RCS file: /cvs/todotxt/Text-Todo/t/dudelicious.t,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -r1.3 -r1.5
--- todotxt/Text-Todo/t/dudelicious.t 2010/04/29 05:50:33 1.3
+++ todotxt/Text-Todo/t/dudelicious.t 2010/04/30 02:42:20 1.5
@@ -29,68 +29,36 @@
my $t = Test::Mojo->new;
-# Index page
+my @exts = ( q{}, '.html', '.txt', '.json' );
- q{
- todo1
- -
-(B) +GarageSale @phone schedule Goodwill pickup
- -
-+GarageSale @home post signs around the neighborhood DUE:2006-08-01
- -
-X eat meatballs @home
- -
-(A) @phone thank Mom for the meatballs WAIT
- -
+foreach my $p (
+ '/',
+ ( map { '/l/todo1' . $_ } @exts ),
+ ( map { '/l/todo1/e/1' . $_ } @exts ),
+ ( map { '/l/todo1/e/4' . $_ } @exts ),
+ ( map { '/l/todo1/t' . $_ } @exts ),
+ ( map { '/l/todo1/t/project' . $_ } @exts ),
+ ( map { '/l/todo1/t/context' . $_ } @exts ),
+ )
+ my ( $volume, $directories, $file ) = File::Spec->splitpath($p);
- -
-@shopping Eskimo pies
- -
-email andrew@cpan.org for help +report_bug @wherever
- -
-x 2009-01-01 completed with a date
+ $file ||= 'index.html';
+ $file .= '.html' if $file !~ /\.[^.]+$/xms;
- q{(B) +GarageSale @phone schedule Goodwill pickup
-+GarageSale @home post signs around the neighborhood DUE:2006-08-01
-X eat meatballs @home
-(A) @phone thank Mom for the meatballs WAIT
+ my $f = File::Spec->catfile( 't', 'dudelicious', $volume, $directories,
+ $file );
-@shopping Eskimo pies
-email andrew@cpan.org for help +report_bug @wherever
-x 2009-01-01 completed with a date
+SKIP: {
+ skip "$f does not exist", 3 if !-e $f;
- q{
- Funky!
- (B) +GarageSale @phone schedule Goodwill pickup
+ diag("Getting [$f] from [$p]");
+ open my $fh, '<', $f or die $f . ': ' . $!;
+ $t->get_ok($p)->status_is(200)->content_is(
+ do { local $/; <$fh> }
+ );
+ close $fh;
+ }
- q{(B) +GarageSale @phone schedule Goodwill pickup