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File: [local] / palm / Palm-Keyring / test3.pl (download)

Revision 1.3, Tue Apr 18 19:39:45 2006 UTC (18 years, 5 months ago) by andrew
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.2: +3 -2 lines

Some palmkeyring updates

# $RedRiver: palmkeyring-tk,v 1.2 2006/02/02 00:59:08 andrew Exp $
# palmkeyring-tk *** A GUI for 'Keyring for PalmOS' written in perl
# 2006.01.31 #*#*# andrew fresh <andrew@mad-techies.org>
use strict;
use warnings;

use Tk 8.0;
use Tk::widgets qw/ Dialog BrowseEntry ROText ProgressBar /;

use lib 'lib';
use Palm::Keyring;

#my $File    = "Keys-Gtkr.PDB";
my $File    = "k:/working/Keys-Gtkr.PDB";
my $Keyring = _do_open($File);

my $NAME    = 'Palm Keyring';

my $lock_when     = 0;
my $unlocked     = time; # Change this to 0 when I get more stuff filled out
my $lock_timeout = 30;

my $MW = MainWindow->new();
$MW->optionAdd('*BorderWidth' => 1);

my $pane = $MW->Panedwindow(
  Name => 'main', 
  -showhandle => 1, 
  -orient => 'horizontal'
)->pack(-fill => 'both', -expand => 1);

my $lists_frame = $pane->Frame(Name => 'lists')
my $right_frame = $pane->Frame(Name => 'right',-relief=>'sunken')

my $account_frame = $right_frame->Frame(Name => 'account')
my $lock_frame    = $right_frame->Frame(Name => 'lock',-relief=>'raised')


# Lists
my $category_list = $lists_frame->BrowseEntry()->pack(-side=>'top',-fill=>'x');
$category_list->insert(-1, 'All');
my $accounts_list = $lists_frame->Scrolled('Listbox', -scrollbars => 'e')

# Account
my %account_entry;
foreach my $label (qw/Category Name Account Password/) {
  $account_entry{$label} = $account_frame->LabEntry(-state=>'readonly', 
  -labelWidth => 10,
  -labelPack => [-side => 'left', -anchor => 'w'],
  -label=>$label . ': ', -text => 'my' . $label)

$account_entry{'Details'} = $account_frame->ROText(-wrap => 'word',-height=>5,-width=>30)
$account_entry{'Details'}->insert('1.0',"This is a test\nThis is only a test");

# Lock
my $lock_button = $lock_frame->Button(-text => 'Lock', -command => \&Lock)
my $lock_progress = $lock_frame->ProgressBar(
  -blocks => $lock_timeout,
  -from   => $lock_timeout,
  -to     => 0,
  -gap    => 0,


my $menubar = build_menubar($MW);

_populate_lists($Keyring, $category_list, $accounts_list);

my $VERSION = 0.01;


sub build_menubar { 

  # Create the menubar and File and Quit menubuttons.  Note 
  # that the cascade's menu widget is automatically created. 

  my $menubar = $MW->Menu; 
  $MW->configure(-menu => $menubar); 
  my $file = $menubar->cascade(-label => '~File', -tearoff => 0); 
  my $help = $menubar->cascade(-label => '~Help', -tearoff => 0); 

  # Create the menuitems for each menu.  First, the File menu item. 

  $file->command(-label => "Open",  -command => \&Open); 
  $file->command(-label => "Close", -command => \&Close); 
  $file->command(-label => "Quit",  -command => \&exit); 

  # Finally, the Help menuitems. 

  $help->command(-label => 'Version'); 
  $help->command(-label => 'About'); 

  my $ver_dialog =   $MW->Dialog(-title   => $NAME . ' Version', 
    -text    => "$NAME\n\nVersion $VERSION", 
    -buttons => ['OK'], 
    -bitmap  => 'info'); 
  my $about_dialog = $MW->Dialog(-title   => 'About ' . $NAME, 
    -text    => 'About ' . $NAME . "\n" .
                '© Copyright 2006 Andrew Fresh <andrew@mad-techies.org>', 
    -buttons => ['OK']); 
  my $menu = $help->cget('-menu'); 
  $menu->entryconfigure('Version', -command => [$ver_dialog   => 'Show']); 
  $menu->entryconfigure('About',   -command => [$about_dialog => 'Show']); 

  $menubar;                        # return the menubar 


sub Lock
  $unlocked = time;

sub Lock_Timeout
  #return unless $unlocked;
  my $diff = time - $unlocked;
  if ($diff > $lock_timeout) {
    print "Timed out!";
  } else {
    $lock_when = $diff;

sub Open

sub Close

sub _do_open
  my $file = shift;
  my $pdb  = Palm::Keyring->new;
  $pdb->Load($file) || die "Couldn't load '$file'";
  return $pdb;

sub _do_close

sub _do_lock

sub _populate_lists
  my $pdb  = shift;
  my $cat  = shift;
  my $acct = shift;
  foreach my $category (@{ $pdb->{'appinfo'}->{'categories'} }) {
    next unless $category->{'name'};
    $cat->insert( $category->{'id'}, $category->{'name'});
  foreach my $account (@{ $pdb->{'records'} }) {
    next unless $account->{'plaintext'}->{'name'};
    $acct->insert('end', $account->{'plaintext'}->{'name'});