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File: [local] / palm / Palm-Keyring / examples / example3.pl (download)

Revision 1.12, Wed Dec 16 22:54:55 2009 UTC (14 years, 9 months ago) by andrew
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.11: +2 -1 lines

handy dandy (but wrong) getting of names.

# $RedRiver: example3.pl,v 1.11 2008/09/17 14:49:50 andrew Exp $
# palmkeyring.pl *** a command line client for Keyring databases.
# 2007.02.10 #*#*# andrew fresh <andrew@cpan.org>
# Copyright (C) 2007 by Andrew Fresh
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the same terms as Perl itself.
use strict;
use warnings;

use Getopt::Long;
use Term::ReadLine;

use Palm::PDB;
use Palm::Keyring;

my $Default_File = $ENV{'HOME'} . '/.jpilot/Keys-Gtkr.pdb';
my $PDBFile;
my $Categories;
my $Names;
my $Accounts;
my $Action_List;
my $Action_Show;

my $result = GetOptions (
	"file|f=s"        => \$PDBFile,
	"categories|c:s@" => \$Categories,
	"name|n=s@"       => \$Names,
	"account|a=s@"    => \$Accounts,
	"list|l"          => \$Action_List,
	"show|s"          => \$Action_Show,

$PDBFile ||= $Default_File;
my $pdb = new Palm::PDB();
$pdb->Load($PDBFile) || die "Couldn't load '$PDBFile': $!";

if ($Action_List) {
} elsif ($Action_Show) {
	push @{ $Names }, @ARGV;
} elsif (defined $Categories) {
} else {


sub show_list
	print "Showing List\n";
	foreach my $r (@{ $pdb->{records} }) {
		my $category = 
			$pdb->{appinfo}->{categories}->[ $r->{category} ]->{name};

		my $matched = 0;
		foreach my $cat (@{ $Categories }) {
			$matched++ if uc($category) eq uc($cat);
		foreach my $name (@{ $Names}) {
			$matched++ if uc($r->{'name'}) eq uc($name);
		next if ( @{ $Categories } || @{ $Names } ) && not $matched;

		# XXX Fix up formatting
		print $r->{plaintext}->{0}->{data} .
			":" .
			$r->{category} . 
			":" .
			$category .

sub show_categories
	foreach my $c (sort @{ $pdb->{'appinfo'}->{'categories'} }) {
		next unless $c->{'name'};
		# Fix formatting
		print $c->{'name'}, "\n";

sub show_items
	get_password() || die "Couldn't decrypt file!";
	foreach (0..$#{ $pdb->{'records'} }) {
		my $r = $pdb->{'records'}->[$_];
		my $category = 
			$pdb->{'appinfo'}->{'categories'}->[ $r->{'category'} ]->{'name'};

		my $matched = 0;
		foreach my $cat (@{ $Categories }) {
			$matched++ if uc($category) eq uc($cat);
		foreach my $name (@{ $Names}) {
			$matched++ if uc($r->{plaintext}->{0}->{data}) eq uc($name);
		next if ( @{ $Categories } || @{ $Names } ) && not $matched;

        	my $a = $pdb->Decrypt($r);

		$matched = 0;
		foreach my $account (@{ $Accounts }) {
			$matched++ if uc($a->{1}->{data}) eq uc($account);
		next if ( @{ $Accounts } ) && not $matched;

		# XXX Fix up formatting
		print $a->{0}->{data} .  "\n\t" .
			"Category: " . $category .  "\n\t" .
			"Account:  " . $a->{1}->{data} .  "\n\t" .
			"Password: " . $a->{2}->{data} .  "\n";
			print "\tNotes: " . $a->{255}->{data} . "\n" if $a->{255}->{data};


sub add_item
	die "not implemented!";

sub delete_item
	die "not implemented!";

sub get_password
	while (1) {
		print "Enter Password: ";

		system("stty", "-echo");
		chop(my $read = <STDIN>);
        system("stty", "echo");
        print "\n";

		$read =~ s/^\s*//;
		$read =~ s/\s*$//;

		#return 1 if
		$pdb->Password($read) && return 1;
		#print Dump $read, $pdb;
	return undef;

sub help
	print STDERR "$0 [options] action\n";
	exit 255;