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File: [local] / nagios / check_bioctl / check_bioctl (download)

Revision 1.1, Thu Jul 27 00:02:43 2006 UTC (17 years, 10 months ago) by andrew
Branch: MAIN

add the fancy new check_bioctl.  It should be t3h r0x0rZ

#!/usr/bin/perl -T
# $RedRiver$
# check_bioctl *** A nagios check for OpenBSD bioctl
# 2006.07.26 #*#*# andrew fresh <andrew@mad-techies.org>
# TODO: 
#   Really need real documentation.
use strict;
use warnings;

#use Data::Dumper;

%ENV = ();

use constant NAGIOS_OUTPUT => 1;

use POSIX;
use lib "/usr/local/libexec/nagios";
use utils qw($TIMEOUT %ERRORS &print_revision &support);

use Getopt::Long;

my $PROGNAME = "check_bioctl";
my $BIOCTL = '/sbin/bioctl';

my %Status_Map = (
	Online      => 'OK',
	Offline     => 'WARNING',
	Degraded    => 'CRITICAL',
	Failed      => 'CRITICAL',
	Building    => 'WARNING',
	Rebuild     => 'WARNING',
	'Hot spare' => 'OK',
	Unused      => 'OK',
	Scrubbing   => 'WARNING',
	Invalid     => 'CRITICAL',

my $state = 'UNKNOWN'; # tells whether the it is warning, critical, or OK
my %states; # This stores the count of states;
my $device;
my $opt_h;
my $opt_V;

#Option checking
my $status = GetOptions(
	"version|V"    => \$opt_V,
	"help|h"       => \$opt_h,
	"device|d=s"   => \$device,

if ($status == 0) {
	print_help() ;
	exit $ERRORS{'OK'};

if ($opt_V) {
	print_revision($PROGNAME,'$Revision: 1.1 $ ');
	exit $ERRORS{'OK'};

if ($opt_h || not $device) {
	exit $ERRORS{'OK'};

my %DISKS;
open my $bioctl, "-|", $BIOCTL, $device or die "Couldn't open bioctl: $!";
my $volume_id;
while (<$bioctl>) {
	# Do these by columns cuZ that is the easiest for now
	# Volume  Status     Size           Device
	my @o = unpack("A6 A1 A11 A15 A7 A9 A*",  $_);
	next if $o[0] eq 'Volume';

	foreach (@o) {

	#print Dumper \@o;

	my ($controller, $id, $status, $size, $dev, $details, $name) = @o;

	if ($controller) {
		$volume_id = $id;

		$VOLUMES{$volume_id} = {
			controller => $controller,
			id         => $volume_id,
			status     => $status,
			size       => $size,
			device     => $dev,
			details    => $details,
			name       => $name,

	if ($dev =~ /^\d+:\d+/) {
		$DISKS{$volume_id}{$id} = {
			volume      => $VOLUMES{$volume_id},
			id          => $id,
			status      => $status,
			size        => $size,
			device      => $dev,
			details     => $details,
			name        => $name,

close $bioctl;

#print Dumper \%VOLUMES, \%DISKS;

foreach my $volume (sort keys %VOLUMES) {
	next if $VOLUMES{$volume}{'device'} =~ /^\d+:\d+/;
	my $cur_state = $Status_Map{ $VOLUMES{$volume}{'status'} } ?
		$Status_Map{ $VOLUMES{$volume}{'status'} } :
	push @{ $states{$cur_state} }, sprintf("%5s %-7s %s",

foreach my $volume (sort keys %DISKS) {
	foreach my $disk (sort keys %{ $DISKS{$volume} }) {
		my $cur_state = $Status_Map{ $DISKS{$volume}{$disk}{'status'} } ?
			$Status_Map{ $DISKS{$volume}{$disk}{'status'} } :
		push @{ $states{$cur_state} }, sprintf("%5s %-7s %-11s %s",

#print Dumper \%states;

$state = 'OK';
my $have_results = 0;
foreach my $error (sort { $ERRORS{$a} <=> $ERRORS{$b} } keys %ERRORS) {
	if (exists $states{$error}) {
		$state = $error;
foreach my $error (sort { $ERRORS{$b} <=> $ERRORS{$a} } keys %ERRORS) {
	if (exists $states{$error}) {
			print "$error (" . scalar(@{ $states{ $error } }) . ")";
			unless ($error eq 'OK') {
				print '<br>';
				print map { " - $_<br>" } @{ $states{ $error } };
		} else {
			print "$error (" . scalar(@{ $states{ $error } }) . "):\n";
			print map { "    $_\n" } @{ $states{ $error } };
if ($have_results == 0) {
	print "No results found\n";
exit $ERRORS{$state};

sub print_help {
	print <<EOL;
$PROGNAME plugin for Nagios monitors bioctl on OpenBSD
    $PROGNAME -d <device>

    -d, --device=DEVICE
        DEVICE to check.  Can either be a disk, as in sd0 
		or a raid card like ami0
    -h (--help)       usage help
	-V (--version)    version information

	print_revision($PROGNAME, '$Revision: 1.1 $');