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Diff for /palm/Palm-Keyring/lib/Palm/Keyring.pm between version 1.10 and 1.28

version 1.10, 2006/12/06 18:45:42 version 1.28, 2007/02/18 05:50:25
Line 1 
Line 1 
 # Palm::Keyring.pm  package Palm::Keyring;
   # $RedRiver: Keyring.pm,v 1.27 2007/02/10 16:21:28 andrew Exp $
   # Keyring.pm *** Perl class for Keyring for Palm OS databases.
 #  #
 # Perl class for dealing with Keyring for Palm OS databases.  
 #       Copyright (C) 2004, Andrew Fresh  
 #       You may distribute this file under the terms of the Artistic  
 #       License, as specified in the README file distributed with the p5-Palm distribution.  
 #   This started as Memo.pm, I just made it work for Keyring.  #   This started as Memo.pm, I just made it work for Keyring.
 #  #
 # $Id$  # 2006.01.26 #*#*# andrew fresh <andrew@cpan.org>
 # $RedRiver: Keyring.pm,v 1.9 2006/11/10 17:49:51 andrew Exp $  ########################################################################
   # Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 by Andrew Fresh
   # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   # it under the same terms as Perl itself.
 use strict;  use strict;
 package Palm::Keyring;  use warnings;
 use Palm::Raw();  
 use Palm::StdAppInfo();  
 use vars qw( $VERSION @ISA );  
   use Carp;
   use base qw/ Palm::StdAppInfo /;
   use Digest::HMAC_SHA1 qw(hmac_sha1);
   use Digest::SHA1 qw(sha1);
   use Crypt::CBC;
 use Digest::MD5 qw(md5);  use Digest::MD5 qw(md5);
 use Crypt::DES;  use Crypt::DES;
 use constant ENCRYPT    =>  1;  my $ENCRYPT    = 1;
 use constant DECRYPT    =>  0;  my $DECRYPT    = 0;
 use constant MD5_CBLOCK => 64;  my $MD5_CBLOCK = 64;
 my $kSaltSize = 4;  my $kSalt_Size = 4;
   my $EMPTY      = q{};
   my $SPACE      = q{ };
   my $NULL       = chr 0;
   my @CRYPTS = (
       { # None
           name      => 'None',
           keylen    => 8,
           blocksize => 1,
       { # DES-EDE3
           name      => 'DES_EDE3',
           keylen    => 24,
           blocksize =>  8,
           DES_odd_parity => 1,
       { # AES128
           name      => 'Rijndael',
           keylen    => 16,
           blocksize => 16,
       { # AES256
           name      => 'Rijndael',
           keylen    => 32,
           blocksize => 16,
 # One liner, to allow MakeMaker to work.  
 $VERSION = do { my @r = (q$Revision$ =~ /\d+/g); sprintf "%d."."%02d" x $#r, @r };  
 @ISA = qw( Palm::StdAppInfo Palm::Raw );  our $VERSION = 0.95;
 =head1 NAME  sub new
       my $classname = shift;
       my $options = {};
 Palm::Keyring - Handler for Palm Keyring databases.      # hashref arguments
       if (ref $_[0] eq 'HASH') {
         $options = shift;
 =head1 SYNOPSIS      # CGI style arguments
       elsif ($_[0] =~ /^-[a-zA-Z_]{1,20}$/) {
         my %tmp = @_;
         while ( my($key,$value) = each %tmp) {
           $key =~ s/^-//;
           $options->{lc $key} = $value;
     use Palm::Keyring;      else {
         $pdb->Decrypt('mypassword');          $options->{password} = shift;
           $options->{version}  = shift;
 =head1 DESCRIPTION      # Create a generic PDB. No need to rebless it, though.
       my $self = $classname->SUPER::new();
 The Keyring PDB handler is a helper class for the Palm::PDB package. It      $self->{name}    = 'Keys-Gtkr';    # Default
 parses Keyring databases.  See      $self->{creator} = 'Gtkr';
 L<http://gnukeyring.sourceforge.net/>.      $self->{type}    = 'Gkyr';
 It is just the standard Palm::Raw with 2 additional public methods.  Decrypt and Encrypt.      # The PDB is not a resource database by
       # default, but it's worth emphasizing,
       # since MemoDB is explicitly not a PRC.
       $self->{attributes}{resource} = 0;
 =cut      # Set the version
 =head2 new      $self->{version} = $options->{version} || 4;
   $pdb = new Palm::Keyring ('password');      # Set options
       $self->{options} = $options;
 Create a new PDB, initialized with the various Palm::Keyring fields      if ( defined $options->{password} ) {
 and an empty record list.          $self->Password($options->{password});
 Use this method if you're creating a Keyring PDB from scratch.      return $self;
 =cut  sub import
 sub new  
 {  {
         my $classname   = shift;      Palm::PDB::RegisterPDBHandlers( __PACKAGE__, [ 'Gtkr', 'Gkyr' ], );
         my $pass = shift;      return 1;
         # Create a generic PDB. No need to rebless it, though.  # PackRecord
         my $self        = $classname->SUPER::new(@_);  
         $self->{name} = "Keys-Gtkr";    # Default  sub ParseRecord
         $self->{creator} = "Gtkr";  {
         $self->{type} = "Gkyr";      my $self     = shift;
         # The PDB is not a resource database by  
         # default, but it's worth emphasizing,  
         # since MemoDB is explicitly not a PRC.  
         $self->{attributes}{resource} = 0;  
         # Initialize the AppInfo block      my $rec = $self->SUPER::ParseRecord(@_);
         $self->{appinfo} = {};      return $rec if ! exists $rec->{data};
         # Add the standard AppInfo block stuff      if ($self->{version} == 4) {
         &Palm::StdAppInfo::seed_StdAppInfo($self->{appinfo});          # skip the first record because it contains the password.
           return $rec if ! exists $self->{records};
         # Set the version          my ( $name, $encrypted ) = split /$NULL/xm, $rec->{data}, 2;
         $self->{version} = 4;  
         # Give the PDB the first record that will hold the encrypted password          return $rec if ! $encrypted;
         $self->{records} = [ $self->new_Record ];          $rec->{name}      = $name;
           $rec->{encrypted} = $encrypted;
           delete $rec->{data};
         if ($pass) {      } elsif ($self->{version} == 5) {
                 $self->Encrypt($pass);          my $blocksize = $self->{appinfo}->{blocksize};
         }          my ($field, $extra) = _parse_field($rec->{data});
           my ($ivec, $encrypted) = unpack "A$blocksize A*", $extra;
         return $self;          if ($self->{options}->{v4compatible}) {
               $rec->{name} = $field->{data};
           } else {
               $rec->{name} = $field;
           $rec->{ivec}      = $ivec;
           $rec->{encrypted} = $encrypted;
       } else {
           # XXX Unsupported version!
       return $rec;
 }  }
 sub import  sub _parse_keyring_date
 {  {
         &Palm::PDB::RegisterPDBHandlers(__PACKAGE__,      my $data = shift;
                 [ "Gtkr", "Gkyr" ],  
                 );      my $u = unpack 'n', $data;
       my $year  = (($u & 0xFE00) >> 9) + 4; # since 1900
       my $month = (($u & 0x01E0) >> 5) - 1; # 0-11
       my $day   = (($u & 0x001F) >> 0);     # 1-31
       return {
           year   => $year,
           month  => $month || 0,
           day    => $day   || 1,
 }  }
 sub Load  # PackRecord
   sub PackRecord
 {  {
         my $self = shift;      my $self = shift;
         $self->{'appinfo'} = {};      my $rec  = shift;
         $self->{'records'} = [];  
         foreach my $record (@{ $self->{records} }) {      if ($self->{version} == 4) {
                 next unless exists $record->{data};          if ($rec->{encrypted}) {
                 my ($name, $encrypted) = split /\000/, $record->{data}, 2;              if (! defined $rec->{name}) {
                 next unless $encrypted;                  $rec->{name} = $EMPTY;
                 $record->{plaintext}->{name} = $name;              }
         $record->{encrypted} = $encrypted;              $rec->{data} = join $NULL, $rec->{name}, $rec->{encrypted};
         }              delete $rec->{name};
         1;              delete $rec->{encrypted};
       } elsif ($self->{version} == 5) {
           # XXX do something
       } else {
           # XXX Unsupported version!
       return $self->SUPER::PackRecord($rec, @_);
 }  }
 sub Write  sub _pack_keyring_date
 {  {
         my $self = shift;      my $d = shift;
         $self->Encrypt() || return undef;      my $year  = $d->{year};
         return $self->SUPER::Write(@_);      my $month = $d->{month};
       my $day   = $d->{day};
       $year -= 4;
       return pack 'n', $day | ($month << 5) | ($year << 9);
 }  }
 sub Encrypt  # ParseAppInfoBlock
   sub ParseAppInfoBlock
 {  {
         my $self = shift;      my $self = shift;
         my $pass = shift;      my $data = shift;
       my $appinfo = {};
       &Palm::StdAppInfo::parse_StdAppInfo($appinfo, $data);
         if ($pass) {      # int8/uint8
                 unless ($self->_keyring_verify($pass) ) {      # - Signed or Unsigned Byte (8 bits). C types: char, unsigned char
                         # This would encrypt with a new password.      # int16/uint16
                         # First decrypting everything with the old password of course.      # - Signed or Unsigned Word (16 bits). C types: short, unsigned short
                         $self->_keyring_update($pass) || return undef;      # int32/uint32
                         $self->_keyring_verify($pass) || return undef;      # - Signed or Unsigned Doubleword (32 bits). C types: int, unsigned int
                 }      # sz
         }      # - Zero-terminated C-style string
         $self->{digest} ||= _calc_keys($self->{password});      if ($self->{version} == 4) {
           # Nothing extra for version 4
         foreach my $record (@{ $self->{records} }) {      } elsif ($self->{version} == 5) {
                 next unless defined $record->{plaintext};          _parse_appinfo_v5($appinfo) || return;
                 my $name        = defined $record->{plaintext}->{name}        ?      } else {
                         $record->{plaintext}->{name}        : '';          # XXX Unknown version
                 my $account     = defined $record->{plaintext}->{account}     ?          return;
                         $record->{plaintext}->{account}     : '';      }
                 my $password    = defined $record->{plaintext}->{password}    ?  
                         $record->{plaintext}->{password}    : '';  
                 my $description = defined $record->{plaintext}->{description} ?  
                         $record->{plaintext}->{description} : '';  
                 my $extra       = '';  
                 my $plaintext = join("\000", $account, $password, $description, $extra);      return $appinfo;
                 my $encrypted = _crypt3des($plaintext, $self->{digest}, ENCRYPT);  sub _parse_appinfo_v5
       my $appinfo = shift;
                 $record->{data} = join("\000", $name, $encrypted);      if (! exists $appinfo->{other}) {
         }          # XXX Corrupt appinfo?
         return 1;      my $unpackstr
           = ("C1" x 8)  # 8 uint8s in an array for the salt
           . ("S1" x 2)  # the iter (uint16) and the cipher (uint16)
           . ("C1" x 8); # and finally 8 more uint8s for the hash
       my (@salt, $iter, $cipher, @hash);
       (@salt[0..7], $iter, $cipher, @hash[0..7])
           = unpack $unpackstr, $appinfo->{other};
       $appinfo->{salt}           = sprintf "%02x" x 8, @salt;
       $appinfo->{iter}           = $iter;
       $appinfo->{cipher}         = $cipher;
       $appinfo->{keylen}         = $CRYPTS[$appinfo->{cipher}]{keylen};
       $appinfo->{blocksize}      = $CRYPTS[$appinfo->{cipher}]{blocksize};
       $appinfo->{DES_odd_parity} = $CRYPTS[$appinfo->{cipher}]{DES_odd_parity};
       $appinfo->{cipher_name}    = $CRYPTS[$appinfo->{cipher}]{name};
       $appinfo->{masterhash}     = sprintf "%02x" x 8, @hash;
       delete $appinfo->{other};
       return $appinfo
 }  }
 sub Decrypt  # PackAppInfoBlock
   sub PackAppInfoBlock
 {  {
         my $self = shift;      my $self = shift;
         my $pass = shift;      my $retval;
         if ($pass) {      if ($self->{version} == 4) {
                 $self->_keyring_verify($pass) || return undef;          # Nothing to do for v4
         $self->{digest} ||= _calc_keys($self->{password});      } elsif ($self->{version} == 5) {
           croak("Unsupported version!");
           #$self->{appinfo}{other} = <pack application-specific data>;
       } else {
           # XXX Unknown version
       return &Palm::StdAppInfo::pack_StdAppInfo($self->{appinfo});
         foreach my $record (@{ $self->{records} }) {  # Encrypt
                 next unless defined $record->{data};  
                 my ($name, $encrypted) = split /\000/, $record->{data}, 2;  sub Encrypt
                 next unless $encrypted;  {
       my $self = shift;
       my $rec  = shift;
       my $data = shift;
       my $pass = shift || $self->{password};
                 $record->{plaintext}->{name} = $name;      if ( ! $pass && ! $self->{key}) {
           croak("password not set!\n");
                 my $decrypted = _crypt3des($encrypted, $self->{digest}, DECRYPT);      if ( ! $rec) {
                 my ($account, $password, $description, $extra)          croak("Needed parameter 'record' not passed!\n");
                       = split /\000/, $decrypted, 4;      }
                 $record->{plaintext}->{account}     = defined $account     ?      if ( ! $data) {
                         $account     : '';          croak("Needed parameter 'data' not passed!\n");
                 $record->{plaintext}->{password}    = defined $password    ?      }
                         $password    : '';  
                 $record->{plaintext}->{description} = defined $description ?  
                         $description : '';  
                 #print "Name:      '$name'\n";      if ( ! $self->Password($pass)) {
                 #print "Encrypted: '$encrypted' - Length: " . length($encrypted) . "\n";          croak("Incorrect Password!\n");
                 #print "    Hex:   '" . unpack("H*", $encrypted) . "'\n";      }
                 #print "    Binary:'" . unpack("b*", $encrypted) . "'\n";  
                 #print "Decrypted: '$decrypted' - Length: " . length($decrypted) . "\n";  
                 #print "    Hex:   '" . unpack("H*", $decrypted) . "'\n";  
                 #print "    Binary:'" . unpack("b*", $decrypted) . "'\n";  
                 #print "\n";  
                 #print "Extra: $extra\n";  
                 # print "Account:     $account\n";  
                 # print "Password:    $password\n";  
                 # print "Description: $description\n";  
         }      if ($self->{version} == 4) {
           $self->{digest} ||= _calc_keys( $pass );
           my $acct = {};
           if ($rec->{encrypted}) {
               $acct = $self->Decrypt($rec, $pass);
           my $encrypted = _encrypt_v4($data, $self->{digest}, $acct);
           if ($encrypted) {
               $rec->{attributes}{Dirty} = 1;
               $rec->{attributes}{dirty} = 1;
               $rec->{name}    ||= $data->{name};
               $rec->{encrypted} = $encrypted;
               return 1;
       } elsif ($self->{version} == 5) {
           croak("Unsupported version!");
           return _encrypt_v5(
               $rec->{encrypted}, $rec->{ivec}, $self->{key},
               $self->{appinfo}->{keylen}, $self->{appinfo}->{cipher_name},
       } else {
           # XXX Unsupported version!
         return 1;  sub _encrypt_v4
       my $data   = shift;
       my $digest = shift;
       my $acct   = shift;
       $data->{account}  ||= $EMPTY;
       $data->{password} ||= $EMPTY;
       $data->{notes}    ||= $EMPTY;
       my $changed      = 0;
       my $need_newdate = 0;
       if (%{ $acct }) {
           foreach my $key (keys %{ $data }) {
               next if $key eq 'lastchange';
               if ($data->{$key} ne $acct->{$key}) {
                   $changed = 1;
           if ( exists $data->{lastchange} && exists $acct->{lastchange} && (
               $data->{lastchange}->{day}   != $acct->{lastchange}->{day}   ||
               $data->{lastchange}->{month} != $acct->{lastchange}->{month} ||
               $data->{lastchange}->{year}  != $acct->{lastchange}->{year}
           )) {
               $changed = 1;
               $need_newdate = 0;
           } else {
               $need_newdate = 1;
       } else {
           $changed = 1;
       # no need to re-encrypt if it has not changed.
       return 1 if ! $changed;
       my ($day, $month, $year);
       if ($data->{lastchange} && ! $need_newdate ) {
           $day   = $data->{lastchange}->{day}   || 1;
           $month = $data->{lastchange}->{month} || 0;
           $year  = $data->{lastchange}->{year}  || 0;
           # XXX Need to actually validate the above information somehow
           if ($year >= 1900) {
               $year -= 1900;
       } else {
           $need_newdate = 1;
       if ($need_newdate) {
           ($day, $month, $year) = (localtime)[3,4,5];
       my $packeddate = _pack_keyring_date( {
               year  => $year,
               month => $month,
               day   => $day,
       my $plaintext = join $NULL,
           $data->{account}, $data->{password}, $data->{notes}, $packeddate;
       return _crypt3des( $plaintext, $digest, $ENCRYPT );
 }  }
 sub _calc_keys  # Decrypt
   sub Decrypt
 {  {
         my $pass = shift;      my $self = shift;
         die "No password defined!" unless defined $pass;      my $rec  = shift;
       my $pass = shift || $self->{password};
         my $digest = md5($pass);      if ( ! $pass && ! $self->{key}) {
           croak("password not set!\n");
         my ($key1, $key2) = unpack('a8a8', $digest);      if ( ! $rec) {
         #--------------------------------------------------          croak("Needed parameter 'record' not passed!\n");
         # print "key1: $key1: ", length $key1, "\n";      }
         # print "key2: $key2: ", length $key2, "\n";  
         $digest = unpack('H*', $key1 . $key2 . $key1);      if ( ! $self->Password($pass)) {
         #--------------------------------------------------          croak("Invalid Password!\n");
         # print "Digest: ", $digest, "\n";      }
         # print length $digest, "\n";  
         return $digest;      if ( ! $rec->{encrypted} ) {
           croak("No encrypted content!");
       if ($self->{version} == 4) {
           $self->{digest} ||= _calc_keys( $pass );
           my $acct = _decrypt_v4($rec->{encrypted}, $self->{digest});
           $acct->{name} ||= $rec->{name};
           return $acct;
       } elsif ($self->{version} == 5) {
           my $fields = _decrypt_v5(
               $rec->{encrypted}, $rec->{ivec}, $self->{key},
               $self->{appinfo}->{keylen}, $self->{appinfo}->{cipher_name},
           if ($self->{options}->{v4compatible}) {
               my %acct;
               foreach my $f (@{ $fields }) {
                   $acct{ $f->{label} } = $f->{data};
               $acct{name} ||= $rec->{name};
               return \%acct;
           } else {
               return $fields;
       } else {
           # XXX Unsupported version!
 }  }
 sub _keyring_verify  sub _decrypt_v4
 {  {
         my $self = shift;      my $encrypted = shift;
         my $pass = shift;      my $digest    = shift;
         die "No password specified!" unless $pass;      my $decrypted = _crypt3des( $encrypted, $digest, $DECRYPT );
         $self->{password} = $pass;      my ( $account, $password, $notes, $packeddate )
           = split /$NULL/xm, $decrypted, 4;
         # AFAIK the thing we use to test the password is      my $modified;
         #     always in the first entry      if ($packeddate) {
         my $data = $self->{records}->[0]->{data};          $modified = _parse_keyring_date($packeddate);
         #die "No encrypted password in file!" unless defined $data;      }
         return undef unless defined $data;  
         $data =~ s/\0$//;      return {
           account    => $account,
           password   => $password,
           notes      => $notes,
           lastchange => $modified,
         my $salt = substr($data, 0, $kSaltSize);  sub _decrypt_v5
       my $encrypted = shift;
       my $ivec      = shift;
       my $key       = shift;
       my $keylen    = shift;
       my $cipher    = shift;
         my $msg = $salt . $pass;      my $decrypted;
         $msg .= "\0" x (MD5_CBLOCK - length($msg));      if ($cipher eq 'None') {
           # do nothing
           $decrypted = $encrypted;
         my $digest = md5($msg);      } elsif ($cipher eq 'DES_EDE3' or $cipher eq 'Rijndael') {
           my $c = _setup_cipher_v5($ivec, $key, $keylen, $cipher);
           if (! $c) {
               croak("Unable to set up encryption!");
           $encrypted .= $NULL x $keylen; # pad out a keylen
           $decrypted  = $c->decrypt($encrypted);
         if ($data eq $salt . $digest) {      } else {
                 # May as well generate the keys we need now, since we know the password is right          # XXX Unknown encryption
                 $self->{digest} = _calc_keys($self->{password});          return;
                 if ($self->{digest}) {      }
                         return 1;  
                 } else {      my @fields;
                         return undef;      while ($decrypted) {
                 }          my $field;
         } else {          ($field, $decrypted) = _parse_field($decrypted);
                 return undef;          if (! $field) {
         }              last;
           push @fields, $field;
       return \@fields;
 }  }
 sub _keyring_update  # Password
   sub Password
 {  {
         # It is very important to Encrypt after calling this      my $self = shift;
         #     (Although it is generally only called by Encrypt)      my $pass = shift;
         # because otherwise the data will be out of sync with the      my $new_pass = shift;
         # password, and that would suck!  
         my $self = shift;  
         my $pass = shift;  
         die "No password specified!" unless $pass;      if (! $pass) {
           delete $self->{password};
           return 1;
         # if the database already has a password in it      if (! exists $self->{records}) {
         if ($self->{records}->[0]->{data}) {          # Give the PDB the first record that will hold the encrypted password
                 # Make sure everything is decrypted before we update the keyring          $self->{records} = [ $self->new_Record ];
                 $self->Decrypt() || return undef;  
         my $salt;          return $self->_password_update($pass);
         for (1..$kSaltSize) {      }
                 $salt .= chr(int(rand(255)));  
         my $msg = $salt . $pass;      if ($new_pass) {
           my @accts = ();
           foreach my $i (0..$#{ $self->{records} }) {
               if ($i == 0) {
                   push @accts, undef;
               my $acct = $self->Decrypt($self->{records}->[$i], $pass);
               if ( ! $acct ) {
                   croak("Couldn't decrypt $self->{records}->[$i]->{name}");
               push @accts, $acct;
         $msg .= "\0" x (MD5_CBLOCK - length($msg));          if ( ! $self->_password_update($new_pass)) {
               croak("Couldn't set new password!");
           $pass = $new_pass;
         my $digest = md5($msg);          foreach my $i (0..$#accts) {
               next if $i == 0;
               delete $self->{records}->[$i]->{encrypted};
               $self->Encrypt($self->{records}->[$i], $accts[$i], $pass);
         my $data = $salt . $digest;# . "\0";      if (defined $self->{password} && $pass eq $self->{password}) {
           # already verified this password
           return 1;
         # AFAIK the thing we use to test the password is      if ($self->{version} == 4) {
         #     always in the first entry          # AFAIK the thing we use to test the password is
         $self->{records}->[0]->{data} = $data;          #     always in the first entry
           my $valid = _password_verify_v4($pass, $self->{records}->[0]->{data});
         $self->{password} = $pass;  # May as well generate the keys we need now, since we know the password is right
         $self->{digest}   = _calc_keys($self->{password});          if ($valid) {
               $self->{digest} = _calc_keys($pass);
               if ($self->{digest} ) {
                   $self->{password} = $pass;
                   return 1;
       } elsif ($self->{version} == 5) {
           $self->{key} = _password_verify_v5($pass, $self->{appinfo});
           return 1 if $self->{key};
       } else {
           # XXX unsupported version
         return 1;      return;
 }  }
   sub _password_verify_v4
       my $pass = shift;
       my $data = shift;
 # XXX It looks like they are using des_ecb2_encrypt so I dunno if that is different      if (! $pass) { croak('No password specified!'); };
 sub _crypt3des {  
         my ( $plaintext, $passphrase, $flag ) = @_;  
         my $NULL = chr(0);  
         $passphrase .= ' ' x (16*3);      # XXX die "No encrypted password in file!" unless defined $data;
         my $cyphertext = "";      if ( ! defined $data) { return; };
         my $size = length ( $plaintext );      $data =~ s/$NULL$//xm;
         #print "STRING: '$plaintext' - Length: " . length($plaintext) . "\n";  
         my @C;      my $salt = substr $data, 0, $kSalt_Size;
         for ( 0..2 ) {  
                 $C[$_] = new Crypt::DES( pack( "H*", substr($passphrase, 16*$_, 16 )));  
       my $msg = $salt . $pass;
       $msg .= "\0" x ( $MD5_CBLOCK - length $msg );
 # XXX From Crypt::TripleDES      my $digest = md5($msg);
 # http://search.cpan.org/src/VIPUL/Crypt-TripleDES-0.24/lib/Crypt/TripleDES.pm  
 #    for ( 0 .. (($size)/8) -1 ) {  
 #     my $pt = substr( $plaintext, $_*8, 8 );  
 #        $pt = Crypt::PPDES::des_ecb_encrypt( $flag ? $keyvecs{0} : $keyvecs{2}, $flag, $pt );  
 #        $pt = Crypt::PPDES::des_ecb_encrypt( $keyvecs{1}, (not $flag), $pt );  
 #        $pt = Crypt::PPDES::des_ecb_encrypt( $flag ? $keyvecs{2} : $keyvecs{0}, $flag, $pt );  
 #        $cyphertext .= $pt;  
 #    }  
         for ( 0 .. (($size)/8)) {      if (! $data eq $salt . $digest ) {
                 my $pt = substr( $plaintext, $_*8, 8 );          return;
                 #print "PT: '$pt' - Length: " . length($pt) . "\n";      }
                 next unless length($pt);  
                 if (length($pt) < 8) {  
                         die "record not 8 byte padded" if  $flag == DECRYPT;  
                         my $len = 8 - length($pt);  
                         #print "LENGTH: $len\n";  
                         #print "Binary:    '" . unpack("b*", $pt) . "'\n";  
                         $pt .= ($NULL x $len);  
                         #print "PT: '$pt' - Length: " . length($pt) . "\n";  
                         #print "Binary:    '" . unpack("b*", $pt) . "'\n";  
                 if ($flag == ENCRYPT) {  
                         $pt = $C[0]->encrypt( $pt );  
                         $pt = $C[1]->decrypt( $pt );  
                         $pt = $C[2]->encrypt( $pt );  
                 } else {  
                         $pt = $C[0]->decrypt( $pt );  
                         $pt = $C[1]->encrypt( $pt );  
                         $pt = $C[2]->decrypt( $pt );  
                 #print "PT: '$pt' - Length: " . length($pt) . "\n";  
                 $cyphertext .= $pt;  
         $cyphertext =~ s/$NULL+$//;      return 1;
         #print "CT: '$cyphertext' - Length: " . length($cyphertext) . "\n";  }
         return $cyphertext;  sub _password_verify_v5
       my $pass    = shift;
       my $appinfo = shift;
       my $salt = pack("H*", $appinfo->{salt});
       my $key = _pbkdf2(
           $pass, $salt, $appinfo->{iter}, $appinfo->{keylen}, \&hmac_sha1
       if ($appinfo->{DES_odd_parity}) {
           $key = DES_odd_parity($key);
       my $newhash = unpack("H*", substr(sha1($key.$salt),0, 8));
       #print "Key:  '". unpack("H*", $key) . "'\n";
       #print "Hash: '". $newhash . "'\n";
       #print "Hash: '". $appinfo->{masterhash} . "'\n";
       if ($appinfo->{masterhash} eq $newhash) {
           $appinfo->{key} = $key;
       } else {
       return $key;
 }  }
   # V4 helpers
   sub _calc_keys
       my $pass = shift;
       if (! defined $pass) { croak('No password defined!'); };
       my $digest = md5($pass);
       my ( $key1, $key2 ) = unpack 'a8a8', $digest;
       # print "key1: $key1: ", length $key1, "\n";
       # print "key2: $key2: ", length $key2, "\n";
       $digest = unpack 'H*', $key1 . $key2 . $key1;
       # print "Digest: ", $digest, "\n";
       # print length $digest, "\n";
       return $digest;
   sub _crypt3des
       my ( $plaintext, $passphrase, $flag ) = @_;
       $passphrase   .= $SPACE x ( 16 * 3 );
       my $cyphertext = $EMPTY;
       my $size = length $plaintext;
       #print "STRING: '$plaintext' - Length: " . (length $plaintext) . "\n";
       my @C;
       for ( 0 .. 2 ) {
           $C[$_] =
             new Crypt::DES( pack 'H*', ( substr $passphrase, 16 * $_, 16 ));
       for ( 0 .. ( ($size) / 8 ) ) {
           my $pt = substr $plaintext, $_ * 8, 8;
           #print "PT: '$pt' - Length: " . length($pt) . "\n";
           if (! length $pt) { next; };
           if ( (length $pt) < 8 ) {
               if ($flag == $DECRYPT) { croak('record not 8 byte padded'); };
               my $len = 8 - (length $pt);
               $pt .= ($NULL x $len);
           if ( $flag == $ENCRYPT ) {
               $pt = $C[0]->encrypt($pt);
               $pt = $C[1]->decrypt($pt);
               $pt = $C[2]->encrypt($pt);
           else {
               $pt = $C[0]->decrypt($pt);
               $pt = $C[1]->encrypt($pt);
               $pt = $C[2]->decrypt($pt);
           #print "PT: '$pt' - Length: " . length($pt) . "\n";
           $cyphertext .= $pt;
       $cyphertext =~ s/$NULL+$//xm;
       #print "CT: '$cyphertext' - Length: " . length($cyphertext) . "\n";
       return $cyphertext;
   # V5 helpers
   sub _setup_cipher_v5
       my $ivec   = shift;
       my $key    = shift;
       my $keylen = shift;
       my $cipher = shift;
       return Crypt::CBC->new(
           -literal_key => 1,
           -key         => $key,
           -iv          => $ivec,
           -cipher      => $cipher,
           -keysize     => $keylen,
           -header      => 'none',
           -padding     => 'oneandzeroes',
   sub _parse_field
       my $field = shift;
       my @labels;
       $labels[0]   = 'name';
       $labels[1]   = 'account';
       $labels[2]   = 'password';
       $labels[3]   = 'lastchange';
       $labels[255] = 'notes';
       my ($len) = unpack "S1", $field;
       if ($len + 4 > length $field) {
           return undef, $field;
       my $unpackstr = "S1 C1 C1 A$len";
       if ($len % 2) {
           # trim the 0/1 byte padding for next even address.
           $unpackstr .= ' x'
       $unpackstr .= ' A*';
       my (undef, $label, $font, $data, $leftover)
           = unpack $unpackstr, $field;
       if ($label == 3) {
           $data = _parse_keyring_date($data);
       return {
           #len      => $len,
           label    => $labels[ $label ] || $label,
           label_id => $label,
           font     => $font,
           data     => $data,
       }, $leftover;
   # All version helpers
   sub _password_update
       # It is very important to Encrypt after calling this
       #     (Although it is generally only called by Encrypt)
       # because otherwise the data will be out of sync with the
       # password, and that would suck!
       my $self = shift;
       my $pass = shift;
       # XXX have to separate this out to v4 and v5 sections.
       die "Unsupported version" unless $self->{version} == 4;
       if (! defined $pass) { croak('No password specified!'); };
       my $salt;
       for ( 1 .. $kSalt_Size ) {
           $salt .= chr int rand 255;
       my $msg = $salt . $pass;
       $msg .= "\0" x ( $MD5_CBLOCK - length $msg );
       my $digest = md5($msg);
       my $data = $salt . $digest;    # . "\0";
       # AFAIK the thing we use to test the password is
       #     always in the first entry
       $self->{records}->[0]->{data} = $data;
       $self->{password} = $pass;
       $self->{digest}   = _calc_keys( $self->{password} );
       return 1;
   sub _hexdump
       my $prefix = shift;   # What to print in front of each line
       my $data = shift;     # The data to dump
       my $maxlines = shift; # Max # of lines to dump
       my $offset;           # Offset of current chunk
       for ($offset = 0; $offset < length($data); $offset += 16)
           my $hex;   # Hex values of the data
           my $ascii; # ASCII values of the data
           my $chunk; # Current chunk of data
           last if defined($maxlines) && ($offset >= ($maxlines * 16));
           $chunk = substr($data, $offset, 16);
           ($hex = $chunk) =~ s/./sprintf "%02x ", ord($&)/ges;
           ($ascii = $chunk) =~ y/\040-\176/./c;
           printf "%s %-48s|%-16s|\n", $prefix, $hex, $ascii;
   sub _bindump
       my $prefix = shift;   # What to print in front of each line
       my $data = shift;     # The data to dump
       my $maxlines = shift; # Max # of lines to dump
       my $offset;           # Offset of current chunk
       for ($offset = 0; $offset < length($data); $offset += 8)
           my $bin;   # binary values of the data
           my $ascii; # ASCII values of the data
           my $chunk; # Current chunk of data
           last if defined($maxlines) && ($offset >= ($maxlines * 8));
           $chunk = substr($data, $offset, 8);
           ($bin = $chunk) =~ s/./sprintf "%08b ", ord($&)/ges;
           ($ascii = $chunk) =~ y/\040-\176/./c;
           printf "%s %-72s|%-8s|\n", $prefix, $bin, $ascii;
   # Thanks to Jochen Hoenicke <hoenicke@gmail.com>
   # (one of the authors of Palm Keyring)
   # for these next two subs.
   # Usage pbkdf2(password, salt, iter, keylen, prf)
   # iter is number of iterations
   # keylen is length of generated key in bytes
   # prf is the pseudo random function (e.g. hmac_sha1)
   # returns the key.
   sub _pbkdf2($$$$$)
       my ($password, $salt, $iter, $keylen, $prf) = @_;
       my ($k, $t, $u, $ui, $i);
       $t = "";
       for ($k = 1; length($t) <  $keylen; $k++) {
       $u = $ui = &$prf($salt.pack('N', $k), $password);
       for ($i = 1; $i < $iter; $i++) {
           $ui = &$prf($ui, $password);
           $u ^= $ui;
       $t .= $u;
       return substr($t, 0, $keylen);
   sub DES_odd_parity($) {
       my $key = $_[0];
       my ($r, $i);
       my @odd_parity = (
     1,  1,  2,  2,  4,  4,  7,  7,  8,  8, 11, 11, 13, 13, 14, 14,
    16, 16, 19, 19, 21, 21, 22, 22, 25, 25, 26, 26, 28, 28, 31, 31,
    32, 32, 35, 35, 37, 37, 38, 38, 41, 41, 42, 42, 44, 44, 47, 47,
    49, 49, 50, 50, 52, 52, 55, 55, 56, 56, 59, 59, 61, 61, 62, 62,
    64, 64, 67, 67, 69, 69, 70, 70, 73, 73, 74, 74, 76, 76, 79, 79,
    81, 81, 82, 82, 84, 84, 87, 87, 88, 88, 91, 91, 93, 93, 94, 94,
    97, 97, 98, 98,100,100,103,103,104,104,107,107,109,109,110,110,
       for ($i = 0; $i< length($key); $i++) {
       $r .= chr($odd_parity[ord(substr($key, $i, 1))]);
       return $r;
 1;  1;
 __END__  __END__
   =head1 NAME
   Palm::Keyring - Handler for Palm Keyring databases.
   The Keyring PDB handler is a helper class for the Palm::PDB package. It
   parses Keyring for Palm OS databases.  See
   It has the standard Palm::PDB methods with 2 additional public methods.
   Decrypt and Encrypt.
   It currently supports the v4 Keyring databases.  The v5 databases from
   the pre-release keyring-2.0 are not supported.
   This module doesn't store the decrypted content.  It only keeps it until it
   returns it to you or encrypts it.
   =head1 SYNOPSIS
       use Palm::PDB;
       use Palm::Keyring;
       my $pass = 'password';
       my $file = 'Keys-Gtkr.pdb';
       my $pdb  = new Palm::PDB;
       foreach (0..$#{ $pdb->{records} }) {
           next if $_ = 0; # skip the password record
           my $rec  = $pdb->{records}->[$_];
           my $acct = $pdb->Decrypt($rec, $pass);
           print $rec->{name}, ' - ', $acct->{account}, "\n";
   =head2 new
       $pdb = new Palm::Keyring([$password]);
   Create a new PDB, initialized with the various Palm::Keyring fields
   and an empty record list.
   Use this method if you're creating a Keyring PDB from scratch otherwise you
   can just use Palm::PDB::new() before calling Load().
   If you pass in a password, it will initalize the first record with the encrypted
   =head2 Encrypt
       $pdb->Encrypt($rec, $acct[, $password]);
   Encrypts an account into a record, either with the password previously
   used, or with a password that is passed.
   $rec is a record from $pdb->{records} or a new_Record().
   $acct is a hashref in the format below.
       my $acct = {
           name       => $rec->{name},
           account    => $account,
           password   => $password,
           notes      => $notes,
           lastchange => {
               year  => 107, # years since 1900
               month =>   0, # 0-11, 0 = January, 11 = December
               day   =>  30, # 1-31, same as localtime
   If you have changed anything other than the lastchange, or don't pass in a
   lastchange key, Encrypt() will generate a new lastchange date for you.
   If you pass in a lastchange field that is different than the one in the
   record, it will honor what you passed in.
   Encrypt() only uses the $acct->{name} if there is not already a $rec->{name}.
   =head2 Decrypt
       my $acct = $pdb->Decrypt($rec[, $password]);
   Decrypts the record and returns a hashref for the account as described
   under Encrypt().
       foreach (0..$#{ $pdb->{records}) {
           next if $_ == 0;
           my $rec = $pdb->{records}->[$_];
           my $acct = $pdb->Decrypt($rec[, $password]);
           # do something with $acct
   =head2 Password
       $pdb->Password([$password[, $new_password]]);
   Either sets the password to be used to crypt, or if you pass $new_password,
   changes the password on the database.
   If you have created a new $pdb, and you didn't set a password when you
   called new(), you only need to pass one password and it will set that as
   the password.
   If nothing is passed, it forgets the password that it was remembering.
   =head1 THANKS
   I would like to thank the helpful Perlmonk shigetsu who gave me some great advice
   and helped me get my first module posted.  L<http://perlmonks.org/?node_id=596998>
   I would also like to thank
   Johan Vromans
   E<lt>jvromans@squirrel.nlE<gt> --
   He had his own Palm::KeyRing module that he posted a couple of days before
   mine was ready and he was kind enough to let me have the namespace as well
   as giving me some very helpful hints about doing a few things that I was
   unsure of.  He is really great.
   Please report any bugs or feature requests to
   C<bug-palm-keyring at rt.cpan.org>, or through the web interface at
   L<http://rt.cpan.org>.  I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be
   notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
 =head1 AUTHOR  =head1 AUTHOR
 Andrew Fresh E<lt>andrew@mad-techies.org<gt>  Andrew Fresh E<lt>andrew@cpan.orgE<gt>
   Copyright 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Andrew Fresh, All Rights Reserved.
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
 =head1 SEE ALSO  =head1 SEE ALSO
 Palm::PDB(3)  Palm::PDB(3)
 Palm::StdAppInfo(3)  Palm::StdAppInfo(3)
 =cut  The Keyring for Palm OS website:
   Johan Vromans also has a wxkeyring app that now uses this module, available
   from his website at L<http://www.vromans.org/johan/software/sw_palmkeyring.html>

Removed from v.1.10  
changed lines
  Added in v.1.28

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