# === EDIT FILE LOCATIONS BELOW === if [ ! -z $TODO_PROJECT ]; then TODO_PROJECT=/${TODO_PROJECT} fi # Your todo.txt directory #export TODO_DIR="/Users/gina/Documents/todo" #export TODO_DIR="C:/Documents and Settings/gina/My Documents" #export TODO_DIR=${HOME}/public_html/todo${TODO_PROJECT} export TODO_DIR=t/ # Your todo/done/report.txt locations export TODO_FILE="$TODO_DIR/todo1.txt" export DONE_FILE="$TODO_DIR/done.txt" export REPORT_FILE="$TODO_DIR/report.txt" export TMP_FILE="$TODO_DIR/todo.tmp" # You can customize your actions directory location #export TODO_ACTIONS_DIR="$HOME/.todo.actions.d" # == EDIT FILE LOCATIONS ABOVE === # === COLOR MAP === ## If you have re-mapped your color codes, you may need to ## over-ride by uncommenting and editing these defaults. # export BLACK='\\033[0;30m' # export RED='\\033[0;31m' # export GREEN='\\033[0;32m' # export BROWN='\\033[0;33m' # export BLUE='\\033[0;34m' # export PURPLE='\\033[0;35m' # export CYAN='\\033[0;36m' # export LIGHT_GREY='\\033[0;37m' # export DARK_GREY='\\033[1;30m' # export LIGHT_RED='\\033[1;31m' # export LIGHT_GREEN='\\033[1;32m' # export YELLOW='\\033[1;33m' # export LIGHT_BLUE='\\033[1;34m' # export LIGHT_PURPLE='\\033[1;35m' # export LIGHT_CYAN='\\033[1;36m' # export WHITE='\\033[1;37m' # export DEFAULT='\\033[0m' # === PRIORITY COLORS === ## Priorities can be any upper-case letter. ## Colors are supported for the first three. ## Uncomment and edit to override these defaults. # export PRI_A=$YELLOW # color for A priority # export PRI_B=$GREEN # color for B priority # export PRI_C=$LIGHT_BLUE # color for C priority # export PRI_X=$WHITE # color for rest of them # === BEHAVIOR === ## customize list output # # TODOTXT_SORT_COMMAND will filter after line numbers are # inserted, but before colorization, and before hiding of # priority, context, and project. # # export TODOTXT_SORT_COMMAND='env LC_COLLATE=C sort -f -k2' # TODOTXT_FINAL_FILTER will filter list output after colorization, # priority hiding, context hiding, and project hiding. That is, # just before the list output is displayed. # # export TODOTXT_FINAL_FILTER='cat'