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Annotation of todotxt/Text-Todo/MANIFEST.SKIP, Revision 1.4

1.1       andrew      1:
                      2: #!start included /usr/libdata/perl5/ExtUtils/MANIFEST.SKIP
                      3: # Avoid version control files.
                      4: \bRCS\b
                      5: \bCVS\b
                      6: \bSCCS\b
                      7: ,v$
                      8: \B\.svn\b
                      9: \B\.git\b
                     10: \B\.gitignore\b
                     11: \b_darcs\b
1.2       andrew     12: \b.cvsignore\b
1.1       andrew     13:
                     14: # Avoid Makemaker generated and utility files.
                     15: \bMANIFEST\.bak
                     16: \bMakefile$
                     17: \bblib/
                     18: \bMakeMaker-\d
                     19: \bpm_to_blib\.ts$
                     20: \bpm_to_blib$
                     21: \bblibdirs\.ts$         # 6.18 through 6.25 generated this
                     23: # Avoid Module::Build generated and utility files.
                     24: \bBuild$
                     25: \b_build/
                     27: # Avoid temp and backup files.
                     28: ~$
                     29: \.old$
1.3       andrew     30: \.orig$
1.1       andrew     31: \#$
1.4     ! andrew     32: (?:^|/)\.
1.1       andrew     33: \b\.#
                     34: \.bak$
                     36: # Avoid Devel::Cover files.
                     37: \bcover_db\b
                     38: #!end included /usr/libdata/perl5/ExtUtils/MANIFEST.SKIP
                     41: # Avoid Module::Build generated and utility files.
                     42: \bBuild$
                     43: \bBuild.bat$
                     44: \b_build
                     45: \bBuild.COM$
                     46: \bBUILD.COM$
                     47: \bbuild.com$
                     49: # Avoid archives of this distribution
                     50: \bText-Todo-[\d\.\_]+

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