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Diff for /todotxt/Text-Todo/lib/Text/Todo.pm between version 1.1 and 1.26

version 1.1, 2009/07/09 19:21:34 version 1.26, 2010/02/14 06:08:07
Line 1 
Line 1 
 package Text::Todo;  package Text::Todo;
 # $RedRiver$  # $AFresh1: Todo.pm,v 1.25 2010/02/13 23:26:44 andrew Exp $
 use warnings;  use warnings;
 use strict;  use strict;
 use Carp;  use Carp;
 use version; our $VERSION = qv('0.0.1');  use Class::Std::Utils;
   use Text::Todo::Entry;
   use File::Spec;
 # Other recommended modules (uncomment to use):  use version; our $VERSION = qv('0.1.1');
 #  use IO::Prompt;  
 #  use Perl6::Export;  
 #  use Perl6::Slurp;  
 #  use Perl6::Say;  
 # Module implementation here      my @attr_refs = \(
           my %path_of,
           my %list_of,
           my %loaded_of,
           my %known_tags_of,
 1; # Magic true value required at end of module      sub new {
           my ( $class, $options ) = @_;
           my $self = bless anon_scalar(), $class;
           my $ident = ident($self);
           $path_of{$ident} = {
               todo_dir  => undef,
               todo_file => 'todo.txt',
               done_file => undef,
           my %tags = (
               context => q{@},
               project => q{+},
           if ($options) {
               if ( ref $options eq 'HASH' ) {
                   foreach my $opt ( keys %{$options} ) {
                       if ( exists $path_of{$ident}{$opt} ) {
                           $self->_path_to( $opt, $options->{$opt} );
                       elsif ( $opt eq 'tags'
                           && ref $options->{$opt} eq 'HASH' )
                           %tags = ( %tags, %{ $options->{$opt} } );
                       else {
                           #carp "Invalid option [$opt]";
               else {
                   if ( -d $options ) {
                       $self->_path_to( 'todo_dir', $options );
                   elsif ( $options =~ /\.txt$/ixms ) {
                       $self->_path_to( 'todo_file', $options );
                   else {
                       carp "Unknown options [$options]";
           $known_tags_of{$ident} = \%tags;
           my $file = $self->_path_to('todo_file');
           if ( defined $file && -e $file ) {
           return $self;
       sub _path_to {
           my ( $self, $type, $path ) = @_;
           my $ident = ident($self);
           if ( $type eq 'todo_dir' ) {
               if ($path) {
                   $path_of{$ident}{$type} = $path;
               return $path_of{$ident}{$type};
           if ($path) {
               my ( $volume, $directories, $file )
                   = File::Spec->splitpath($path);
               $path_of{$ident}{$type} = $file;
               if ($volume) {
                   $directories = File::Spec->catdir( $volume, $directories );
               # XXX Should we save complete paths to each file, mebbe only if
               # the dirs are different?
               if ($directories) {
                   $path_of{$ident}{todo_dir} = $directories;
           if ( $type =~ /(todo|done|report)_file/xms ) {
               if ( my ( $pre, $post )
                   = $path_of{$ident}{$type} =~ /^(.*)$1(.*)\.txt$/ixms )
                   foreach my $f qw( todo done report ) {
                       if ( !defined $path_of{$ident}{ $f . '_file' } ) {
                           $path_of{$ident}{ $f . '_file' }
                               = $pre . $f . $post . '.txt';
           if ( defined $path_of{$ident}{todo_dir} ) {
               return File::Spec->catfile( $path_of{$ident}{todo_dir},
                   $path_of{$ident}{$type} );
       sub file {
           my ( $self, $file ) = @_;
           my $ident = ident($self);
           if ( defined $file && exists $path_of{$ident}{$file} ) {
               $file = $self->_path_to($file);
           else {
               $file = $self->_path_to( 'todo_file', $file );
           return $file;
       sub load {
           my ( $self, $file ) = @_;
           my $ident = ident($self);
           $loaded_of{$ident} = undef;
           $file = $self->file($file);
           if ( $list_of{$ident} = $self->listfile($file) ) {
               $loaded_of{$ident} = $file;
               return 1;
       sub listfile {
           my ( $self, $file ) = @_;
           $file = $self->file($file);
           if ( !defined $file ) {
               carp q{file can't be found};
           if ( !-e $file ) {
               carp "file [$file] does not exist";
           my @list;
           open my $fh, '<', $file or croak "Couldn't open [$file]: $!";
           while (<$fh>) {
               push @list, Text::Todo::Entry->new($_);
           close $fh or croak "Couldn't close [$file]: $!";
           return wantarray ? @list : \@list;
       sub save {
           my ( $self, $file ) = @_;
           my $ident = ident($self);
           $file = $self->file($file);
           if ( !defined $file ) {
               croak q{todo file can't be found};
           open my $fh, '>', $file or croak "Couldn't open [$file]: $!";
           foreach my $e ( @{ $list_of{$ident} } ) {
               print {$fh} $e->text . "\n"
                   or croak "Couldn't print to [$file]: $!";
           close $fh or croak "Couldn't close [$file]: $!";
           $loaded_of{$ident} = $file;
           return 1;
       sub list {
           my ($self) = @_;
           my $ident = ident($self);
           return if !$list_of{$ident};
           return wantarray ? @{ $list_of{$ident} } : $list_of{$ident};
       sub listpri {
           my ( $self, $pri ) = @_;
           my @list;
           if ($pri) {
               $pri = uc $pri;
               if ( $pri !~ /^[A-Z]$/xms ) {
                   croak 'PRIORITY must a single letter from A to Z.';
               @list = grep { defined $_->priority && $_->priority eq $pri }
           else {
               @list = grep { $_->priority } $self->list;
           return wantarray ? @list : \@list;
       sub add {
           my ( $self, $entry ) = @_;
           my $ident = ident($self);
           if ( !ref $entry ) {
               $entry = Text::Todo::Entry->new(
                   {   text => $entry,
                       tags => $known_tags_of{$ident},
           elsif ( ref $entry ne 'Text::Todo::Entry' ) {
                   'entry is a ' . ref($entry) . ' not a Text::Todo::Entry!' );
           push @{ $list_of{$ident} }, $entry;
           return $entry;
       sub del {
           my ( $self, $src ) = @_;
           my $ident = ident($self);
           my $id = $self->_find_entry_id($src);
           my @list = $self->list;
           my $entry = splice @list, $id, 1;
           $list_of{$ident} = \@list;
           return $entry;
       sub move {
           my ( $self, $entry, $dst ) = @_;
           my $ident = ident($self);
           my $src  = $self->_find_entry_id($entry);
           my @list = $self->list;
           splice @list, $dst, 0, splice @list, $src, 1;
           $list_of{$ident} = \@list;
           return 1;
       sub listproj {
           my ($self) = @_;
           return $self->listtag('project');
       sub listcon {
           my ($self) = @_;
           return $self->listtag('context');
       sub listtag {
           my ( $self, $tag ) = @_;
           my $ident = ident($self);
           my $accessor = $tag . 's';
           my %available;
           foreach my $e ( $self->list ) {
               foreach my $p ( $e->$accessor ) {
                   $available{$p} = 1;
           my @tags = sort keys %available;
           return wantarray ? @tags : \@tags;
       sub learn_tag {
           my ( $self, $tag, $sigal ) = @_;
           $known_tags_of{ ident $self}{$tag} = $sigal;
           return 1;
       sub known_tags {
           my ($self) = @_;
           my $ident = ident($self);
           my @list = $self->list;
           my %tags = %{ $known_tags_of{$ident} };
           foreach my $e (@list) {
               my $kt = $e->known_tags;
               foreach my $t ( keys %{$kt} ) {
                   if ( !exists $tags{$t} ) {
                       $tags{$t} = $kt->{$t};
           foreach my $e (@list) {
               my $kt = $e->known_tags;
               foreach my $t ( keys %tags ) {
                   if ( !exists $kt->{$t} || $tags{$t} ne $kt->{$t} ) {
                       $e->learn_tag( $t, $tags{$t} );
           $known_tags_of{$ident} = \%tags;
           return $known_tags_of{$ident};
       sub archive {
           my ($self) = @_;
           my $ident = ident($self);
           if ( !defined $loaded_of{$ident}
               || $loaded_of{$ident} ne $self->file('todo_file') )
               carp 'todo_file not loaded';
           my $changed = 0;
       ENTRY: foreach my $e ( $self->list ) {
               if ( $e->done ) {
                   if ( $self->addto( 'done_file', $e ) && $self->del($e) ) {
                   else {
                       carp q{Couldn't archive entry [} . $e->text . ']';
                       last ENTRY;
               elsif ( $e->text eq q{} ) {
                   if ( $self->del($e) ) {
                   else {
                       carp q{Couldn't delete blank entry};
                       last ENTRY;
           if ($changed) {
           return $changed;
       sub addto {
           my ( $self, $file, $entry ) = @_;
           my $ident = ident($self);
           $file = $self->file($file);
           if ( !defined $file ) {
               croak q{file can't be found};
           if ( ref $entry ) {
               if ( ref $entry eq 'Text::Todo::Entry' ) {
                   $entry = $entry->text;
               else {
                   carp 'Unknown ref [' . ref($entry) . ']';
           open my $fh, '>>', $file or croak "Couldn't open [$file]: $!";
           print {$fh} $entry, "\n"
               or croak "Couldn't print to [$file]: $!";
           close $fh or croak "Couldn't close [$file]: $!";
           if ( defined $loaded_of{$ident} && $file eq $loaded_of{$ident} ) {
               return $self->load($file);
           return 1;
       sub _find_entry_id {
           my ( $self, $entry ) = @_;
           my $ident = ident($self);
           if ( ref $entry ) {
               if ( ref $entry ne 'Text::Todo::Entry' ) {
                   croak(    'entry is a '
                           . ref($entry)
                           . ' not a Text::Todo::Entry!' );
               my @list = $self->list;
               foreach my $id ( 0 .. $#list ) {
                   if ( $list[$id] eq $entry ) {
                       return $id;
           elsif ( $entry =~ /^\d+$/xms ) {
               return $entry;
           croak "Invalid entry [$entry]!";
       sub DESTROY {
           my ($self) = @_;
           my $ident = ident $self;
           foreach my $attr_ref (@attr_refs) {
               delete $attr_ref->{$ident};
   1;    # Magic true value required at end of module
 __END__  __END__
 =head1 NAME  =head1 NAME
 Text::Todo - [One line description of module's purpose here]  Text::Todo - Perl interface to todotxt files
 =head1 VERSION  =head1 VERSION
 This document describes Text::Todo version 0.0.1  Since the $VERSION can't be automatically included,
   here is the RCS Id instead, you'll have to look up $VERSION.
 =head1 SYNOPSIS  =head1 SYNOPSIS
     use Text::Todo;      use Text::Todo;
       my $todo = Text::Todo->new('todo/todo.txt');
 =for author to fill in:      foreach my $e (sort { lc($_->text) cmp lc($e->text)} $todo->list) {
     Brief code example(s) here showing commonest usage(s).          print $e->text, "\n";
     This section will be as far as many users bother reading      }
     so make it as educational and exeplary as possible.  
 =for author to fill in:  This module is a basic interface to the todo.txt files as described by
     Write a full description of the module and its features here.  Lifehacker and extended by members of their community.
     Use subsections (=head2, =head3) as appropriate.  
   For more information see L<http://todotxt.com>
   This module supports the 3 axes of an effective todo list.
   Priority, Project and Context.
   It does not support other notations or many of the more advanced features of
   the todo.sh like plugins.
   It should be extensible, but and hopefully will be before a 1.0 release.
 =for author to fill in:  =head2 new
     Write a separate section listing the public components of the modules  
     interface. These normally consist of either subroutines that may be  
     exported, or methods that may be called on objects belonging to the  
     classes provided by the module.  
           [ todo_dir    => 'directory', ]
           [ todo_file   => 'filename in todo_dir', ]
           [ done_file   => 'filename in todo_dir', ]
           [ report_file => 'filename in todo_dir', ]
 =head1 DIAGNOSTICS  Allows you to set each item individually.  todo_file defaults to todo.txt.
 =for author to fill in:      new('path/to/todo.txt');
     List every single error and warning message that the module can  
     generate (even the ones that will "never happen"), with a full  
     explanation of each problem, one or more likely causes, and any  
     suggested remedies.  
 =over  Automatically sets todo_dir to 'path/to', todo_file to 'todo.txt'
 =item C<< Error message here, perhaps with %s placeholders >>      new('path/to')
 [Description of error here]  If you pass an existing directory to new, it will set todo_dir.
 =item C<< Another error message here >>  
 [Description of error here]  If you what you set matches (.*)todo(.*).txt it will automatically set
   done_file to $1done$2.txt
   report_file to $1report$2.txt.
 [Et cetera, et cetera]  For example, new('todo/todo.shopping.txt') will set
   todo_dir to 'todo',
   todo_file to 'todo.shopping.txt',
   done_file to 'done.shopping.txt',
   report_file to 'report.shopping.txt'.
 =back  =head2 file
   Allows you to read the paths to the files in use.
   If as in the SYNOPSIS above you used $todo = new('todo/todo.txt').
       $todo_file = $todo->file('todo_file');
   then, $todo_file eq 'todo/todo.txt'
   =head2 load
   - Reads a list from a file into the current object.
   Allows you to load a different file into the object.
   This effects the other functions that act on the list.
   =head2 save
   - Writes the list to disk.
   Either writes the current working file or the passed in argument
   that can be recognized by file().
   If you specify a filename it will save to that file and update the paths.
   Additional changes to the object work on that file.
   =head2 list
   - get the curently loaded list
       my @todo_list = $todo->list;
   In list context returns a list, it scalar context returns an array reference to the list.
   =head2 listpri
   - get the list items that are marked priority
   Like list, but only returns entries that have priority set.
       my @priority_list = $todo->listpri;
   Since this is so easy to write as:
       my @priority_list = grep { $_->priority } $todo->list;
   I think it may become depreciated unless there is demand.
   =head2 known_tags
   Returns a reference to a hash of the tags known to the list.
   =head2 learn_tag($tag, $sigal)
   Let the entire list learn a new tag.
   If you are working with a list you should use this instead of
   $entry->learn_tag because it will update all entries.
   =head2 listtag($tag)
   Returns tags found in the list sorted by name.
   If there were projects +GarageSale and +Shopping then
       my @projects = $todo->listtag('project');
   is the same as
       @projects = ( 'GarageSale', 'Shopping' );
   =head2 listcon
   - Shortcut to listtag('context')
   =head2 listproj
   - Shortcut to listtag('project')
   =head2 add
   Adds a new entry to the list.
   Can either be a Text::Todo::Entry object or plain text.
       $todo->add('new todo entry');
   It then becomes $todo->list->[-1];
   =head2 del
   Remove an entry from the list, either the reference or by number.
       $removed_entry = $todo->del($entry);
   $entry can either be an Text::Todo::Entry in the list or the index of the
   entry to delete.
   Note that entries are 0 indexed (as expected in perl) not starting at line 1.
   =head2 move
       $todo->move($entry, $new_pos);
   $entry can either be the number of the entry or the actual entry.
   $new_pos is the new position to put it.
   Note that entries are 0 indexed (as expected in perl) not starting at line 1.
   =head2 archive
   Iterates over the list and for each done entry,
   If any were archived it will then
   =head2 addto
       $todo->addto($file, $entry);
   Appends text to the file.
   $file can be anyting recognized by file().
   $entry can either be a Text::Todo::Entry or plain text.
   =head2 listfile
       @list = $todo->listfile($file);
   Read a file and returns a list like $todo->list but does not update the
   internal list that is being worked with.
   $file can be anyting recognized by file().
   Most methods return undef on failure.
   Some more important methods are fatal.
 =for author to fill in:  
     A full explanation of any configuration system(s) used by the  
     module, including the names and locations of any configuration  
     files, and the meaning of any environment variables or properties  
     that can be set. These descriptions must also include details of any  
     configuration language used.  
 Text::Todo requires no configuration files or environment variables.  Text::Todo requires no configuration files or environment variables.
   Someday it should be able to read and use the todo.sh config file.  This may
   possibly be better done in a client that would use this module.
 =for author to fill in:  Class::Std::Utils
     A list of all the other modules that this module relies upon,  File::Spec
     including any restrictions on versions, and an indication whether  version
     the module is part of the standard Perl distribution, part of the  
     module's distribution, or must be installed separately. ]  
 =for author to fill in:  
     A list of any modules that this module cannot be used in conjunction  
     with. This may be due to name conflicts in the interface, or  
     competition for system or program resources, or due to internal  
     limitations of Perl (for example, many modules that use source code  
     filters are mutually incompatible).  
 None reported.  None reported.
 =for author to fill in:  
     A list of known problems with the module, together with some  
     indication Whether they are likely to be fixed in an upcoming  
     release. Also a list of restrictions on the features the module  
     does provide: data types that cannot be handled, performance issues  
     and the circumstances in which they may arise, practical  
     limitations on the size of data sets, special cases that are not  
     (yet) handled, etc.  
 No bugs have been reported.  No bugs have been reported.
   Currently there isn't an easy way to print out line numbers with the entry.
 Please report any bugs or feature requests to  Please report any bugs or feature requests to
 C<bug-text-todo@rt.cpan.org>, or through the web interface at  C<bug-text-todo@rt.cpan.org>, or through the web interface at

Removed from v.1.1  
changed lines
  Added in v.1.26

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