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Revision 1.2, Fri Dec 30 01:02:41 2005 UTC (18 years, 8 months ago) by andrew
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.1: +410 -73 lines

lots of documentation stubs added.  needs a lot of fleshing out still

got almost all of the commands to work with cmd().

package Net::Telnet::Trango;
# $RedRiver$
use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'Net::Telnet';


=head1 NAME

Net::Telnet::Trango - Perl extension for accessing the Trango telnet interface


  use Net::Telnet::Trango;
  my $t = new Net::Telnet::Trango ({
    Host    => $fox,
    Timeout => 5,
  my ($type, $version) = $t->open;
  unless (defined $type && defined $version) {
    die "Error connecting: $!";

  $t->login('password') or die "Couldn't log in: $!";
  # Do whatever


Perl access to the telnet interface on Trango Foxes, SUs and APs.

Another handy feature is that it will parse the output from certain commands that is in the format "[key1] value1 [key2] value2" and put those in a hashref that is returned.  This makes using the output from things like sysinfo very easy to do.

=head2 EXPORT



our $VERSION = '0.01';

my %PRIVATE = (
  is_connected => 0,
  logged_in => 0,


=head1 METHODS



=item Host

returns the name of the host that you are accessing

=item firmware_version

returns the firmware version on the trango if available otherwise undef.  
Available after a successful open()
This is usually only set internally

=item host_type

returns the type of host from the login banner for example M5830S or M5300S.  
Available after a successful open()
This is usually only set internally

=item is_connected

returns 1 after a successful open() otherwise undef
This is usually only set internally

=item logged_in

returns 1 after a successful login() 0 if it failed and undef if 
login() was never called
This is usually only set internally

=item login_banner

returns the banner that is displayed when first connected at login.  Only set after a successful open()

This is usually only set internally

=item last_lines

returns the output from the last cmd() that was run as an array ref
This is usually only set internally


=head2 ALIASES


=item bye

alias of exit()

=item reboot

alias of restart()



Most of these are just shortcuts to C<cmd(String =E<gt> METHOD)>, as such they accept the same options as C<cmd()>.  Specifically they take a named paramater "args", for example: 
C<tftpd(args =E<gt> 'on')> would enable tftpd


=item tftpd

Returns a hash ref of the decoded output from the command. 

Also see enable_tftpd() and disable_tftpd() as those check for correct output

=item ver

Returns a hash ref of the decoded output from the command. 

=item sysinfo

Returns a hash ref of the decoded output from the command. 

=item exit

exits the command session with the trango and closes the connection

=item reboot

reboots the trango and closes the connection


#  _password <new password> <new password>
#  ? [command]
#  apsearch <secs> <ch#> <h|v> [<ch#> <h|v>]...
#  arp -bcast <on|off>
#  bcastscant <all|suid> <ch#> <h|v> [<ch#> <h|v> ...
#  bye
#  cf2cf ap [default|<size>]
#  date
#  date <month> <day> <year>
#  freq scantable
#  freq channeltable
#  freq writescan [<ch#> <h|v>]
#  freq writechannel [<ch#> <freq>] ...
#  freq <ch #> <h|v>
#  help [command]
#  heater [<on temp> <off temp>]
#  ipconfig [<new ip> <new subnet mask> <new gateway>]
#  log [<# of entries, 1..179>]
#  log <sum> <# of entries, 1..179>
#  logout
#  opmode [ap [y]]
#  password
#  ping <ip addr>
#  polar <h|v>
#  power <setism|setunii> <max|min|<dBm>>
#  reboot
#  restart
#  remarks [<str>]
#  rfrxthreshold [<ism|unii> <-90|-85|-80|-75|-70|-65>]
#  rfrxth [<ism|unii> <-90|-85|-80|-75|-70|-65>]
#  sysinfo
#  set suid <id>
#  set apid <id>
#  set baseid <id>
#  set defaultopmode [<ap|su> <min,0..10>]
#  set defaultopmode off
#  set snmpcomm [<read | write | trap (id or setall)> <str>]
#  set mir [on|off]
#  set mir threshold <kbps>
#  set rssitarget [<ism|unii> <dBm>]
#  set serviceradius [<ism | unii> <miles>]
#  ssrssi <ch #> <h|v>
#  su [<suid>|all]
#  su changechannel <all|suid> <ch#> <h|v>
#  su ipconfig <suid> <new ip> <new subnet> <new gateway>
#  su [live|poweroff|priority]
#  su <ping|info|status> <suid>
#  su powerleveling <all|suid>
#  su reboot <all|suid>
#  su restart <all|suid>
#  su testrflink <all|suid> [r]
#  su testrflink <setlen> [64..1600]
#  su testrflink <aptx> [20..100]
#  su sw <suid|all> <sw #> <on|off>
#  sudb [dload | view]
#  sudb add <suid> pr <cir,kbps> <mir,kbps> <device id,hex>
#  sudb add <suid> reg <cir,kbps> <mir,kbps> <device id,hex>
#  sudb delete <all|<suid>>
#  sudb modify <suid> <cir|mir> <kbps>
#  sudb modify <suid> <su2su> <group id,hex>
#  sudb view
#  sulog [lastmins | sampleperiod <1..60>]
#  sulog [<# of entry,1..18>]
#  survey <ism|unii> <time, sec> <h|v>
#  sw [<sw #> <on|off>]
#  temp
#  tftpd [on|off]
#  time
#  time <hour> <min> <sec>
#  save <mainimage|fpgaimage> <current chksum> <new chksum>
#  save <systemsetting|sudb>
#  updateflash <mainimage|fpgaimage> <current chksum> <new chksum>
#  updateflash <systemsetting|sudb>

my $success = 'Success.';
my %COMMANDS = (
  tftpd       => { decode => 1, expect => $success },
  ver         => { decode => 1 },
  sysinfo     => { decode => 1, expect => $success },
  updateflash => { decode => 1, expect => $success },
  'exit'      => { Prompt => '//', cmd_disconnects => 1 },
  reboot      => { Prompt => '//', cmd_disconnects => 1 },

my %ALIASES = (
  bye     => 'exit',
  restart => 'reboot',

my %ACCESS = map { $_ => 1 } qw( 

  my $self = shift;

  my ($method) = (our $AUTOLOAD) =~ /^.*::(\w+)$/
    or die "Weird: $AUTOLOAD";

  if (exists $ALIASES{$method}) {
    $method = $ALIASES{$method};
    return $self->$method(@_);

  if (exists $COMMANDS{$method}) {
    $COMMANDS{$method}{'String'} ||= $method;
    return $self->cmd(%{ $COMMANDS{$method} }, @_);

  if (exists $ACCESS{$method}) {
    my $prev = $PRIVATE{$method};
    ($PRIVATE{$method}) = @_ if @_;
    return $prev;

  $method = "SUPER::$method";
  return $self->$method(@_);


=item new


sub new 
  my $class = shift;
  my $args = shift || {};

  $args->{'Timeout'} ||= 5;
  $args->{'Prompt'}  ||= '/#> *$/';

  foreach my $key (keys %{ $args }) {
    $PRIVATE{$key} = $args->{$key};

  my $self = $class->SUPER::new(%{ $args });
  bless $self if ref $self;

  return $self;


=item open


sub open
  my $self = shift;

  unless ( $self->SUPER::open( 
      #Host => $self->Host,
      #Errmode => 'return',
  ) ) {
    #$! = "Couldn't connect to " . $self->Host . ":  $!";
    return undef;

  ## Login to remote host.
  unless ($self->waitfor(
    -match => '/password: ?$/i',
    -errmode => "return",
  ) ) {
  #$! = "problem connecting to host (" . $self->Host . "): " . 
  #    $self->lastline;
    return undef;



  return $self->is_connected;


=item login


sub login
  my $self = shift;

  unless ($self->is_connected) {
    $self->open or return undef;

  my $password = shift;

  unless ($self->waitfor(
    -match => $self->prompt,
    -errmode => "return",
  ) ) {
    #$! = "login ($self->Host) failed: " . $self->lastline;
    return undef;


  return $self->logged_in;


=item parse_login_banner


sub parse_login_banner
  my $self = shift;

  if (@_) {

  my $banner = $self->login_banner;

  my ($type, $ver) = $banner =~ 
    /Welcome to Trango Broadband Wireless (\S+)[\s-]+(.+)$/i;


  return 1;


=item enable_tftpd


sub enable_tftpd
  my $self = shift;

  my $vals = $self->tftpd( args => 'on' );

  if ($vals->{'Tftpd'} eq 'listen') {
    return $vals;
  } else {
    return undef;


=item disable_tftpd


sub disable_tftpd
  my $self = shift;

  my $vals = $self->tftpd( args => 'off' );

  if (ref $vals eq 'HASH' && $vals->{'Tftpd'} eq 'disabled') {
    return $vals;
  } else {
    return undef;


=item cmd


sub cmd
  my $self = shift;

  my @valid_net_telnet_opts = qw(

  my %cfg;
  if (@_ == 2) {
    $cfg{'String'} = shift;
  } elsif (@_ > 2) {
    %cfg = @_;

  $cfg{'Timeout'} ||= $self->Timeout;

  unless ($cfg{'String'}) {
    #$! = "No command passed";
    warn "No command passed\n";
    return undef;

  unless ($self->is_connected) {
    #$! = "Not connected";
    warn "Not connected\n";
    return undef;

  unless ($self->logged_in) {
    #$! = "Not logged in";
    warn "Not logged in\n";
    return undef;

  my %cmd;
  foreach (@valid_net_telnet_opts) {
    if (exists $cfg{$_}) {
      $cmd{$_} = $cfg{$_};
  if ($cfg{'args'}) {
    $cmd{'String'} .= ' ' . $cfg{'args'};
  my @lines = $self->SUPER::cmd(%cmd);


  my $vals = 1;
  if ($cfg{'decode'}) {
    $vals = _decode_lines(@lines);

  my $last = $self->lastline;

  if ((not $cfg{'expect'}) || $last =~ /$cfg{'expect'}$/) {
    if ($cfg{'cmd_disconnects'}) {

    if ($cfg{'decode'}) {
      return $vals;
    } else {
      return @lines;
  } else {
    #$! = "Error with command ($cfg{'string'}): $last";
    return undef;

#=item _decode_lines

sub _decode_lines
  my @lines = @_;

  my %conf;

  my $key = '';
  my $val = '';
  my $in_key = 0;
  my $in_val = 0;

  foreach my $line (@lines) {
    my @chars = split //, $line;

    my $last_key = '';
    foreach my $c (@chars) {

      if ($c eq '[' || $c eq "\r" || $c eq "\n") {
        if ($c eq '[') {
          $in_key = 1;
          $in_val = 0;
        } else {
          $in_key = 0;
          $in_val = 0;

        if ($key) {
          $key =~ s/^\s+//;
          $key =~ s/\s+$//;

          $val =~ s/^\s+//;
          $val =~ s/\s+$//;

          if ($key eq 'Checksum' && $last_key) {
            # Special case for these bastids.
            my $new = $last_key;
            $new =~ s/\s+\S+$//;
            $key = $new . " " . $key;

          $last_key = $key;
          $conf{$key} = $val;
          $key = '';
          $val = '';

      } elsif ($c eq ']') {
        $in_val = 1;
        $in_key = 0;
        $c = shift @chars;

      } elsif ($in_key) {
        $key .= $c;

      } elsif ($in_val) {
        $val .= $c;

  if (%conf) {
    return \%conf;
  } else {
    return \@lines;



=head1 SEE ALSO

If you have a web site set up for your module, mention it here.

Trango Documentation - http://www.trangobroadband.com/support/product_docs.htm


=head1 TODO

There are still a lot of commands that are not accessed directly.  If you call them (as cmd("command + args") or whatever) and it works, please send me examples that work and I will try to get it incorporated into the next version of the script.

I also want to be able to parse the different types of output from commands like su, sudb all and anything else that would be better available as a perl datastructure.

=head1 AUTHOR

Andrew Fresh E<lt>andrew@rraz.netE<gt>


Copyright (C) 2005 by Andrew Fresh

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.7 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
