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Annotation of palm/Palm-Keyring/lib/Palm/Keyring.pm, Revision 1.55

1.14      andrew      1: package Palm::Keyring;
1.55    ! andrew      2: # $RedRiver: Keyring.pm,v 1.54 2007/12/05 05:42:29 andrew Exp $
1.27      andrew      3: ########################################################################
                      4: # Keyring.pm *** Perl class for Keyring for Palm OS databases.
                      5: #
                      6: #   This started as Memo.pm, I just made it work for Keyring.
1.1       andrew      7: #
1.27      andrew      8: # 2006.01.26 #*#*# andrew fresh <andrew@cpan.org>
                      9: ########################################################################
                     10: # Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 by Andrew Fresh
1.1       andrew     11: #
1.27      andrew     12: # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
                     13: # it under the same terms as Perl itself.
                     14: ########################################################################
1.1       andrew     15: use strict;
1.14      andrew     16: use warnings;
1.27      andrew     17:
1.54      andrew     18: require 5.006_001;
1.14      andrew     20: use Carp;
                     22: use base qw/ Palm::StdAppInfo /;
1.1       andrew     23:
1.24      andrew     24: my $ENCRYPT    = 1;
                     25: my $DECRYPT    = 0;
                     26: my $MD5_CBLOCK = 64;
                     27: my $kSalt_Size = 4;
                     28: my $EMPTY      = q{};
                     29: my $SPACE      = q{ };
                     30: my $NULL       = chr 0;
1.14      andrew     31:
1.28      andrew     32: my @CRYPTS = (
1.34      andrew     33:     {
                     34:         alias     => 'None',
1.28      andrew     35:         name      => 'None',
                     36:         keylen    => 8,
                     37:         blocksize => 1,
1.29      andrew     38:         default_iter => 500,
1.28      andrew     39:     },
1.34      andrew     40:     {
                     41:         alias     => 'DES-EDE3',
1.28      andrew     42:         name      => 'DES_EDE3',
                     43:         keylen    => 24,
                     44:         blocksize =>  8,
                     45:         DES_odd_parity => 1,
1.29      andrew     46:         default_iter => 1000,
1.28      andrew     47:     },
1.34      andrew     48:     {
                     49:         alias     => 'AES128',
1.28      andrew     50:         name      => 'Rijndael',
                     51:         keylen    => 16,
                     52:         blocksize => 16,
1.29      andrew     53:         default_iter => 100,
1.28      andrew     54:     },
1.34      andrew     55:     {
                     56:         alias     => 'AES256',
1.28      andrew     57:         name      => 'Rijndael',
                     58:         keylen    => 32,
                     59:         blocksize => 16,
1.29      andrew     60:         default_iter => 250,
1.28      andrew     61:     },
                     62: );
1.46      andrew     64: my %LABELS = (
                     65:     0 => {
                     66:         id   => 0,
                     67:         name => 'name',
                     68:     },
                     69:     1 => {
                     70:         id   => 1,
                     71:         name => 'account',
                     72:     },
                     73:     2 => {
                     74:         id   => 2,
                     75:         name => 'password',
                     76:     },
                     77:     3 => {
                     78:         id   => 3,
                     79:         name => 'lastchange',
                     80:     },
                     81:     255 => {
                     82:         id   => 255,
                     83:         name => 'notes',
                     84:     },
                     85: );
1.1       andrew     87:
1.54      andrew     88: our $VERSION = '0.96_07';
1.28      andrew     89:
                     90: sub new
                     91: {
1.14      andrew     92:     my $classname = shift;
1.28      andrew     93:     my $options = {};
1.46      andrew     95:     if (@_) {
                     96:         # hashref arguments
                     97:         if (ref $_[0] eq 'HASH') {
                     98:           $options = shift;
                     99:         }
                    101:         # CGI style arguments
                    102:         elsif ($_[0] =~ /^-[a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,20}$/) {
                    103:           my %tmp = @_;
                    104:           while ( my($key,$value) = each %tmp) {
                    105:             $key =~ s/^-//;
                    106:             $options->{lc $key} = $value;
                    107:           }
                    108:         }
                    110:         else {
                    111:             $options->{password} = shift;
                    112:             $options->{version}  = shift;
                    113:         }
1.28      andrew    114:     }
1.1       andrew    115:
1.14      andrew    116:     # Create a generic PDB. No need to rebless it, though.
1.28      andrew    117:     my $self = $classname->SUPER::new();
1.1       andrew    118:
1.28      andrew    119:     $self->{name}    = 'Keys-Gtkr';    # Default
                    120:     $self->{creator} = 'Gtkr';
                    121:     $self->{type}    = 'Gkyr';
1.14      andrew    122:
                    123:     # The PDB is not a resource database by
                    124:     # default, but it's worth emphasizing,
                    125:     # since MemoDB is explicitly not a PRC.
1.28      andrew    126:     $self->{attributes}{resource} = 0;
1.1       andrew    127:
1.28      andrew    128:     # Set the version
                    129:     $self->{version} = $options->{version} || 4;
1.1       andrew    130:
1.28      andrew    131:     # Set options
                    132:     $self->{options} = $options;
1.1       andrew    133:
1.29      andrew    134:     # Set defaults
                    135:     if ($self->{version} == 5) {
                    136:         $self->{options}->{cipher} ||= 0; # 'None'
1.39      andrew    137:         my $c = crypts($self->{options}->{cipher})
                    138:             or croak('Unknown cipher ' . $self->{options}->{cipher});
                    139:         $self->{options}->{iterations} ||= $c->{default_iter};
                    140:         $self->{appinfo}->{cipher} ||= $self->{options}->{cipher};
                    141:         $self->{appinfo}->{iter}   ||= $self->{options}->{iterations};
1.29      andrew    142:     };
1.28      andrew    144:     if ( defined $options->{password} ) {
                    145:         $self->Password($options->{password});
1.14      andrew    146:     }
1.1       andrew    147:
1.14      andrew    148:     return $self;
                    149: }
1.1       andrew    150:
1.28      andrew    151: sub import
                    152: {
1.14      andrew    153:     Palm::PDB::RegisterPDBHandlers( __PACKAGE__, [ 'Gtkr', 'Gkyr' ], );
                    154:     return 1;
                    155: }
1.1       andrew    156:
1.34      andrew    157: # Accessors
                    159: sub crypts
                    160: {
                    161:     my $crypt = shift;
1.46      andrew    162:     if ((! defined $crypt) || (! length $crypt)) {
1.39      andrew    163:         return;
                    164:     } elsif ($crypt =~ /\D/) {
1.34      andrew    165:         foreach my $c (@CRYPTS) {
                    166:             if ($c->{alias} eq $crypt) {
                    167:                 return $c;
                    168:             }
                    169:         }
                    170:         # didn't find it.
                    171:         return;
                    172:     } else {
                    173:         return $CRYPTS[$crypt];
                    174:     }
                    175: }
1.46      andrew    177: sub labels
                    178: {
                    179:     my $label = shift;
                    181:     if ((! defined $label) || (! length $label)) {
                    182:         return;
                    183:     } elsif (exists $LABELS{$label}) {
                    184:         return $LABELS{$label};
                    185:     } else {
                    186:         foreach my $l (keys %LABELS) {
                    187:             if ($LABELS{$l}{name} eq $label) {
                    188:                 return $LABELS{$l};
                    189:             }
                    190:         }
                    192:         # didn't find it, make one.
                    193:         if ($label =~ /^\d+$/) {
                    194:             return {
                    195:                 id => $label,
                    196:                 name => undef,
                    197:             };
                    198:         } else {
                    199:             return;
                    200:         }
                    201:     }
                    202: }
                    204: # Write
                    206: sub Write
                    207: {
                    208:     my $self = shift;
                    210:     if ($self->{version} == 4) {
                    211:        # Give the PDB the first record that will hold the encrypted password
                    212:         my $rec = $self->new_Record;
                    213:         $rec->{data} = $self->{encpassword};
                    215:         if (ref $self->{records} eq 'ARRAY') {
                    216:             unshift @{ $self->{records} }, $rec;
                    217:         } else {
                    218:             $self->{records} = [ $rec ];
                    219:         }
                    220:     }
                    222:     my $rc = $self->SUPER::Write(@_);
                    224:     if ($self->{version} == 4) {
                    225:         shift @{ $self->{records} };
                    226:     }
                    228:     return $rc;
                    229: }
1.29      andrew    231: # ParseRecord
1.28      andrew    232:
                    233: sub ParseRecord
                    234: {
1.14      andrew    235:     my $self     = shift;
1.16      andrew    237:     my $rec = $self->SUPER::ParseRecord(@_);
1.28      andrew    238:     return $rec if ! exists $rec->{data};
                    240:     if ($self->{version} == 4) {
                    241:         # skip the first record because it contains the password.
1.46      andrew    242:         if (! exists $self->{records}) {
                    243:             $self->{encpassword} = $rec->{data};
                    244:             return '__DELETE_ME__';
                    245:         }
                    247:         if ($self->{records}->[0] eq '__DELETE_ME__') {
                    248:             shift @{ $self->{records} };
                    249:         }
1.28      andrew    250:
                    251:         my ( $name, $encrypted ) = split /$NULL/xm, $rec->{data}, 2;
                    253:         return $rec if ! $encrypted;
1.48      andrew    254:         $rec->{plaintext}->{0} = {
1.46      andrew    255:             label => 'name',
                    256:             label_id => 0,
                    257:             data  => $name,
                    258:             font  => 0,
                    259:         };
1.28      andrew    260:         $rec->{encrypted} = $encrypted;
                    261:         delete $rec->{data};
                    263:     } elsif ($self->{version} == 5) {
1.39      andrew    264:         my $c = crypts( $self->{appinfo}->{cipher} )
                    265:             or croak('Unknown cipher ' . $self->{appinfo}->{cipher});
                    266:         my $blocksize = $c->{blocksize};
1.28      andrew    267:         my ($field, $extra) = _parse_field($rec->{data});
1.37      andrew    268:         delete $rec->{data};
1.16      andrew    269:
1.48      andrew    270:         $rec->{plaintext}->{0} = $field;
1.37      andrew    271:         $rec->{ivec}      = substr $extra, 0, $blocksize;
                    272:         $rec->{encrypted} = substr $extra, $blocksize;
1.28      andrew    273:
                    274:     } else {
1.46      andrew    275:         croak "Unsupported Version $self->{version}";
1.28      andrew    276:         return;
                    277:     }
1.12      andrew    278:
1.16      andrew    279:     return $rec;
1.14      andrew    280: }
1.11      andrew    281:
1.28      andrew    282: # PackRecord
                    284: sub PackRecord
                    285: {
1.16      andrew    286:     my $self = shift;
                    287:     my $rec  = shift;
1.28      andrew    289:     if ($self->{version} == 4) {
                    290:         if ($rec->{encrypted}) {
1.48      andrew    291:             my $name = $rec->{plaintext}->{0}->{data} || $EMPTY;
1.46      andrew    292:             $rec->{data} = join $NULL, $name, $rec->{encrypted};
1.48      andrew    293:             delete $rec->{plaintext};
1.28      andrew    294:             delete $rec->{encrypted};
                    295:         }
1.29      andrew    296:
1.28      andrew    297:     } elsif ($self->{version} == 5) {
1.37      andrew    298:         my $field;
1.48      andrew    299:         if ($rec->{plaintext}->{0}) {
                    300:             $field = $rec->{plaintext}->{0};
1.37      andrew    301:         } else {
                    302:             $field = {
1.46      andrew    303:                 'label'    => 'name',
                    304:                 'label_id' => 0,
1.37      andrew    305:                 'data'     => $EMPTY,
                    306:                 'font'     => 0,
                    307:             };
                    308:         }
                    309:         my $packed = _pack_field($field);
1.29      andrew    310:
1.46      andrew    311:         $rec->{data} = join $EMPTY, $packed, $rec->{ivec}, $rec->{encrypted};
1.29      andrew    312:
1.28      andrew    313:     } else {
1.46      andrew    314:         croak "Unsupported Version $self->{version}";
1.16      andrew    315:     }
1.1       andrew    316:
1.16      andrew    317:     return $self->SUPER::PackRecord($rec, @_);
1.14      andrew    318: }
1.1       andrew    319:
1.28      andrew    320: # ParseAppInfoBlock
                    322: sub ParseAppInfoBlock
                    323: {
                    324:     my $self = shift;
                    325:     my $data = shift;
                    326:     my $appinfo = {};
                    328:     &Palm::StdAppInfo::parse_StdAppInfo($appinfo, $data);
                    330:     # int8/uint8
                    331:     # - Signed or Unsigned Byte (8 bits). C types: char, unsigned char
                    332:     # int16/uint16
                    333:     # - Signed or Unsigned Word (16 bits). C types: short, unsigned short
                    334:     # int32/uint32
                    335:     # - Signed or Unsigned Doubleword (32 bits). C types: int, unsigned int
                    336:     # sz
                    337:     # - Zero-terminated C-style string
                    339:     if ($self->{version} == 4) {
                    340:         # Nothing extra for version 4
                    342:     } elsif ($self->{version} == 5) {
                    343:         _parse_appinfo_v5($appinfo) || return;
                    345:     } else {
1.46      andrew    346:         croak "Unsupported Version $self->{version}";
1.28      andrew    347:     }
                    349:     return $appinfo;
                    350: }
                    352: sub _parse_appinfo_v5
                    353: {
                    354:     my $appinfo = shift;
                    356:     if (! exists $appinfo->{other}) {
                    357:         # XXX Corrupt appinfo?
                    358:         return;
                    359:     }
                    361:     my $unpackstr
                    362:         = ("C1" x 8)  # 8 uint8s in an array for the salt
1.35      andrew    363:         . ("n1" x 2)  # the iter (uint16) and the cipher (uint16)
1.28      andrew    364:         . ("C1" x 8); # and finally 8 more uint8s for the hash
                    366:     my (@salt, $iter, $cipher, @hash);
                    367:     (@salt[0..7], $iter, $cipher, @hash[0..7])
                    368:         = unpack $unpackstr, $appinfo->{other};
                    370:     $appinfo->{salt}           = sprintf "%02x" x 8, @salt;
                    371:     $appinfo->{iter}           = $iter;
                    372:     $appinfo->{cipher}         = $cipher;
                    373:     $appinfo->{masterhash}     = sprintf "%02x" x 8, @hash;
                    374:     delete $appinfo->{other};
                    376:     return $appinfo
                    377: }
                    379: # PackAppInfoBlock
                    381: sub PackAppInfoBlock
                    382: {
                    383:     my $self = shift;
                    384:     my $retval;
                    386:     if ($self->{version} == 4) {
                    387:         # Nothing to do for v4
                    389:     } elsif ($self->{version} == 5) {
1.29      andrew    390:         _pack_appinfo_v5($self->{appinfo});
1.28      andrew    391:     } else {
1.46      andrew    392:         croak "Unsupported Version $self->{version}";
1.28      andrew    393:     }
                    394:     return &Palm::StdAppInfo::pack_StdAppInfo($self->{appinfo});
                    395: }
1.29      andrew    397: sub _pack_appinfo_v5
                    398: {
                    399:     my $appinfo = shift;
                    401:     my $packstr
                    402:         = ("C1" x 8)  # 8 uint8s in an array for the salt
1.35      andrew    403:         . ("n1" x 2)  # the iter (uint16) and the cipher (uint16)
1.29      andrew    404:         . ("C1" x 8); # and finally 8 more uint8s for the hash
                    406:     my @salt = map { hex $_ } $appinfo->{salt} =~ /../gxm;
                    407:     my @hash = map { hex $_ } $appinfo->{masterhash} =~ /../gxm;
                    409:     my $packed = pack($packstr,
                    410:         @salt,
                    411:         $appinfo->{iter},
                    412:         $appinfo->{cipher},
                    413:         @hash
                    414:     );
                    416:     $appinfo->{other}  = $packed;
                    418:     return $appinfo
                    419: }
1.28      andrew    421: # Encrypt
                    423: sub Encrypt
                    424: {
1.14      andrew    425:     my $self = shift;
1.16      andrew    426:     my $rec  = shift;
1.28      andrew    427:     my $pass = shift || $self->{password};
1.48      andrew    428:     my $data = shift || $rec->{plaintext};
1.34      andrew    429:     my $ivec = shift;
1.16      andrew    430:
1.29      andrew    431:     if ( ! $pass && ! $self->{appinfo}->{key}) {
1.28      andrew    432:         croak("password not set!\n");
1.16      andrew    433:     }
                    435:     if ( ! $rec) {
                    436:         croak("Needed parameter 'record' not passed!\n");
                    437:     }
1.14      andrew    438:
1.16      andrew    439:     if ( ! $data) {
1.48      andrew    440:         croak("Needed 'plaintext' not passed!\n");
1.14      andrew    441:     }
1.29      andrew    443:     if ( $pass && ! $self->Password($pass)) {
1.16      andrew    444:         croak("Incorrect Password!\n");
                    445:     }
1.14      andrew    446:
1.29      andrew    447:     my $acct;
                    448:     if ($rec->{encrypted}) {
                    449:         $acct = $self->Decrypt($rec, $pass);
                    450:     }
                    452:     my $encrypted;
1.28      andrew    453:     if ($self->{version} == 4) {
                    454:         $self->{digest} ||= _calc_keys( $pass );
1.46      andrew    455:         my $datav4 = {
                    456:             name       => $data->{0}->{data},
                    457:             account    => $data->{1}->{data},
                    458:             password   => $data->{2}->{data},
                    459:             lastchange => $data->{3}->{data},
                    460:             notes      => $data->{255}->{data},
                    461:         };
                    462:         my $acctv4 = {
                    463:             name       => $acct->{0}->{data},
                    464:             account    => $acct->{1}->{data},
                    465:             password   => $acct->{2}->{data},
                    466:             lastchange => $acct->{3}->{data},
                    467:             notes      => $acct->{255}->{data},
                    468:         };
                    469:         $encrypted = _encrypt_v4($datav4, $acctv4, $self->{digest});
1.29      andrew    470:
                    471:     } elsif ($self->{version} == 5) {
                    472:         ($encrypted, $ivec) = _encrypt_v5(
1.46      andrew    473:             $data, $acct,
1.29      andrew    474:             $self->{appinfo}->{key},
                    475:             $self->{appinfo}->{cipher},
1.34      andrew    476:             $ivec,
1.29      andrew    477:         );
1.34      andrew    478:         if (defined $ivec) {
1.29      andrew    479:             $rec->{ivec} = $ivec;
1.28      andrew    480:         }
1.29      andrew    481:
                    482:     } else {
1.46      andrew    483:         croak "Unsupported Version $self->{version}";
1.29      andrew    484:     }
1.48      andrew    486:     $rec->{plaintext}->{0} = $data->{0};
1.46      andrew    487:
1.29      andrew    488:     if ($encrypted) {
                    489:         if ($encrypted eq '1') {
1.28      andrew    490:             return 1;
                    491:         }
1.29      andrew    492:
                    493:         $rec->{attributes}{Dirty} = 1;
                    494:         $rec->{attributes}{dirty} = 1;
                    495:         $rec->{encrypted} = $encrypted;
                    497:         return 1;
1.28      andrew    498:     } else {
1.29      andrew    499:         return;
1.28      andrew    500:     }
                    501: }
1.14      andrew    502:
1.28      andrew    503: sub _encrypt_v4
                    504: {
1.29      andrew    505:     my $new    = shift;
                    506:     my $old    = shift;
1.28      andrew    507:     my $digest = shift;
1.29      andrew    509:     $new->{account}  ||= $EMPTY;
                    510:     $new->{password} ||= $EMPTY;
                    511:     $new->{notes}    ||= $EMPTY;
1.1       andrew    512:
1.22      andrew    513:     my $changed      = 0;
                    514:     my $need_newdate = 0;
1.29      andrew    515:     if ($old && %{ $old }) {
1.46      andrew    516:         no warnings 'uninitialized';
1.29      andrew    517:         foreach my $key (keys %{ $new }) {
1.22      andrew    518:             next if $key eq 'lastchange';
1.29      andrew    519:             if ($new->{$key} ne $old->{$key}) {
1.22      andrew    520:                 $changed = 1;
                    521:                 last;
                    522:             }
                    523:         }
1.29      andrew    524:         if ( exists $new->{lastchange} && exists $old->{lastchange} && (
                    525:             $new->{lastchange}->{day}   != $old->{lastchange}->{day}   ||
                    526:             $new->{lastchange}->{month} != $old->{lastchange}->{month} ||
                    527:             $new->{lastchange}->{year}  != $old->{lastchange}->{year}
1.22      andrew    528:         )) {
                    529:             $changed = 1;
                    530:             $need_newdate = 0;
                    531:         } else {
                    532:             $need_newdate = 1;
                    533:         }
                    535:     } else {
                    536:         $changed = 1;
                    537:     }
                    539:     # no need to re-encrypt if it has not changed.
                    540:     return 1 if ! $changed;
1.21      andrew    542:     my ($day, $month, $year);
1.29      andrew    544:     if ($new->{lastchange} && ! $need_newdate ) {
                    545:         $day   = $new->{lastchange}->{day}   || 1;
                    546:         $month = $new->{lastchange}->{month} || 0;
                    547:         $year  = $new->{lastchange}->{year}  || 0;
1.22      andrew    548:
                    549:         # XXX Need to actually validate the above information somehow
                    550:         if ($year >= 1900) {
                    551:             $year -= 1900;
                    552:         }
                    553:     } else {
                    554:         $need_newdate = 1;
                    555:     }
                    557:     if ($need_newdate) {
1.21      andrew    558:         ($day, $month, $year) = (localtime)[3,4,5];
                    559:     }
1.22      andrew    560:
1.29      andrew    561:     my $packed_date = _pack_keyring_date( {
1.28      andrew    562:             year  => $year,
                    563:             month => $month,
                    564:             day   => $day,
                    565:     });
1.19      andrew    566:
1.16      andrew    567:     my $plaintext = join $NULL,
1.29      andrew    568:         $new->{account}, $new->{password}, $new->{notes}, $packed_date;
1.1       andrew    569:
1.28      andrew    570:     return _crypt3des( $plaintext, $digest, $ENCRYPT );
                    571: }
1.11      andrew    572:
1.29      andrew    573: sub _encrypt_v5
                    574: {
                    575:     my $new    = shift;
                    576:     my $old    = shift;
                    577:     my $key    = shift;
                    578:     my $cipher = shift;
1.34      andrew    579:     my $ivec   = shift;
1.39      andrew    580:     my $c = crypts($cipher) or croak('Unknown cipher ' . $cipher);
1.29      andrew    581:
1.34      andrew    582:     if (! defined $ivec) {
1.39      andrew    583:         $ivec = pack("C*",map {rand(256)} 1..$c->{blocksize});
1.34      andrew    584:     }
1.29      andrew    586:     my $changed = 0;
                    587:     my $need_newdate = 1;
1.46      andrew    588:     if ($new->{3}->{data}) {
                    589:         $need_newdate = 0;
                    590:     }
                    591:     foreach my $k (keys %{ $new }) {
                    592:         if (! $old) {
                    593:             $changed = 1;
                    594:         } elsif ($k == 3) {
                    595:             if ($old && (
                    596:                     $new->{$k}{data}{day}   == $old->{$k}{data}{day}   &&
                    597:                     $new->{$k}{data}{month} == $old->{$k}{data}{month} &&
                    598:                     $new->{$k}{data}{year}  == $old->{$k}{data}{year}
1.29      andrew    599:                 )) {
                    600:                 $changed      = 1;
1.46      andrew    601:                 $need_newdate = 1;
1.29      andrew    602:             }
1.46      andrew    604:         } else {
                    605:             my $n = join ':', sort %{ $new->{$k} };
                    606:             my $o = join ':', sort %{ $old->{$k} };
1.29      andrew    607:             if ($n ne $o) {
                    608:                 $changed = 1;
                    609:             }
                    610:         }
                    611:     }
                    613:     return 1, 0 if $changed == 0;
1.46      andrew    615:     if ($need_newdate) {
1.29      andrew    616:         my ($day, $month, $year) = (localtime)[3,4,5];
1.46      andrew    617:         $new->{3} = {
                    618:             label => 'lastchange',
                    619:             label_id => 3,
                    620:             font  => 0,
                    621:             data => {
                    622:                 year  => $year,
                    623:                 month => $month,
                    624:                 day   => $day,
1.47      andrew    625:            },
1.29      andrew    626:         };
                    627:     } else {
                    628:         # XXX Need to actually validate the above information somehow
1.46      andrew    629:         if ($new->{3}->{data}->{year} >= 1900) {
                    630:             $new->{3}->{data}->{year} -= 1900;
1.29      andrew    631:         }
                    632:     }
1.48      andrew    634:     my $plaintext;
1.46      andrew    635:     foreach my $k (keys %{ $new }) {
1.52      andrew    636:         next if $new->{$k}->{label_id} == 0;
1.48      andrew    637:         $plaintext .= _pack_field($new->{$k});
1.29      andrew    638:     }
1.54      andrew    639:     $plaintext .= chr(0xff) x 2;
1.46      andrew    640:
1.29      andrew    641:     my $encrypted;
1.39      andrew    642:     if ($c->{name} eq 'None') {
1.29      andrew    643:         # do nothing
1.48      andrew    644:         $encrypted = $plaintext;
1.29      andrew    645:
1.39      andrew    646:     } elsif ($c->{name} eq 'DES_EDE3' or $c->{name} eq 'Rijndael') {
1.35      andrew    647:         require Crypt::CBC;
1.39      andrew    648:         my $cbc = Crypt::CBC->new(
1.35      andrew    649:             -key         => $key,
1.29      andrew    650:             -literal_key => 1,
                    651:             -iv          => $ivec,
1.39      andrew    652:             -cipher      => $c->{name},
                    653:             -keysize     => $c->{keylen},
                    654:             -blocksize   => $c->{blocksize},
1.29      andrew    655:             -header      => 'none',
                    656:             -padding     => 'oneandzeroes',
                    657:         );
                    659:         if (! $c) {
                    660:             croak("Unable to set up encryption!");
                    661:         }
1.48      andrew    663:         $encrypted = $cbc->encrypt($plaintext);
1.29      andrew    664:
                    665:     } else {
1.46      andrew    666:         croak "Unsupported Crypt $c->{name}";
1.29      andrew    667:     }
                    669:     return $encrypted, $ivec;
                    670: }
1.28      andrew    672: # Decrypt
1.1       andrew    673:
1.31      andrew    674: sub Decrypt
1.28      andrew    675: {
1.14      andrew    676:     my $self = shift;
1.16      andrew    677:     my $rec  = shift;
1.28      andrew    678:     my $pass = shift || $self->{password};
1.16      andrew    679:
1.29      andrew    680:     if ( ! $pass && ! $self->{appinfo}->{key}) {
1.28      andrew    681:         croak("password not set!\n");
1.16      andrew    682:     }
                    684:     if ( ! $rec) {
1.19      andrew    685:         croak("Needed parameter 'record' not passed!\n");
1.16      andrew    686:     }
1.14      andrew    687:
1.30      andrew    688:     if ( $pass && ! $self->Password($pass)) {
1.16      andrew    689:         croak("Invalid Password!\n");
1.14      andrew    690:     }
1.28      andrew    692:     if ( ! $rec->{encrypted} ) {
1.16      andrew    693:         croak("No encrypted content!");
                    694:     }
1.14      andrew    695:
1.48      andrew    696:     my $plaintext;
1.28      andrew    697:     if ($self->{version} == 4) {
                    698:         $self->{digest} ||= _calc_keys( $pass );
                    699:         my $acct = _decrypt_v4($rec->{encrypted}, $self->{digest});
1.48      andrew    700:         $plaintext = {
                    701:             0 => $rec->{plaintext}->{0},
1.46      andrew    702:             1 => {
                    703:                 label    => 'account',
                    704:                 label_id => 1,
                    705:                 font     => 0,
                    706:                 data     => $acct->{account},
                    707:             },
                    708:             2 => {
                    709:                 label    => 'password',
                    710:                 label_id => 2,
                    711:                 font     => 0,
                    712:                 data     => $acct->{password},
                    713:             },
                    714:             3 => {
                    715:                 label    => 'lastchange',
                    716:                 label_id => 3,
                    717:                 font     => 0,
                    718:                 data     => $acct->{lastchange},
                    719:             },
                    720:             255 => {
                    721:                 label    => 'notes',
                    722:                 label_id => 255,
                    723:                 font     => 0,
                    724:                 data     => $acct->{notes},
                    725:             },
                    726:         };
1.29      andrew    727:
1.28      andrew    728:     } elsif ($self->{version} == 5) {
1.48      andrew    729:         $plaintext = _decrypt_v5(
1.29      andrew    730:             $rec->{encrypted}, $self->{appinfo}->{key},
                    731:             $self->{appinfo}->{cipher}, $rec->{ivec},
1.28      andrew    732:         );
1.48      andrew    733:         $plaintext->{0} ||= $rec->{plaintext}->{0};
1.29      andrew    734:
1.28      andrew    735:     } else {
1.46      andrew    736:         croak "Unsupported Version $self->{version}";
1.28      andrew    737:     }
1.48      andrew    738:
                    739:     if ($plaintext) {
                    740:         $rec->{plaintext} = $plaintext;
                    741:         return $plaintext;
                    742:     }
1.28      andrew    743:     return;
                    744: }
1.14      andrew    745:
1.28      andrew    746: sub _decrypt_v4
                    747: {
                    748:     my $encrypted = shift;
                    749:     my $digest    = shift;
1.48      andrew    751:     my $plaintext = _crypt3des( $encrypted, $digest, $DECRYPT );
1.29      andrew    752:     my ( $account, $password, $notes, $packed_date )
1.48      andrew    753:         = split /$NULL/xm, $plaintext, 4;
1.14      andrew    754:
1.28      andrew    755:     my $modified;
1.29      andrew    756:     if ($packed_date) {
                    757:         $modified = _parse_keyring_date($packed_date);
1.19      andrew    758:     }
1.16      andrew    760:     return {
1.20      andrew    761:         account    => $account,
                    762:         password   => $password,
                    763:         notes      => $notes,
1.28      andrew    764:         lastchange => $modified,
1.16      andrew    765:     };
                    766: }
1.14      andrew    767:
1.28      andrew    768: sub _decrypt_v5
                    769: {
1.34      andrew    770:
1.28      andrew    771:     my $encrypted = shift;
                    772:     my $key       = shift;
                    773:     my $cipher    = shift;
1.29      andrew    774:     my $ivec      = shift;
1.39      andrew    776:     my $c = crypts($cipher) or croak('Unknown cipher ' . $cipher);
1.28      andrew    777:
1.48      andrew    778:     my $plaintext;
1.28      andrew    779:
1.39      andrew    780:     if ($c->{name} eq 'None') {
1.28      andrew    781:         # do nothing
1.48      andrew    782:         $plaintext = $encrypted;
1.28      andrew    783:
1.39      andrew    784:     } elsif ($c->{name} eq 'DES_EDE3' or $c->{name} eq 'Rijndael') {
1.35      andrew    785:         require Crypt::CBC;
1.39      andrew    786:         my $cbc = Crypt::CBC->new(
1.35      andrew    787:             -key         => $key,
1.29      andrew    788:             -literal_key => 1,
                    789:             -iv          => $ivec,
1.39      andrew    790:             -cipher      => $c->{name},
                    791:             -keysize     => $c->{keylen},
                    792:             -blocksize   => $c->{blocksize},
1.29      andrew    793:             -header      => 'none',
                    794:             -padding     => 'oneandzeroes',
                    795:         );
1.28      andrew    797:         if (! $c) {
                    798:             croak("Unable to set up encryption!");
                    799:         }
1.39      andrew    800:         my $len = $c->{blocksize} - length($encrypted) % $c->{blocksize};
1.34      andrew    801:         $encrypted .= $NULL x $len;
1.48      andrew    802:         $plaintext  = $cbc->decrypt($encrypted);
1.28      andrew    803:
                    804:     } else {
1.46      andrew    805:         croak "Unsupported Crypt $c->{name}";
1.28      andrew    806:     }
1.46      andrew    808:     my %fields;
1.48      andrew    809:     while ($plaintext) {
1.28      andrew    810:         my $field;
1.48      andrew    811:         ($field, $plaintext) = _parse_field($plaintext);
1.28      andrew    812:         if (! $field) {
                    813:             last;
                    814:         }
1.46      andrew    815:         $fields{ $field->{label_id} } = $field;
1.28      andrew    816:     }
1.46      andrew    818:     return \%fields;
1.28      andrew    819: }
                    821: # Password
                    823: sub Password
                    824: {
1.16      andrew    825:     my $self = shift;
1.24      andrew    826:     my $pass = shift;
1.16      andrew    827:     my $new_pass = shift;
1.14      andrew    828:
1.24      andrew    829:     if (! $pass) {
                    830:         delete $self->{password};
1.30      andrew    831:         delete $self->{appinfo}->{key};
1.28      andrew    832:         return 1;
1.24      andrew    833:     }
1.29      andrew    835:     if (
1.46      andrew    836:         ($self->{version} == 4 && ! exists $self->{encpassword}) ||
1.29      andrew    837:         ($self->{version} == 5 && ! exists $self->{appinfo}->{masterhash})
                    838:     ) {
1.16      andrew    839:         return $self->_password_update($pass);
                    840:     }
                    842:     if ($new_pass) {
                    843:         my @accts = ();
1.46      andrew    844:         foreach my $rec (@{ $self->{records} }) {
                    845:             my $acct = $self->Decrypt($rec, $pass);
1.16      andrew    846:             if ( ! $acct ) {
1.48      andrew    847:                 croak("Couldn't decrypt $rec->{plaintext}->{0}->{data}");
1.16      andrew    848:             }
                    849:             push @accts, $acct;
                    850:         }
1.14      andrew    851:
1.16      andrew    852:         if ( ! $self->_password_update($new_pass)) {
                    853:             croak("Couldn't set new password!");
                    854:         }
                    855:         $pass = $new_pass;
1.1       andrew    856:
1.16      andrew    857:         foreach my $i (0..$#accts) {
1.28      andrew    858:             delete $self->{records}->[$i]->{encrypted};
1.48      andrew    859:             $self->{records}->[$i]->{plaintext} = $accts[$i];
                    860:             $self->Encrypt($self->{records}->[$i], $pass);
1.16      andrew    861:         }
1.14      andrew    862:     }
1.1       andrew    863:
1.28      andrew    864:     if (defined $self->{password} && $pass eq $self->{password}) {
                    865:         # already verified this password
                    866:         return 1;
                    867:     }
                    869:     if ($self->{version} == 4) {
1.46      andrew    870:         my $valid = _password_verify_v4($pass, $self->{encpassword});
1.28      andrew    871:
1.46      andrew    872:         # May as well generate the keys we need now,
                    873:         # since we know the password is right
1.28      andrew    874:         if ($valid) {
                    875:             $self->{digest} = _calc_keys($pass);
                    876:             if ($self->{digest} ) {
                    877:                 $self->{password} = $pass;
                    878:                 return 1;
                    879:             }
                    880:         }
                    881:     } elsif ($self->{version} == 5) {
1.35      andrew    882:         return _password_verify_v5($self->{appinfo}, $pass);
1.28      andrew    883:     } else {
1.46      andrew    884:         croak "Unsupported version $self->{version}";
1.28      andrew    885:     }
                    887:     return;
                    888: }
                    890: sub _password_verify_v4
                    891: {
1.32      andrew    892:     require Digest::MD5;
                    893:     import Digest::MD5 qw(md5);
1.28      andrew    895:     my $pass = shift;
                    896:     my $data = shift;
                    898:     if (! $pass) { croak('No password specified!'); };
                    900:     # XXX die "No encrypted password in file!" unless defined $data;
                    901:     if ( ! defined $data) { return; };
                    903:     $data =~ s/$NULL$//xm;
                    905:     my $salt = substr $data, 0, $kSalt_Size;
                    907:     my $msg = $salt . $pass;
                    908:     $msg .= "\0" x ( $MD5_CBLOCK - length $msg );
                    910:     my $digest = md5($msg);
1.33      andrew    912:     if ($data ne $salt . $digest ) {
1.28      andrew    913:         return;
                    914:     }
                    916:     return 1;
                    917: }
                    919: sub _password_verify_v5
                    920: {
1.35      andrew    921:     my $appinfo = shift;
1.28      andrew    922:     my $pass    = shift;
                    924:     my $salt = pack("H*", $appinfo->{salt});
1.39      andrew    926:     my $c = crypts($appinfo->{cipher})
                    927:         or croak('Unknown cipher ' . $appinfo->{cipher});
1.29      andrew    928:     my ($key, $hash) = _calc_key_v5(
                    929:         $pass, $salt, $appinfo->{iter},
1.39      andrew    930:         $c->{keylen},
                    931:         $c->{DES_odd_parity},
1.28      andrew    932:     );
1.35      andrew    934:     #print "Iter: '" . $appinfo->{iter} . "'\n";
1.28      andrew    935:     #print "Key:  '". unpack("H*", $key) . "'\n";
1.35      andrew    936:     #print "Salt: '". unpack("H*", $salt) . "'\n";
1.29      andrew    937:     #print "Hash: '". $hash . "'\n";
1.28      andrew    938:     #print "Hash: '". $appinfo->{masterhash} . "'\n";
1.29      andrew    940:     if ($appinfo->{masterhash} eq $hash) {
1.28      andrew    941:         $appinfo->{key} = $key;
                    942:     } else {
                    943:         return;
                    944:     }
1.29      andrew    945:
                    946:     return $key;
                    947: }
                    950: sub _password_update
                    951: {
                    952:     # It is very important to Encrypt after calling this
                    953:     #     (Although it is generally only called by Encrypt)
                    954:     # because otherwise the data will be out of sync with the
                    955:     # password, and that would suck!
                    956:     my $self   = shift;
                    957:     my $pass   = shift;
                    959:     if ($self->{version} == 4) {
                    960:         my $data = _password_update_v4($pass, @_);
                    962:         if (! $data) {
                    963:             carp("Failed  to update password!");
                    964:             return;
                    965:         }
                    967:         # AFAIK the thing we use to test the password is
                    968:         #     always in the first entry
1.46      andrew    969:         $self->{encpassword} = $data;
1.29      andrew    970:         $self->{password} = $pass;
                    971:         $self->{digest}   = _calc_keys( $self->{password} );
                    973:         return 1;
                    975:     } elsif ($self->{version} == 5) {
                    976:         my $cipher  = shift || $self->{appinfo}->{cipher};
                    977:         my $iter    = shift || $self->{appinfo}->{iter};
                    978:         my $salt    = shift || 0;
                    980:         my $hash = _password_update_v5(
                    981:             $self->{appinfo}, $pass, $cipher, $iter, $salt
                    982:         );
                    984:         if (! $hash) {
                    985:             carp("Failed  to update password!");
                    986:             return;
                    987:         }
                    989:         return 1;
                    990:     } else {
                    991:         croak("Unsupported version ($self->{version})");
                    992:     }
                    994:     return;
                    995: }
                    997: sub _password_update_v4
                    998: {
1.32      andrew    999:     require Digest::MD5;
                   1000:     import Digest::MD5 qw(md5);
1.29      andrew   1002:     my $pass = shift;
                   1004:     if (! defined $pass) { croak('No password specified!'); };
                   1006:     my $salt;
                   1007:     for ( 1 .. $kSalt_Size ) {
                   1008:         $salt .= chr int rand 255;
                   1009:     }
                   1011:     my $msg = $salt . $pass;
                   1013:     $msg .= "\0" x ( $MD5_CBLOCK - length $msg );
                   1015:     my $digest = md5($msg);
                   1017:     my $data = $salt . $digest;    # . "\0";
                   1019:     return $data;
                   1020: }
                   1022: sub _password_update_v5
                   1023: {
                   1024:     my $appinfo = shift;
                   1025:     my $pass    = shift;
                   1026:     my $cipher  = shift;
                   1027:     my $iter    = shift;
                   1029:     # I thought this needed to be 'blocksize', but apparently not.
                   1030:     #my $length  = $CRYPTS[ $cipher ]{blocksize};
                   1031:     my $length  = 8;
                   1032:     my $salt    = shift || pack("C*",map {rand(256)} 1..$length);
1.39      andrew   1034:     my $c = crypts($cipher) or croak('Unknown cipher ' . $cipher);
1.29      andrew   1035:     my ($key, $hash) = _calc_key_v5(
                   1036:         $pass, $salt, $iter,
1.39      andrew   1037:         $c->{keylen},
                   1038:         $c->{DES_odd_parity},
1.29      andrew   1039:     );
                   1041:     $appinfo->{salt}           = unpack "H*", $salt;
                   1042:     $appinfo->{iter}           = $iter;
                   1043:     $appinfo->{cipher}         = $cipher;
1.39      andrew   1044:     $appinfo->{masterhash}     = $hash;
1.29      andrew   1045:     $appinfo->{key}            = $key;
1.28      andrew   1047:     return $key;
1.1       andrew   1048: }
1.48      andrew   1050: sub Unlock
                   1051: {
                   1052:     my $self = shift;
                   1053:     my ($pass) = @_;
                   1054:     $pass ||= $self->{password};
                   1056:     if ( $pass && ! $self->Password($pass)) {
                   1057:         croak("Invalid Password!\n");
                   1058:     }
                   1060:     foreach my $rec (@{ $self->{records} }) {
                   1061:         $self->Decrypt($rec);
                   1062:     }
                   1064:     return 1;
                   1066: }
                   1068: sub Lock
                   1069: {
                   1070:     my $self = shift;
                   1072:     $self->Password();
                   1074:     foreach my $rec (@{ $self->{records} }) {
                   1075:         my $name = $rec->{plaintext}->{0};
                   1076:         delete $rec->{plaintext};
                   1077:         $rec->{plaintext}->{0} = $name;
                   1078:     }
                   1080:     return 1;
                   1081: }
1.34      andrew   1083: # Helpers
1.28      andrew   1084:
                   1085: sub _calc_keys
                   1086: {
1.14      andrew   1087:     my $pass = shift;
                   1088:     if (! defined $pass) { croak('No password defined!'); };
                   1090:     my $digest = md5($pass);
                   1092:     my ( $key1, $key2 ) = unpack 'a8a8', $digest;
                   1094:     #--------------------------------------------------
                   1095:     # print "key1: $key1: ", length $key1, "\n";
                   1096:     # print "key2: $key2: ", length $key2, "\n";
                   1097:     #--------------------------------------------------
                   1099:     $digest = unpack 'H*', $key1 . $key2 . $key1;
                   1101:     #--------------------------------------------------
                   1102:     # print "Digest: ", $digest, "\n";
                   1103:     # print length $digest, "\n";
                   1104:     #--------------------------------------------------
                   1106:     return $digest;
1.3       andrew   1107: }
1.29      andrew   1109: sub _calc_key_v5
                   1110: {
                   1111:     my ($pass, $salt, $iter, $keylen, $dop) = @_;
1.32      andrew   1113:     require Digest::HMAC_SHA1;
                   1114:     import  Digest::HMAC_SHA1 qw(hmac_sha1);
                   1115:     require Digest::SHA1;
                   1116:     import  Digest::SHA1 qw(sha1);
1.29      andrew   1118:     my $key = _pbkdf2( $pass, $salt, $iter, $keylen, \&hmac_sha1 );
1.43      andrew   1119:     if ($dop) { $key = _DES_odd_parity($key); }
1.29      andrew   1120:
                   1121:     my $hash = unpack("H*", substr(sha1($key.$salt),0, 8));
                   1123:     return $key, $hash;
                   1124: }
1.28      andrew   1126: sub _crypt3des
                   1127: {
1.32      andrew   1128:     require Crypt::DES;
1.28      andrew   1130:     my ( $plaintext, $passphrase, $flag ) = @_;
                   1132:     $passphrase   .= $SPACE x ( 16 * 3 );
                   1133:     my $cyphertext = $EMPTY;
                   1135:     my $size = length $plaintext;
1.14      andrew   1136:
1.28      andrew   1137:     #print "STRING: '$plaintext' - Length: " . (length $plaintext) . "\n";
1.11      andrew   1138:
1.28      andrew   1139:     my @C;
                   1140:     for ( 0 .. 2 ) {
                   1141:         $C[$_] =
                   1142:           new Crypt::DES( pack 'H*', ( substr $passphrase, 16 * $_, 16 ));
1.16      andrew   1143:     }
1.28      andrew   1145:     for ( 0 .. ( ($size) / 8 ) ) {
                   1146:         my $pt = substr $plaintext, $_ * 8, 8;
                   1148:         #print "PT: '$pt' - Length: " . length($pt) . "\n";
                   1149:         if (! length $pt) { next; };
                   1150:         if ( (length $pt) < 8 ) {
                   1151:             if ($flag == $DECRYPT) { croak('record not 8 byte padded'); };
                   1152:             my $len = 8 - (length $pt);
                   1153:             $pt .= ($NULL x $len);
                   1154:         }
                   1155:         if ( $flag == $ENCRYPT ) {
                   1156:             $pt = $C[0]->encrypt($pt);
                   1157:             $pt = $C[1]->decrypt($pt);
                   1158:             $pt = $C[2]->encrypt($pt);
                   1159:         }
                   1160:         else {
                   1161:             $pt = $C[0]->decrypt($pt);
                   1162:             $pt = $C[1]->encrypt($pt);
                   1163:             $pt = $C[2]->decrypt($pt);
                   1164:         }
                   1166:         #print "PT: '$pt' - Length: " . length($pt) . "\n";
                   1167:         $cyphertext .= $pt;
                   1168:     }
1.11      andrew   1169:
1.28      andrew   1170:     $cyphertext =~ s/$NULL+$//xm;
1.11      andrew   1171:
1.28      andrew   1172:     #print "CT: '$cyphertext' - Length: " . length($cyphertext) . "\n";
1.11      andrew   1173:
1.28      andrew   1174:     return $cyphertext;
                   1175: }
1.11      andrew   1176:
1.28      andrew   1177: sub _parse_field
                   1178: {
                   1179:     my $field = shift;
1.46      andrew   1181:     my ($len) = unpack "n", $field;
1.28      andrew   1182:     if ($len + 4 > length $field) {
1.55    ! andrew   1183:         return (undef, $field);
1.28      andrew   1184:     }
1.34      andrew   1185:     my $unpackstr = "x2 C1 C1 A$len";
                   1186:     my $offset    =   2 +1 +1 +$len;
1.46      andrew   1187:     if ($len % 2) {
1.28      andrew   1188:         # trim the 0/1 byte padding for next even address.
1.34      andrew   1189:         $offset++;
1.28      andrew   1190:         $unpackstr .= ' x'
                   1191:     }
1.11      andrew   1192:
1.34      andrew   1193:     my ($label, $font, $data) = unpack $unpackstr, $field;
                   1194:     my $leftover = substr $field, $offset;
1.11      andrew   1195:
1.46      andrew   1196:     my $label_id = $label;
                   1197:     my $l = labels($label);
                   1198:     if ($l) {
                   1199:         $label = $l->{name} || $l->{id};
                   1200:         $label_id = $l->{id};
                   1201:     }
                   1203:     if ($label_id && $label_id == 3) {
                   1204:         ($data) = substr $field, 4, $len;
1.28      andrew   1205:         $data = _parse_keyring_date($data);
1.14      andrew   1206:     }
1.28      andrew   1207:     return {
                   1208:         #len      => $len,
1.46      andrew   1209:         label    => $label,
                   1210:         label_id => $label_id,
1.28      andrew   1211:         font     => $font,
                   1212:         data     => $data,
                   1213:     }, $leftover;
1.6       andrew   1214: }
1.29      andrew   1216: sub _pack_field
                   1217: {
                   1218:     my $field = shift;
1.28      andrew   1219:
1.37      andrew   1220:     my $packed;
                   1221:     if (defined $field) {
                   1222:         my $label = $field->{label_id} || 0;
                   1223:         if (defined $field->{label} && ! $label) {
1.46      andrew   1224:             $label = $field->{label};
                   1225:         }
                   1227:         my $l = labels($field->{label});
                   1228:         if ($l) {
                   1229:             $label = $l->{id};
1.37      andrew   1230:         }
1.46      andrew   1231:
1.37      andrew   1232:         my $font  = $field->{font} || 0;
                   1233:         my $data  = defined $field->{data} ? $field->{data} : $EMPTY;
                   1235:         if ($label && $label == 3) {
                   1236:             $data = _pack_keyring_date($data);
                   1237:         }
                   1238:         my $len = length $data;
                   1239:         my $packstr = "n1 C1 C1 A*";
                   1241:         $packed = pack $packstr, ($len, $label, $font, $data);
                   1243:         if ($len % 2) {
                   1244:             # add byte padding for next even address.
                   1245:             $packed .= $NULL;
                   1246:         }
                   1247:     } else {
1.38      andrew   1248:         my $packstr = "n1 C1 C1 x1";
1.37      andrew   1249:         $packed = pack $packstr, 0, 0, 0;
1.14      andrew   1250:     }
1.29      andrew   1252:     return $packed;
                   1253: }
1.11      andrew   1254:
1.29      andrew   1255: sub _parse_keyring_date
                   1256: {
                   1257:     my $data = shift;
1.11      andrew   1258:
1.29      andrew   1259:     my $u = unpack 'n', $data;
                   1260:     my $year  = (($u & 0xFE00) >> 9) + 4; # since 1900
                   1261:     my $month = (($u & 0x01E0) >> 5) - 1; # 0-11
                   1262:     my $day   = (($u & 0x001F) >> 0);     # 1-31
1.11      andrew   1263:
1.29      andrew   1264:     return {
                   1265:         year   => $year,
                   1266:         month  => $month || 0,
                   1267:         day    => $day   || 1,
                   1268:     };
                   1269: }
1.11      andrew   1270:
1.29      andrew   1271: sub _pack_keyring_date
                   1272: {
                   1273:     my $d = shift;
                   1274:     my $year  = $d->{year};
                   1275:     my $month = $d->{month};
                   1276:     my $day   = $d->{day};
1.11      andrew   1277:
1.29      andrew   1278:     $year -= 4;
                   1279:     $month++;
1.11      andrew   1280:
1.46      andrew   1281:     return pack 'n*', $day | ($month << 5) | ($year << 9);
1.1       andrew   1282: }
1.29      andrew   1283:
1.1       andrew   1284:
1.28      andrew   1285: sub _hexdump
                   1286: {
                   1287:     my $prefix = shift;   # What to print in front of each line
                   1288:     my $data = shift;     # The data to dump
                   1289:     my $maxlines = shift; # Max # of lines to dump
                   1290:     my $offset;           # Offset of current chunk
1.55    ! andrew   1292:     my @lines;
        !          1293:
1.28      andrew   1294:     for ($offset = 0; $offset < length($data); $offset += 16)
                   1295:     {
                   1296:         my $hex;   # Hex values of the data
                   1297:         my $ascii; # ASCII values of the data
                   1298:         my $chunk; # Current chunk of data
                   1300:         last if defined($maxlines) && ($offset >= ($maxlines * 16));
1.14      andrew   1301:
1.28      andrew   1302:         $chunk = substr($data, $offset, 16);
1.14      andrew   1303:
1.28      andrew   1304:         ($hex = $chunk) =~ s/./sprintf "%02x ", ord($&)/ges;
1.11      andrew   1305:
1.28      andrew   1306:         ($ascii = $chunk) =~ y/\040-\176/./c;
1.14      andrew   1307:
1.55    ! andrew   1308:         push @lines, sprintf "%s %-48s|%-16s|\n", $prefix, $hex, $ascii;
1.14      andrew   1309:     }
1.55    ! andrew   1310:     return wantarray ? @lines : \@lines;
1.28      andrew   1311: }
                   1313: sub _bindump
                   1314: {
                   1315:     my $prefix = shift;   # What to print in front of each line
                   1316:     my $data = shift;     # The data to dump
                   1317:     my $maxlines = shift; # Max # of lines to dump
                   1318:     my $offset;           # Offset of current chunk
1.55    ! andrew   1320:     my @lines;
        !          1321:
1.28      andrew   1322:     for ($offset = 0; $offset < length($data); $offset += 8)
                   1323:     {
                   1324:         my $bin;   # binary values of the data
                   1325:         my $ascii; # ASCII values of the data
                   1326:         my $chunk; # Current chunk of data
1.14      andrew   1327:
1.28      andrew   1328:         last if defined($maxlines) && ($offset >= ($maxlines * 8));
1.14      andrew   1329:
1.28      andrew   1330:         $chunk = substr($data, $offset, 8);
1.14      andrew   1331:
1.28      andrew   1332:         ($bin = $chunk) =~ s/./sprintf "%08b ", ord($&)/ges;
1.14      andrew   1333:
1.28      andrew   1334:         ($ascii = $chunk) =~ y/\040-\176/./c;
1.14      andrew   1335:
1.55    ! andrew   1336:         push @lines, sprintf "%s %-72s|%-8s|\n", $prefix, $bin, $ascii;
1.14      andrew   1337:     }
1.55    ! andrew   1338:     return wantarray ? @lines : \@lines;
1.28      andrew   1339: }
1.14      andrew   1340:
1.28      andrew   1341: # Thanks to Jochen Hoenicke <hoenicke@gmail.com>
                   1342: # (one of the authors of Palm Keyring)
                   1343: # for these next two subs.
                   1345: # Usage pbkdf2(password, salt, iter, keylen, prf)
                   1346: # iter is number of iterations
                   1347: # keylen is length of generated key in bytes
                   1348: # prf is the pseudo random function (e.g. hmac_sha1)
                   1349: # returns the key.
1.55    ! andrew   1350: sub _pbkdf2
1.28      andrew   1351: {
                   1352:     my ($password, $salt, $iter, $keylen, $prf) = @_;
                   1353:     my ($k, $t, $u, $ui, $i);
                   1354:     $t = "";
                   1355:     for ($k = 1; length($t) <  $keylen; $k++) {
                   1356:     $u = $ui = &$prf($salt.pack('N', $k), $password);
                   1357:     for ($i = 1; $i < $iter; $i++) {
                   1358:         $ui = &$prf($ui, $password);
                   1359:         $u ^= $ui;
                   1360:     }
                   1361:     $t .= $u;
                   1362:     }
                   1363:     return substr($t, 0, $keylen);
                   1364: }
1.11      andrew   1365:
1.55    ! andrew   1366: sub _DES_odd_parity {
1.28      andrew   1367:     my $key = $_[0];
                   1368:     my ($r, $i);
                   1369:     my @odd_parity = (
                   1370:   1,  1,  2,  2,  4,  4,  7,  7,  8,  8, 11, 11, 13, 13, 14, 14,
                   1371:  16, 16, 19, 19, 21, 21, 22, 22, 25, 25, 26, 26, 28, 28, 31, 31,
                   1372:  32, 32, 35, 35, 37, 37, 38, 38, 41, 41, 42, 42, 44, 44, 47, 47,
                   1373:  49, 49, 50, 50, 52, 52, 55, 55, 56, 56, 59, 59, 61, 61, 62, 62,
                   1374:  64, 64, 67, 67, 69, 69, 70, 70, 73, 73, 74, 74, 76, 76, 79, 79,
                   1375:  81, 81, 82, 82, 84, 84, 87, 87, 88, 88, 91, 91, 93, 93, 94, 94,
                   1376:  97, 97, 98, 98,100,100,103,103,104,104,107,107,109,109,110,110,
                   1377: 112,112,115,115,117,117,118,118,121,121,122,122,124,124,127,127,
                   1378: 128,128,131,131,133,133,134,134,137,137,138,138,140,140,143,143,
                   1379: 145,145,146,146,148,148,151,151,152,152,155,155,157,157,158,158,
                   1380: 161,161,162,162,164,164,167,167,168,168,171,171,173,173,174,174,
                   1381: 176,176,179,179,181,181,182,182,185,185,186,186,188,188,191,191,
                   1382: 193,193,194,194,196,196,199,199,200,200,203,203,205,205,206,206,
                   1383: 208,208,211,211,213,213,214,214,217,217,218,218,220,220,223,223,
                   1384: 224,224,227,227,229,229,230,230,233,233,234,234,236,236,239,239,
                   1385: 241,241,242,242,244,244,247,247,248,248,251,251,253,253,254,254);
                   1386:     for ($i = 0; $i< length($key); $i++) {
                   1387:     $r .= chr($odd_parity[ord(substr($key, $i, 1))]);
                   1388:     }
                   1389:     return $r;
1.14      andrew   1390: }
1.11      andrew   1391:
1.14      andrew   1392: 1;
                   1393: __END__
                   1394: =head1 NAME
1.11      andrew   1395:
1.14      andrew   1396: Palm::Keyring - Handler for Palm Keyring databases.
1.1       andrew   1397:
1.14      andrew   1398: =head1 DESCRIPTION
1.7       andrew   1399:
1.14      andrew   1400: The Keyring PDB handler is a helper class for the Palm::PDB package. It
                   1401: parses Keyring for Palm OS databases.  See
                   1402: L<http://gnukeyring.sourceforge.net/>.
1.1       andrew   1403:
1.49      andrew   1404: It has the standard Palm::PDB methods with 4 additional public methods.
                   1405: Unlock, Lock, Decrypt and Encrypt.
1.1       andrew   1406:
1.37      andrew   1407: It currently supports the v4 Keyring databases as well as
1.49      andrew   1408: the pre-release v5 databases.
1.1       andrew   1409:
1.14      andrew   1410: =head1 SYNOPSIS
1.1       andrew   1411:
1.16      andrew   1412:     use Palm::PDB;
                   1413:     use Palm::Keyring;
1.17      andrew   1414:
                   1415:     my $pass = 'password';
1.18      andrew   1416:     my $file = 'Keys-Gtkr.pdb';
                   1417:     my $pdb  = new Palm::PDB;
1.16      andrew   1418:     $pdb->Load($file);
1.17      andrew   1419:
1.49      andrew   1420:     $pdb->Unlock($pass);
1.46      andrew   1421:     foreach my $rec (@{ $pdb->{records} }) {
1.49      andrew   1422:         print $rec->{plaintext}->{0}->{data}, ' - ',
                   1423:               $rec->{plaintext}->{1}->{data}, "\n";
1.16      andrew   1424:     }
1.49      andrew   1425:     $pdb->Lock();
1.1       andrew   1426:
1.14      andrew   1427: =head1 SUBROUTINES/METHODS
1.1       andrew   1428:
1.14      andrew   1429: =head2 new
1.11      andrew   1430:
1.31      andrew   1431:     $pdb = new Palm::Keyring([$password[, $version]]);
1.11      andrew   1432:
1.14      andrew   1433: Create a new PDB, initialized with the various Palm::Keyring fields
                   1434: and an empty record list.
1.11      andrew   1435:
1.14      andrew   1436: Use this method if you're creating a Keyring PDB from scratch otherwise you
1.16      andrew   1437: can just use Palm::PDB::new() before calling Load().
1.11      andrew   1438:
1.49      andrew   1439: If you pass in a password, it will initalize the database with the encrypted
1.24      andrew   1440: password.
1.31      andrew   1442: new() now also takes options in other formats
                   1444:     $pdb = new Palm::Keyring({ key1 => value1,  key2 => value2 });
                   1445:     $pdb = new Palm::Keyring( -key1 => value1, -key2 => value2);
1.38      andrew   1447: =over
                   1449: =item Supported options
1.31      andrew   1450:
                   1451: =over
                   1453: =item password
                   1455: The password used to initialize the database
                   1457: =item version
                   1459: The version of database to create.  Accepts either 4 or 5.  Currently defaults to 4.
                   1461: =item cipher
1.49      andrew   1463: The cipher to use.  Either the number or the name.  Only used by v5 datbases.
1.31      andrew   1464:
                   1465:     0 => None
                   1466:     1 => DES_EDE3
                   1467:     2 => AES128
                   1468:     3 => AES256
                   1470: =item iterations
1.49      andrew   1472: The number of iterations to encrypt with.  Only used by somy crypts in v5 databases.
1.37      andrew   1473:
1.31      andrew   1474: =back
1.38      andrew   1476: =back
1.36      andrew   1478: For v5 databases there are some additional appinfo fields set.
1.40      andrew   1479: These are set either on new() or Load().
1.36      andrew   1480:
1.37      andrew   1481:     $pdb->{appinfo} = {
                   1482:         # normal appinfo stuff described in L<Palm::StdAppInfo>
                   1483:         cipher     => The index number of the cipher being used
                   1484:         iter       => Number of iterations for the cipher
                   1485:     };
1.36      andrew   1486:
1.43      andrew   1487: =head2 crypts
1.34      andrew   1488:
                   1489: Pass in the alias of the crypt to use, or the index.
1.38      andrew   1491: These only make sense for v5 databases.
1.34      andrew   1493: This is a function, not a method.
1.40      andrew   1494:
1.38      andrew   1495: $cipher can be 0, 1, 2, 3, None, DES_EDE3, AES128 or AES256.
1.34      andrew   1496:
                   1497:     my $c = Palm::Keyring::crypt($cipher);
                   1499: $c is now:
                   1501:     $c = {
                   1502:         alias     => (None|DES_EDE3|AES128|AES256),
                   1503:         name      => (None|DES_EDE3|Rijndael),
1.44      andrew   1504:         keylen    => <key length of the cipher>,
1.34      andrew   1505:         blocksize => <block size of the cipher>,
                   1506:         default_iter => <default iterations for the cipher>,
                   1507:     };
1.46      andrew   1509: If it is unable to find the crypt it will return undef.
                   1511: =head2 labels
1.49      andrew   1513: Pass in the id or the name of the label.  The label id is used as a key
                   1514: to the different parts of the records.
                   1515: See Encrypt() for details on where the label is used.
1.46      andrew   1516:
                   1517: This is a function, not a method.
                   1519:     my $l = Palm::Keyring::labels($label);
                   1521: $l is now:
                   1523:     $l = {
                   1524:         id => 0,
                   1525:         name => 'name',
                   1526:     };
                   1528: If what you passed in was a number that doesn't have a name, it will return:
                   1530:     $l => {
                   1531:         id => $num_passed_in,
                   1532:         name => undef,
                   1533:     }
                   1535: If you pass in a name that it can't find, then it returns undef.
1.16      andrew   1537: =head2 Encrypt
1.11      andrew   1538:
1.49      andrew   1539: =head3 B<!!! IMPORTANT !!!>  The order of the arguments to Encrypt has
                   1540: changed.  $password and $plaintext used to be swapped.  They changed
                   1541: because you can now set $rec->{plaintext} and not pass in $plaintext so
                   1542: $password is more important.
1.48      andrew   1544:     $pdb->Encrypt($rec[, $password[, $plaintext[, $ivec]]]);
1.11      andrew   1545:
1.16      andrew   1546: Encrypts an account into a record, either with the password previously
                   1547: used, or with a password that is passed.
1.34      andrew   1548:
                   1549: $ivec is the initialization vector to use to encrypt the record.  This is
                   1550: not used by v4 databases.  Normally this is not passed and is generated
                   1551: randomly.
1.1       andrew   1552:
1.28      andrew   1553: $rec is a record from $pdb->{records} or a new_Record().
1.48      andrew   1554: $rec->{plaintext} is a hashref in the format below.
1.1       andrew   1555:
1.48      andrew   1556:     $plaintext = {
1.46      andrew   1557:         0 => {
                   1558:             label    => 'name',
                   1559:             label_id => 0,
                   1560:             font     => 0,
                   1561:             data     => $name,
                   1562:         1 => {
                   1563:             label    => 'account',
                   1564:             label_id => 1,
                   1565:             font     => 0,
                   1566:             data     => $account,
                   1567:         },
                   1568:         2 => {
                   1569:             label    => 'password',
                   1570:             label_id => 2,
                   1571:             font     => 0,
                   1572:             data     => $password,
1.20      andrew   1573:         },
1.46      andrew   1574:         3 => {
                   1575:             label    => 'lastchange',
                   1576:             label_id => 3,
                   1577:             font     => 0,
1.49      andrew   1578:             data     => {
                   1579:                 year => $year, # usually the year - 1900
                   1580:                 mon  => $mon,  # range 0-11
                   1581:                 day  => $day,  # range 1-31
                   1582:             },
1.31      andrew   1583:         },
1.46      andrew   1584:         255 => {
                   1585:             label    => 'notes',
                   1586:             label_id => 255,
                   1587:             font     => 0,
                   1588:             data     => $notes,
1.31      andrew   1589:         },
1.46      andrew   1590:     };
1.31      andrew   1591:
1.49      andrew   1592: The account name is stored in $rec->{plaintext}->{0}->{data} for both v4
                   1593: and v5 databases even when the record has not been Decrypt()ed.
1.31      andrew   1594:
1.48      andrew   1595:     $rec->{plaintext}->{0} => {
1.47      andrew   1596:         label    => 'name',
                   1597:         label_id => 0,
                   1598:         font     => 0,
                   1599:         data     => 'account name',
1.46      andrew   1600:     };
1.31      andrew   1601:
1.22      andrew   1602: If you have changed anything other than the lastchange, or don't pass in a
1.24      andrew   1603: lastchange key, Encrypt() will generate a new lastchange date for you.
1.22      andrew   1604:
                   1605: If you pass in a lastchange field that is different than the one in the
                   1606: record, it will honor what you passed in.
1.48      andrew   1608: You can either set $rec->{plaintext} or pass in $plaintext.  $plaintext
                   1609: is used over anything in $rec->{plaintext}.
1.22      andrew   1611:
1.16      andrew   1612: =head2 Decrypt
1.1       andrew   1613:
1.48      andrew   1614:     my $plaintext = $pdb->Decrypt($rec[, $password]);
1.1       andrew   1615:
1.48      andrew   1616: Decrypts the record and returns a reference for the plaintext account as
1.49      andrew   1617: described under Encrypt().
1.48      andrew   1618: Also sets $rec->{plaintext} with the same information as $plaintext as
1.49      andrew   1619: described in Encrypt().
1.1       andrew   1620:
1.46      andrew   1621:     foreach my $rec (@{ $pdb->{records} }) {
1.48      andrew   1622:         my $plaintext = $pdb->Decrypt($rec);
                   1623:         # do something with $plaintext
1.16      andrew   1624:     }
1.1       andrew   1625:
1.31      andrew   1626:
1.16      andrew   1627: =head2 Password
1.1       andrew   1628:
1.16      andrew   1629:     $pdb->Password([$password[, $new_password]]);
1.1       andrew   1630:
1.16      andrew   1631: Either sets the password to be used to crypt, or if you pass $new_password,
                   1632: changes the password on the database.
1.1       andrew   1633:
1.16      andrew   1634: If you have created a new $pdb, and you didn't set a password when you
                   1635: called new(), you only need to pass one password and it will set that as
                   1636: the password.
1.1       andrew   1637:
1.24      andrew   1638: If nothing is passed, it forgets the password that it was remembering.
1.36      andrew   1639:
                   1640: After a successful password verification the following fields are set
                   1642: For v4
1.37      andrew   1644:     $pdb->{digest}   = the calculated digest used from the key;
                   1645:     $pdb->{password} = the password that was passed in;
1.46      andrew   1646:     $pdb->{encpassword} = the password as stored in the pdb;
1.36      andrew   1647:
                   1648: For v5
1.37      andrew   1650:     $pdb->{appinfo} = {
                   1651:         # As described under new() with these additional fields
                   1652:         cipher     => The index number of the cipher being used
                   1653:         iter       => Number of iterations for the cipher
                   1654:         key        => The key that is calculated from the password
                   1655:                       and salt and is used to decrypt the records.
                   1656:         masterhash => the hash of the key that is stored in the
                   1657:                       database.  Either set when Loading the database
                   1658:                       or when setting a new password.
                   1659:         salt       => the salt that is either read out of the database
                   1660:                       or calculated when setting a new password.
                   1661:     };
1.1       andrew   1662:
1.48      andrew   1663: =head2 Unlock
                   1665:     $pdb->Unlock([$password]);
                   1667: Decrypts all the records.  Sets $rec->{plaintext} for all records.
                   1669: This makes it easy to show all decrypted information.
                   1671:    my $pdb = Palm::KeyRing->new();
                   1672:    $pdb->Load($keyring_file);
                   1673:    $pdb->Unlock($password);
                   1674:    foreach my $plaintext (map { $_->{plaintext} } @{ $pdb->{records} }) {
                   1675:        # Do something like display the account.
                   1676:    }
                   1677:    $pdb->Lock();
                   1679: =head2 Lock
                   1681:     $pdb->Lock();
                   1683: Unsets $rec->{plaintext} for all records and unsets the saved password.
1.49      andrew   1685: This does NOT Encrypt() any of the records before clearing them, so if
1.48      andrew   1686: you are not careful you will lose information.
                   1688: B<CAVEAT!> This only does "delete $rec->{plaintext}" and the same for the
                   1689: password.  If someone knows of a cross platform reliable way to make
                   1690: sure that the information is actually cleared from memory I would
                   1691: appreciate it.  Also, if someone knows how to make sure that the stuff
                   1692: in $rec->{plaintext} is not written to swap, that would be very handy as
                   1693: well.
1.43      andrew   1695: =head2 Other overridden subroutines/methods
                   1697: =over
                   1699: =item ParseAppInfoBlock
                   1701: Converts the extra returned by Palm::StdAppInfo::ParseAppInfoBlock() into
                   1702: the following additions to $pdb->{appinfo}
                   1704:     $pdb->{appinfo} = {
                   1705:         cipher     => The index number of the cipher being used (Not v4)
                   1706:         iter       => Number of iterations for the cipher (Not v4)
                   1707:     };
                   1709: =item PackAppInfoBlock
                   1711: Reverses ParseAppInfoBlock before
                   1712: sending it on to Palm::StdAppInfo::PackAppInfoBlock()
                   1714: =item ParseRecord
                   1716: Adds some fields to a record from Palm::StdAppInfo::ParseRecord()
                   1718:     $rec = {
                   1719:         name       => Account name
                   1720:         ivec       => The IV for the encrypted record.  (Not v4)
                   1721:         encrypted  => the encrypted information
                   1722:     };
1.46      andrew   1723:
                   1724: For v4 databases it also removes record 0 and moves the encrypted password
                   1725: to $self->{encpassword}.
1.43      andrew   1726:
                   1727: =item PackRecord
                   1729: Reverses ParseRecord and then sends it through Palm::StdAppInfo::PackRecord()
1.47      andrew   1731: =item Write
                   1733: For v4 databases it puts back the record 0 for the encrypted password before
                   1734: writing it.
1.43      andrew   1736: =back
1.14      andrew   1738: =head1 DEPENDENCIES
1.1       andrew   1739:
1.14      andrew   1740: Palm::StdAppInfo
1.1       andrew   1741:
1.41      andrew   1742: B<For v4 databases>
1.14      andrew   1744: Digest::MD5
1.9       andrew   1745:
1.14      andrew   1746: Crypt::DES
1.4       andrew   1747:
1.41      andrew   1748: B<For v5 databases>
                   1750: Digest::HMAC_SHA1
                   1752: Digest::SHA1
                   1754: Depending on how the database is encrypted
                   1756: Crypt::CBC - For any encryption but None
1.43      andrew   1758: Crypt::DES_EDE3 - DES_EDE3 encryption
1.41      andrew   1759:
1.43      andrew   1760: Crytp::Rijndael - AES encryption schemes
1.10      andrew   1761:
1.24      andrew   1762: =head1 THANKS
1.47      andrew   1764: I would like to thank the helpful Perlmonk shigetsu who gave me some great
                   1765: advice and helped me get my first module posted.
                   1766: L<http://perlmonks.org/?node_id=596998>
1.24      andrew   1767:
                   1768: I would also like to thank
                   1769: Johan Vromans
                   1770: E<lt>jvromans@squirrel.nlE<gt> --
                   1771: L<http://www.squirrel.nl/people/jvromans>.
                   1772: He had his own Palm::KeyRing module that he posted a couple of days before
                   1773: mine was ready and he was kind enough to let me have the namespace as well
                   1774: as giving me some very helpful hints about doing a few things that I was
                   1775: unsure of.  He is really great.
1.42      andrew   1776:
                   1777: And finally,
                   1778: thanks to Jochen Hoenicke E<lt>hoenicke@gmail.comE<gt>
                   1779: (one of the authors of Palm Keyring)
                   1780: for getting me started on the v5 support as well as providing help
                   1781: and some subroutines.
1.24      andrew   1782:
1.14      andrew   1783: =head1 BUGS AND LIMITATIONS
1.43      andrew   1784:
                   1785: I am sure there are problems with this module.  For example, I have
                   1786: not done very extensive testing of the v5 databases.
1.45      andrew   1787:
                   1788: I am not sure I am 'require module' the best way, but I don't want to
                   1789: depend on modules that you don't need to use.
1.43      andrew   1790:
                   1791: The date validation for packing new dates is very poor.
                   1793: I have not gone through and standardized on how the module fails.  Some
                   1794: things fail with croak, some return undef, some may even fail silently.
1.49      andrew   1795: Nothing initializes a lasterr method or anything like that.
                   1797: This module does not do anything special with the plaintext data.  It SHOULD
                   1798: treat it somehow special so that it can't be found in RAM or in a swap file
                   1799: anywhere.  I don't have a clue how to do this.
                   1801: I need to fix all this before it is a 1.0 candidate.
1.1       andrew   1802:
1.14      andrew   1803: Please report any bugs or feature requests to
                   1804: C<bug-palm-keyring at rt.cpan.org>, or through the web interface at
                   1805: L<http://rt.cpan.org>.  I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be
                   1806: notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
1.1       andrew   1807:
                   1808: =head1 AUTHOR
1.27      andrew   1810: Andrew Fresh E<lt>andrew@cpan.orgE<gt>
1.1       andrew   1811:
1.14      andrew   1812: =head1 LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT
                   1814: Copyright 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Andrew Fresh, All Rights Reserved.
1.15      andrew   1816: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
                   1817: modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
1.14      andrew   1818:
1.1       andrew   1819: =head1 SEE ALSO
                   1821: Palm::PDB(3)
                   1823: Palm::StdAppInfo(3)
1.11      andrew   1824:
                   1825: The Keyring for Palm OS website:
                   1826: L<http://gnukeyring.sourceforge.net/>
1.31      andrew   1827:
                   1828: The HACKING guide for palm keyring databases:
                   1829: L<http://gnukeyring.cvs.sourceforge.net/*checkout*/gnukeyring/keyring/HACKING>
1.24      andrew   1830:
                   1831: Johan Vromans also has a wxkeyring app that now uses this module, available
1.27      andrew   1832: from his website at L<http://www.vromans.org/johan/software/sw_palmkeyring.html>

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