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Annotation of trango/Net-Telnet-Trango/TODO, Revision 1.2

1.1       andrew      1: Add additional commands
                      3: Make a decoder for the pipe command
                      5: Make sure that last_error is used wherever it can be and should be.
                      7: Make sure that things that fail don't evaluate true if at all possible.
                      9: See what other tests need to be added to the test suite.  The framework is there, but there need to be more tests of the different commands.
1.2     ! andrew     11: Make the _decode_lines be able to take a line without a "\n" at the end.
        !            12:
        !            13: $RedRiver: TODO,v 1.1 2008/02/07 23:02:37 andrew Exp $

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