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File: [local] / trango / Net-Telnet-Trango / scripts / su.cgi (download)

Revision 1.5, Thu Sep 4 20:38:06 2008 UTC (16 years ago) by andrew
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.4: +112 -104 lines


# $RedRiver: su.cgi,v 1.4 2007/02/07 19:25:21 andrew Exp $
# su.cgi *** a CGI for Trango SU utilities.
# 2007.02.07 #*#*# andrew fresh <andrew@mad-techies.org>
# Copyright (C) 2007 by Andrew Fresh
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the same terms as Perl itself.
use strict;
use warnings;

my $host_file = 'su.yaml';

my $default_mac     = '0001DE';
my $default_suid    = 'all';
my $default_cir     = 256;
my $default_mir     = 9999;
my $Start_SUID      = 3;

use CGI qw/:standard/;
use File::Basename;
use YAML qw/ LoadFile Dump /;
use Net::Telnet::Trango;

my $me = basename($0);

my $aps = get_aps($host_file);

print header, start_html('Trango SU Utilities'), h1('Trango SU Utilities');

if ( param() ) {

    my $AP = param('AP');

    unless ( exists $aps->{$AP} ) {
        print h3("AP '$AP' does not exist!");
        print end_html;

    my $sumac = param('sumac');

    $sumac =~ s/[^0-9A-Fa-f]//g;
    $sumac = uc($sumac);

    my $suid = param('suid');

    if ( length $sumac == 12 ) {
        add_su( $aps->{$AP}, $sumac );
    elsif ( length $suid ) {
        testrflink( $aps->{$AP}, $suid );
    else {
        print h3("Invalid SUID '$suid' and MAC '$sumac'");
        show_form( $aps, $default_mac );

else {
    show_form( $aps, $default_mac );

print end_html;

sub get_aps {
    my $file = shift;

    my $conf = LoadFile($file);

    my %aps;

    my @hosts;
    foreach my $ap ( keys %{$conf} ) {
        next if $ap eq 'default';
        my $h = $conf->{$ap};

        if ( $h->{name}
            =~ /^(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.)(\d{1,3})-(\d{1,3})/ )
            for ( $2 .. $3 ) {
                my %cur_host;
                foreach my $k ( keys %{$h} ) {
                    $cur_host{$k} = $h->{$k};
                $cur_host{name} = $1 . $_;
                if ( !grep { $cur_host{name} eq $h->{name} } values %aps ) {
                    my $ap_name = $ap . $_;
                    $aps{$ap_name} = \%cur_host;
        else {
            $aps{$ap} = $conf->{$ap};
            push @hosts, $h;

    if ( ref $conf->{default} eq 'HASH' ) {
        foreach my $ap ( keys %aps ) {
            foreach my $k ( keys %{ $conf->{default} } ) {
                $aps{$ap}{$k} ||= $conf->{default}->{$k};

    return \%aps;

    return {
        'rrlhcwap0000' => {
            name     => '',
            password => 'trango',


sub show_form {
    my $aps = shift;

    my %cache    = ();
    my @ap_names = sort {
        my @a = $a =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/;
        my @b = $b =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/;

        if (@a) {
            $cache{$a} ||= pack( 'C4' => @a );
        else {
            $cache{$a} ||= lc($a);
        if (@b) {
            $cache{$b} ||= pack( 'C4' => @b );
        else {
            $cache{$b} ||= lc($b);

        $cache{$a} cmp $cache{$b};
    } keys %{$aps};

    print p(
        start_form( -method => 'GET' ),
        'AP:    ',
        popup_menu( -name => 'AP', -values => \@ap_names ),
        'SUMAC: ',
        textfield( -name => 'sumac', -default => $default_mac ),
        'SUID:  ',
        textfield( -name => 'suid', -default => $default_suid ),

    print p(
        'Fill in the SUMAC if you wish to add an SU ',
        'or fill in the SUID to run an rflinktest.'

    return 1;

sub login {
    my $host     = shift;
    my $password = shift;

    my $t = new Net::Telnet::Trango( Timeout => 5 );


    unless ( $t->open( Host => $host ) ) {
        print h3("Error connecting!");
        return undef;

    unless ( $t->login($password) ) {
        print h3("Couldn't log in: $!");
        return undef;

    return $t;

sub add_su {
    my $ap    = shift;
    my $sumac = shift;

    my $t = login( $ap->{name}, $ap->{password} );

    my $cur_sus = $t->sudb_view;

    my $new_suid = next_suid($cur_sus);

    foreach my $su ( @{$cur_sus} ) {
        if ( $sumac eq $su->{mac} ) {
            print h3( "MAC '$sumac' already in AP '$ap->{name}' "
                    . "with SUID '$su->{suid}'" );
            return undef;

    unless (
        $t->sudb_add( $new_suid, 'reg', $default_cir, $default_mir, $sumac ) )
        print h3("Error adding SU!");
        return undef;

    my $new_sus = $t->sudb_view;
    my $added   = 0;
    foreach my $su ( @{$new_sus} ) {
        if ( $su->{suid} == $new_suid ) {
            $added = 1;

    unless ($added) {
        print h3("Couldn't add su id: $new_suid");
        return undef;

    unless ( $t->save_sudb ) {
        print h3("Couldn't save sudb");
        return undef;

    print p(  "Added new SU with ID '$new_suid' "
            . "and MAC '$sumac' "
            . "to '$ap->{name}'.  "
            . '<a href="'
            . $me . '?' . 'AP='
            . $ap->{name} . '&' . 'suid='
            . $new_suid
            . '">Test SU RFLink</a>' );

    return 1;


sub testrflink {
    my $ap   = shift;
    my $suid = shift;

    my $t = login( $ap->{name}, $ap->{password} );

    my $result = $t->su_testrflink($suid);

    unless ($result) {
        print h3("Error testing SU rflink!");
        return undef;

    my @keys = ( 'suid', 'AP Tx', 'AP Rx', 'SU Rx' );

    my @table;
    foreach my $su ( @{$result} ) {
        next unless ref $su eq 'HASH';
        next unless exists $su->{suid};
        $su->{suid} =~ s/\D//g;
        next unless $su->{suid};

        push @table, td( [ @{$su}{@keys} ] );

    print table(
        { -border => 1, -cellspacing => 0, -cellpadding => 1 },
        caption( $ap->{name} . ': su testrflink ' . $suid ),
        Tr( { -align => 'CENTER', -valign => 'TOP' },
            [ th( \@keys ), @table ]

    return 1;


sub next_suid {
    my $sudb = shift;

    my $next_id = $Start_SUID;

    my %ids = map { $_->{suid} => 1 } @{$sudb};

    my $next_key = sprintf( '%04d', $next_id );
    while ( exists $ids{$next_key} ) {
        $next_key = sprintf( '%04d', $next_id );

    return $next_id;