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File: [local] / palm / Palm-Keyring / t / keyring5.t (download)

Revision 1.2, Mon Feb 19 01:37:10 2007 UTC (17 years, 7 months ago) by andrew
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.1: +119 -60 lines

add some tests of v5 and the different features, also fix some probles that the tests brought to light.

# $RedRiver: keyring5.t,v 1.1 2007/02/19 00:28:28 andrew Exp $
use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More tests => 118;
use YAML;

    use_ok( 'Palm::PDB' ); 
    use_ok( 'Palm::Keyring' ); 

my $file = 'Keys-test.pdb';
my $password = '12345';
my $new_password = '54321';

foreach my $cipher (0..3) {
    my $pdb;
    my @recs;
    my $record;
    my $decrypted;

    my $options = {
        version  => 5,
        password => $password,
        cipher   => $cipher,

    my $original_accts = [
        'label_id' => 2,
        'data' => 'only password is set',
        'label' => 'password',
        'font' => 0
        'label_id' => 3,
        'data' => {
            'month' => 1,
            'day' => 1,
            'year' => 107
        'label' => 'lastchange',
        'font' => 0
        'label_id' => 1,
        'data' => 'test',
        'label' => 'account',
        'font' => 0
        'label_id' => 2,
        'data' => 'abcd1234',
        'label' => 'password',
        'font' => 0
        'label_id' => 3,
        'data' => {
            'month' => 1,
            'day' => 11,
            'year' => 107
        'label' => 'lastchange',
        'font' => 0
        'label_id' => 255,
        'data' => 'This is a short note.',
        'label' => 'notes',
        'font' => 0
        'label_id' => 2,
        'data' => 'password (date is 2/2/07)',
        'label' => 'password',
        'font' => 0
        'label_id' => 3,
        'data' => {
            'month' => 1,
            'day' => 2,
            'year' => 107
        'label' => 'lastchange',
        'font' => 0

    ok( $pdb = new Palm::Keyring($options), 'New Palm::Keyring v' 
        . $options->{version} 
        . ' Cipher ' 
        . $options->{cipher}

    foreach my $acct (@{ $original_accts} ) {
        ok( $record = $pdb->append_Record(), 'Append Record' );
        ok( $pdb->Encrypt($record, $acct, $password), 'Encrypt account into record' );

    ok( $pdb->Write($file), 'Write file' );

    $pdb = undef;

    ok( $pdb = new Palm::PDB(), 'New Palm::PDB' );

    ok( $pdb->Load($file), 'Load File' );

    ok( $pdb->Password($password), 'Verify Password' );

    foreach my $rec (@{ $pdb->{records} }) {
        ok( $decrypted = $pdb->Decrypt($rec), 'Decrypt record' );
        push @recs, $decrypted;

    is_deeply( $original_accts, \@recs, 'Account Matches' );

    @recs = ();
    my $rec_num = 1;

    ok( $pdb->Password($password, $new_password), 'Change PDB Password' );

    foreach my $rec (@{ $pdb->{records} }) {
        ok( $decrypted = $pdb->Decrypt($rec), 'Decrypt record' );
        push @recs, $decrypted;

    is_deeply( $original_accts, \@recs, 'Account Matches' );

    my $acct;
    ok( $acct = $pdb->Decrypt( $pdb->{records}->[$rec_num]), 'decrypt record ' . $rec_num);

    foreach my $field (@{ $acct }) {
        next unless $field->{label} eq 'password';
        ok($field->{data} = $new_password, 'Change password');

    ok(  $pdb->Encrypt($pdb->{'records'}->[$rec_num], $acct), 'Change record' );

    ok( $decrypted = $pdb->Decrypt($pdb->{'records'}->[$rec_num]), 'Decrypt changed record' );

    is_deeply($acct, $decrypted, 'Compare changed record');

    $decrypted = [];
    ok( $pdb->Password(), 'Forget password' );

    eval{ $decrypted = $pdb->Decrypt($pdb->{'records'}->[$rec_num]) };
    ok($@, 'Don\'t decrypt');

    my $got_password = 'Got nothing';
    if ($decrypted) {
        foreach my $field (@{ $decrypted }) {
            next unless $field->{label} eq 'password';
            $got_password = $field->{data};

    isnt( $got_password, $new_password, 'Didn\'t get new password' );

    ok( unlink($file), 'Remove test pdb v' . $options->{version} );
