Forward-thinking Development -- 20 minutes This is the story about a couple of super useful modules I wrote for the project I've been working on and how, although they started out having a specific purpose, they turned out to be very useful and have been moving closer and closer to the CPAN because I solved the more general problem. Building on these examples, this talk will give you tips for solving not only the problem at hand but also creating a generalized solution for similar problems in the future. --- Writing your own tools for development - 50 minutes My development style is to keep my environment as simple as possible, but no simpler. To that end I've written some tools that make writing and testing perl better, from a customer request that became a tool for load testing to a ruby tool I saw in a video and desired so much I just had to reproduce it. I have examples of making it easier to use NYTProf in our environment and how our darkpan and Carton are making my life better as well as some of the ways I've made writing tests easier and getting coworkers to write more of them. Whether you use my ideas or just find strategies for coming up with your own, you should come away thinking about what gets in your way and how you can add tools ways to improve your development process, code, and life.