}, contents => $start->ymd . ' to ' . $end->ymd, }; push @hours, { start => $start->clone, end => $end->clone, hours => { %{ $cust->{hours} } }, }; } return \%project, \@hours; } sub make_address { my ($addr) = @_; my @adr; $addr = get_user($addr) unless ref $addr; if ( $addr->{organization} ) { push @adr, $addr->{organization}; } elsif ( $addr->{name} && !$addr->{attn} ) { push @adr, $addr->{name}; } if ( ( $addr->{addr1} || $addr->{addr2} ) && $addr->{city} && $addr->{state} && $addr->{zip} ) { push @adr, $addr->{attn} if $addr->{attn}; push @adr, $addr->{addr1} if $addr->{addr1}; push @adr, $addr->{addr2} if $addr->{addr2}; push @adr, $addr->{city} . ', ' . $addr->{state} . ' ' . $addr->{zip}; } else { push @adr, $addr->{email} if $addr->{email}; } return join "\n\n", @adr; } sub make_project { my ( $ticket, $cust ) = @_; my %project = ( id => $ticket->id, queue => $ticket->queue, owner => $ticket->owner, title => $ticket->subject, detail => 'Ticket: ' . $ticket->id . ' Status: ' . $ticket->status . ' Requestors: ' . join( ', ', $ticket->requestors ), fees => [], expenses => [], ); my $txns = $ticket->transactions( type => [qw(Comment Correspond)] ); my $txn_i = $txns->get_iterator; while ( my $txn = $txn_i->() ) { next if $state->txn_is_invoiced( $txn->id ); if ( my $expense = make_expense( $txn, $ticket ) ) { push @{ $project{expenses} }, $expense; $project{transactions}{ $txn->id } = 1; } next unless $txn->time_taken; my $fee = make_fee( $txn, $cust->{rates}, $ticket ); if ( !( $fee->{rate} && $fee->{count} ) ) { warn "Invalid Fee, no rate or count"; next; } my $invoice = $cust->{invoice}; if ( $invoice->{start} && $invoice->{start} > $fee->{date} ) { warn "Ticket " . $ticket->id . " has uninvoiced Transaction " . $txn->id . "\n"; next; } next if $invoice->{end} < $fee->{date}; push @{ $project{fees} }, $fee; $project{transactions}{ $txn->id } = 1; } return \%project; } sub make_fee { my ( $txn, $rates, $ticket ) = @_; # XXX Only need $ticket for the alternate subject my $work_time = sprintf "%.03f", $txn->time_taken / 60; my $work_type = $txn->cf('WorkType'); if ( $work_type =~ s/\s*Onsite//i ) { # XXX Do something special for onsite activities } $work_type =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; $work_type ||= 'Normal'; my %fee = ( id => $txn->id, contents => $txn->created . ' (' . $txn->id . ')' . "\n\n" . ( $txn->data || $ticket->subject ), count => $work_time, type => $work_type, date => ymd_to_DateTime( $txn->created ), rate => $rates->{$work_type} || $rates->{default} || 0, ); if ( $work_type && $work_type ne 'Normal' ) { $fee{detail} = $work_type . ' rate'; } return \%fee; } sub make_expense { my ( $txn, $ticket ) = @_; my $amount = $txn->cf('ExpenseAmount') or return; my %expense = ( id => $txn->id, contents => $txn->created . ' (' . $txn->id . ')' . "\n\n" . ( $txn->data || $ticket->subject ), amount => $amount, date => ymd_to_DateTime( $txn->created ), # detail => ???, ); return \%expense; } sub hours_for_date { my ( $invoice, $date ) = @_; my $hours = {}; if ( $invoice->{hours} ) { foreach my $h ( @{ $invoice->{hours} } ) { next if $h->{start} && $h->{start} > $date; next if $h->{end} < $date; $hours = $h->{hours}; last; } } return $hours; } sub ymd_to_DateTime { my ($ymd) = @_; my ( $date, $time ) = split /[\sT]/, $ymd; my ( $year, $month, $day ) = split '-', $date; my ( $hour, $minute, $second ) = split ':', $time if $time; return DateTime->new( year => $year, month => $month, day => $day, hour => $hour || 0, minute => $minute || 0, second => $second || 0, time_zone => 'local', ); } sub get_billing_frequency { my ($cust) = @_; my $per = $cust->{per} || 'week'; my $freq = $cust->{frequency} || 1; my $day_method; given ($per) { when ('week') { $per = 'weeks'; $day_method = 'dow' } when ('month') { $per = 'months'; $day_method = 'day' } default { die "Unknown per [$per]\n" } } return DateTime::Duration->new( $per => $freq ), $day_method; } sub set_dates { my ($customers) = @_; my $newest_invoice; my $max_duration; foreach my $cust ( @{$customers} ) { set_cust_dates($cust); my ($freq) = get_billing_frequency($cust); $max_duration = $freq if !$max_duration || DateTime::Duration->compare( $freq, $max_duration ) > 0; if ( $cust->{startinvoicedate} ) { my $date = $cust->{startinvoicedate}->clone; $newest_invoice = $date->clone if !$newest_invoice || $newest_invoice < $date; } } return $newest_invoice->clone->subtract($max_duration) ->subtract( days => 1 ); } sub set_cust_dates { my ($cust) = @_; my $day = $cust->{day} || 0; my ( $freq, $day_method ) = get_billing_frequency($cust); my $end = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'local' ) ->set( hour => 0, minute => 0, second => 0 ); my $start = $end->clone->subtract($freq); # XXX This is helpful, but monthly and billday > 28 == !!! $end->subtract( days => 1 ) while $day && $end->$day_method != $day; my $lastinvoice = $state->last_invoice( $cust->{id} ); if ( $lastinvoice && $lastinvoice->{end} ) { $start = ymd_to_DateTime( $lastinvoice->{end} )->add( days => 1 ); $cust->{startinvoicedate} = $start->clone; } $cust->{duedate} = $cust->{net} ? DateTime->now->subtract( days => $cust->{net} ) : 0; $cust->{no_invoice} = 1 if $start->clone->add($freq) > $end; $cust->{billend} = $end; $cust->{billstart} = $start; }