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File: [local] / nagios / check_hw_sensors / check_hw_sensors (download)

Revision 1.14, Thu May 4 01:30:29 2006 UTC (18 years, 2 months ago) by andrew
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.13: +6 -4 lines

I thought I checked this in already

#!/usr/bin/perl -T
# $RedRiver: check_hw_sensors,v 1.13 2006/05/03 22:16:42 andrew Exp $
# check_hw_sensors *** A nagios check for OpenBSD hw.sensors
# 2006.05.01 #*#*# andrew fresh <andrew@mad-techies.org>
# TODO: 
#   Really need real documentation.
#   I want the ability to just check the "status" entry that is in 
#   some output.  For example the OK here:
#     hw.sensors.1=esm0, CPU 1, OK, temp, 31.00 degC / 87.80 degF
use strict;
use warnings;

#use Data::Dumper;

%ENV = ();

use constant NAGIOS_OUTPUT => 1;

use POSIX;
use lib "/usr/local/libexec/nagios";
use utils qw($TIMEOUT %ERRORS &print_revision &support);

use Getopt::Long;

my $PROGNAME = "check_hw_sensors";

my $SYSCTL = '/sbin/sysctl';
my $GETCAP = '/usr/bin/getcap';
my $BASE   = 'hw.sensors';
my $DEFAULT_CONFIG = '/etc/sensorsd.conf';

my $state = 'UNKNOWN'; # tells whether the it is warning, critical, or OK
my %states; # This stores the count of states;
my $filename;
my $sensor;
my $warning;
my $critical;
my $opt_h;
my $opt_V;


#Option checking
my $status = GetOptions(
	"version|V"    => \$opt_V,
	"help|h"       => \$opt_h,
	"filename|f:s" => \$filename,
	"sensor|s=s"   => \$sensor,
	"warning|w=s"  => \$warning,
	"critical|c=s" => \$critical,
# set the default this way so it only happens if someone typed -f or --filename
$filename = $DEFAULT_CONFIG if (defined $filename && $filename eq '');

if ($status == 0) {
	print_help() ;
	exit $ERRORS{'OK'};

if ($opt_V) {
	print_revision($PROGNAME,'$Revision: 1.14 $ ');
	exit $ERRORS{'OK'};

if ($opt_h) {
	exit $ERRORS{'OK'};

unless ( ( 
         	defined $filename ||
         	(defined $sensor && ($warning || $critical))
         ) && 
         ( (!defined $filename) || (!defined $sensor) )
) {
	exit $ERRORS{'OK'};

if (defined $sensor) {
	if ($sensor !~ /^$BASE/) {
		$sensor = $BASE . '.' . $sensor;
	$CHECK_SENSOR = $sensor;

	$CHECKS{$sensor} = {
		'warn' => $warning,
		'crit' => $critical,
} elsif (defined $filename) {
	%CHECKS = parse_file($filename);

open my $sysctl, "-|", $SYSCTL, $CHECK_SENSOR 
    or die "Couldn't open sysctl: $!";
while (<$sysctl>) {
#while (<>) {
	my ($id, $output) = split /=/;
	my @o = split /,\s*/, $output;

	my $source = $o[0];
	my $descr  = $o[1];
	my $status = $o[2] if @o == 5;
	my $type   = $o[-2];
	my $data   = $o[-1];

	$SENSORS{$id} = {
		id          => $id,
		output      => $output,
		source      => $source,
		description => $descr,
		status      => $status,
		type        => $type,
		data        => $data,
close $sysctl;

sub as_if_numeric {
	my $_a = $a;
	my $_b = $b;
	$_a =~ s/\D//g;
	$_b =~ s/\D//g;
	$_a <=> $_b;

foreach my $check (sort as_if_numeric keys %CHECKS) {
	if (exists $SENSORS{$check}) {
		my $r = check_sensor($CHECKS{$check}, $SENSORS{$check});
		push @{ $states{ $r } }, 
			$check . '=' . $SENSORS{$check}{'output'};
	} else {
		push @{ $states{'UNKNOWN'} }, $check . '=No sensor with this id';

#print Dumper \%states;

$state = 'OK';
my $have_results = 0;
foreach my $error (sort { $ERRORS{$a} <=> $ERRORS{$b} } keys %ERRORS) {
	if (exists $states{$error}) {
		$state = $error;
foreach my $error (sort { $ERRORS{$b} <=> $ERRORS{$a} } keys %ERRORS) {
	if (exists $states{$error}) {
			print "$error (" . scalar(@{ $states{ $error } }) . ")";
			unless ($error eq 'OK') {
				print '<br>';
				print map { " - $_<br>" } @{ $states{ $error } };
		} else {
			print "$error (" . scalar(@{ $states{ $error } }) . "):\n";
			foreach (@{ $states{ $error } }) {
				print "   $_\n";
if ($have_results == 0) {
	print "No results found\n";
exit $ERRORS{$state};

sub parse_file {
	my $filename = shift;
	my %contents;

	open my $fh, '-|', $GETCAP, '-a', '-f', $filename 
		or die "Couldn't open FILE '$GETCAP -a -f $filename': $!";
	while (<$fh>) {
		my ($key, @c) = split /\:/;
		foreach (@c) {
			my ($k, $v) = split /\=/;
			$contents{$key}{$k} = $v;
	close $fh;

	return %contents;

sub parse_check {
	my $type  = shift;
	my $check = shift;

	foreach my $code ('crit', 'warn') {
		if (defined $check->{$code} && $check->{$code} =~ /:/) {
			if (my ($low, $high) = split /:/, $check->{$code}) {
				$check->{$code . '.low'}  = $low;
				$check->{$code . '.high'} = $high;
			delete $check->{$code};

		foreach my $severity ('low', 'high') {
			if (defined $check->{$severity}) {
				$check->{ $code . '.' . $severity } = $check->{$severity} 
					unless defined $check->{ $code . '.' . $severity };
		no warnings 'uninitialized';
		$check->{$code} = [ split /,\s*/, $check->{$code} ];

	return $check;

sub check_sensor {
	my $check  = shift;
	my $sensor = shift;
	my $result = 'UNKNOWN';
	my %errors = (
		'warn' => 'WARNING',
		'crit' => 'CRITICAL',

	return $result unless ref $sensor eq 'HASH';

	$check = parse_check($sensor->{'type'}, $check);
	#print Dumper $check, $sensor;

	$result = 'OK';

	foreach my $code ('warn', 'crit') {
		if (
			$sensor->{'type'} eq 'volts_dc' ||
			$sensor->{'type'} eq 'fanrpm'   ||
			$sensor->{'type'} eq 'raw'
		) {
			my $data = $sensor->{'data'};
			$data =~ s/[^\d\.]//g;
			unless (length $data) {
				warn "INVALID DATA ($sensor->{'data'}) for '$sensor->{'id'}'";

			if (
				defined $check->{$code . ".low"} ||
				defined $check->{$code . ".high"}
			) {
				if (defined $check->{$code . ".low"}) {
					my $c =  $check->{$code . ".low"};
					$c =~ s/[^\d\.]//g;
					unless (length $c) {
						warn "INVALID CHECK (" . $check->{$code . ".low"} .
						      ") for '$sensor->{'id'}:$code.low'";

					$result = $errors{$code} 
						if ($c >= $data);
				if (defined $check->{$code . ".high"}) {
					my $c =  $check->{$code . ".high"};
					$c =~ s/[^\d\.]//g;
					unless (length $c) {
						warn "INVALID CHECK (" . $check->{$code . ".high"} .
						      ") for '$sensor->{'id'}:$code.high'";

					$result = $errors{$code} 
						if ($c <= $data);
			} elsif (@{ $check->{$code} }) {
				my $matched = 0;
				foreach my $c (@{ $check->{$code} }) {
					$c =~ s/[^\d\.]//g;
					unless (length $c) {
						warn "INVALID CHECK (" . $c .
						      ") for '$sensor->{'id'}:$code'";

					if ($_ eq $data) {
						$matched = 1;
				$result = $errors{$code} unless $matched;

		} elsif ($sensor->{'type'} eq 'temp') {
			my ($degC, $degF) = split /\//, $sensor->{'data'};
			$degC =~ s/[^\d\.]//g;
			$degF =~ s/[^\d\.]//g;
			if (
				defined $check->{$code . ".low"} ||
				defined $check->{$code . ".high"}
			) {
				if (defined $check->{$code . ".low"}) {
					my $c =  $check->{$code . ".low"};
					my $data = $degC;

					$data = $degF if ($c =~ /F/i);
 					unless (length $data) {
						warn "INVALID DATA (" . $sensor->{'data'} .
							  ") for '$sensor->{'id'}'";

					$c =~ s/[^\d\.]//g;
					unless (length $c) {
						warn "INVALID CHECK (" . $check->{$code . ".low"} .
							 ") for '$sensor->{'id'}':$code.low";

					$result = $errors{$code} 
						if ($c >= $data);
				if (defined $check->{$code . ".high"}) {
					my $c =  $check->{$code . ".high"};

					my $data = $degC;
					$data = $degF if ($c =~ /F/i);
 					unless (length $data) {
						warn "INVALID DATA (" . $sensor->{'data'} .
							  ") for '$sensor->{'id'}'";

					$c =~ s/[^\d\.]//g;
					unless (length $c) {
						warn "INVALID CHECK (" . $check->{$code . ".high"} .
							 ") for '$sensor->{'id'}:$code.high'";

					$result = $errors{$code} 
						if ($c <= $data);
			} elsif (@{ $check->{$code} }) {

				my $matched = 0;
				foreach my $c (@{ $check->{$code} }) {
					my $data = $degC;

					$data = $degF if ($c =~ /F/i);
 					unless (length $data) {
						warn "INVALID DATA (" . $sensor->{'data'} .
							  ") for '$sensor->{'id'}'";

					$c =~ s/[^\d\.]//g;
					unless (length $c) {
						warn "INVALID CHECK (" . $c .
							 ") for '$sensor->{'id'}':$code";

					if ($_ eq $data) {
						$matched = 1;
				$result = $errors{$code} unless $matched;

		} elsif (
			$sensor->{'type'} eq 'drive' ||
			$sensor->{'type'} eq 'indicator'
		) {
			if (@{ $check->{$code} }) {
				my $matched = 0;
				foreach (@{ $check->{$code} }) {
					if ($_ eq $sensor->{'data'}) {
						$matched = 1;
				$result = $errors{$code} unless $matched;

		} else {
			$result = 'UNKNOWN';


	return $result;

sub print_help {
	print <<EOL;
$PROGNAME plugin for Nagios monitors sysctl hw.sensors on OpenBSD
    $PROGNAME (-f [<FILENAME>]|(-s <hw.sensors id> -w limit -c limit))

    -f, --filename=FILE
        FILE to load checks from (defaults to /etc/sensorsd.conf)
    -s, --sensor=ID
        ID of a single sensor.  "-s 0" means hw.sensors.0.
    -w, --warning=RANGE or single ENTRY
        Exit with WARNING status if outside of RANGE or if != ENTRY
    -c, --critical=RANGE or single ENTRY
        Exit with CRITICAL status if outside of RANGE or if != ENTRY

    -h (--help)       usage help

FILE is in the same format as sensorsd.conf(5) plus some additional
entries.  These additional entries in the file are ignored by

$PROGNAME understands the following entries:

    low, high, crit, warn, crit.low, crit.high, warn.low, warn.high

An ENTRY depends on the type.  The descriptions in sensorsd.conf(5)
can be used when appropriate, or you can use the following:

    volts_dc, fanrpm or raw - Anything that includes digits.
    Both the value of the check and the value of the sensor
    response that are not either a digit or period are stripped
    and then the two resultant values are compared.

    temp - Can be as above, but if the entry has an F in it,
    it compares farenheit, otherwise it uses celcius.

    indicator or drive - does a case sensitive match of each
    entry in the comma separated list and if it does not match
    any of the entries, it matches the status.

The entries 'crit' or 'warn' (or the -c or -w on the command line)
may be a RANGE or a comma separated list of acceptable values.
The comma separated list of values contains a list of things that
will NOT cause the status.  This is possibly counterintuitive, but
you are more likely to know good values than bad values.

A RANGE is a low ENTRY and a high ENTRY separated by a colon (:).
It can also be low: or :high with the other side left blank to only
make the single check..

	print_revision($PROGNAME, '$Revision: 1.14 $');